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1、有关对精神分析学派的人格理论对我国儿童教育的启示的有关对精神分析学派的人格理论对我国儿童教育的启示的探析中英文对照探析中英文对照The analysis of the revelation of personality theory on the education of our children to the spirit in Chinese and English.在席卷全球的教育改革浪潮中,人格教育的重要性越来越受到人们的关注。在众多的人格 理论中精神分析学派的人格理论脱颖而出受到了人们普遍的重视。本文对精神分析学派其 中 In the global wave of education

2、 reform, the importance of personality education has been paid more and more attention. In the theory of personality in many psychoanalytic personality theory talent showing itself school attracted much attention. In this paper, the spirit of the school which 几位代表人物的人格理论进行梳理,并重点突出新精神分析学派人格理论的鲜明特点。目

3、的在于探究其深层的教育价值,挖掘精神分析学派的人格理论对儿童健康心理教育的启示。The personality theory several representatives of the comb, and highlights the new spirit of the distinctive features of the personality theory of school. Objective to explore the deep education value, the theory of personality mining psychoanalysis of childre

4、n mental health education.精神分析学说是现代西方心理学主要流派之一,一经问世不仅在心理学界引起强烈的 反响,而且也一直影响着文学、哲学、伦理学、美学、社会学等领域。如此可见,精神分 析 Psychoanalytic theory is one of the main schools of modern western psychology, one by the advent of not only caused a strong reaction in the field of psychology, but also has great influence on

5、literature, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, sociology etc. So visible, psychoanalysis 理论的影响之巨大。尽管精神分析理论自身存在缺陷,受到人们的批评和质疑。但是,随 着时代的发展,诞生近百年的精神分析学说仍具有旺盛的生命力,这不仅与弗洛伊德本人 的 The influence of great theory. Although the psychoanalytic theory has its own defects, criticized and questioned. However, with the

6、development of the times, psychoanalysis was born nearly a hundred years still has strong vitality, which not only with Freuds 声望有关,更重要的是弗洛伊德的后继者新精神分析学派,并未把弗洛伊德和他的著作 当作不可怀疑的偶像和一成不变的经典。他们对弗洛伊德的精神分析理论既有抛弃又有继 承 On the prestige, more important is the successor to Freud - the new spirit of the school, di

7、d not put Freud and his works as the unquestioned idol and immutable and frozen classic. They psychoanalytic theory of Freud has abandoned and inheritance 更有发展。其 More development. The中代表人物有沙利文,霍妮等。 In the representative figures are Sullivan, Honey.http:/ The school of personality theory, psychoanaly

8、sis人格理论是精神分析理论的重要组成部分。新精神分析学派虽然抛弃了弗洛伊德精神 分析理论的有些观点,但是在他们的人格理论中或多或少的看到了弗洛伊德的影子。所以 要 The theory of personality is an important part of the theory of spirit analysis. The new spirit of the school although abandoned Freud psychoanalysis at some point theory, but the theory of personality of their more o

9、r less saw Freuds shadow. So to 想深刻的挖掘精神分析学派的人格理论的蕴含的教育价值,必须拿弗洛伊德人格理论这把 钥匙去打开精神分析人格理论的大门。 Want to deep mining psychoanalytic personality theory school contains the value of education, must take Freuds theory of personality is the key to open the door to psychoanalytic theory of personality.(一)弗洛伊德的人

10、格理论 ( a ) the personality theory of Freud弗洛伊德把人的心理分为意识和潜意识两个部分。意识是指个人此时此刻意识到的。 “潜意识就是一种未被觉醒的心理历程或过程,是在一定时间内被压抑、被排挤的情绪经 验 Freud to the human mind is divided into two parts of the conscious and subconscious. Consciousness is refers to the individual at the moment to realize. “ The subconscious is a no

11、t been awakened psychological process or process, is in a certain period of time to be depressed, excluded emotional experience 活动的过程” 1 。潜意识可以被压抑,但是它们并不会被消灭,而是在不自觉的活动,以 求满足。弗洛伊德认为潜意识在人的精神生活中起着巨大的作用,它也是一般人格的主 Activity process “ ( 1 ). The subconscious can be suppressed, but they will not be destroye

12、d, but not conscious activity, in order to meet the needs of. Freud believes that the subconscious plays a huge role in peoples spiritual life, it is also the main general personality 宰。 Slaughter.弗洛伊德基于潜意识系统提出了本我概念,进而提出了自我和超我的体系。本我又称 伊低,它如一大锅沸腾汹涌的兴奋,激荡不已。它完全是无意识的,非理性的,是快乐原 则 Freud on the basis of s

13、ubconscious system proposed ID concept, then put forward the system of ego and superego. I also said that low, it is like a cauldron of boiling surging excitement, stirring. It is completely unconscious, irrational, is the pleasure principle 的出发点,是本能的储存器。在人格结构中,本我是最原始、最隐秘、最模糊的部分。自 我是理性的,服从现实原则, “自我是

14、人格结构中的行政机构 ,是本我与外界环境之间 The starting point, is the instinct of reservoir. In the personality structure, the ID is the most original, the most secret, the fuzzy part. The self is rational, obey the principle of reality, “ the self is in personality structure agency , is between the ID and the external

15、 environment 的中间环节。自我遵循现实原则,作用是调节本我与外部环境的冲突,对本我的非理性冲 动进行控制和压抑,在理性现实的前提下尽量满足本我的欲望” 。 2超我是潜意识中最 The intermediate links. Self according to the reality principle, role conflict regulation ID and the external environment, irrational impulses of self control and oppression, in the premise of rational http:/ of the as far as possible to meet my desire “. ( 2 ) the super-ego is unconscious in the 高的监督和惩罚部分,它主要根据至善原则活动。所谓超我,也就是道德化了的自我,它 主要是习俗教育的产物。超我的主要职责,就是在于指导自我,去限制伊低的冲动。 High supervision and punishment, which is mainly based on the principle of ideal activities. The



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