四级翻译辅导 计算机部分

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《四级翻译辅导 计算机部分》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四级翻译辅导 计算机部分(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、翻译辅导 -计算机部分 耿春玲 Passage one If you are looking for information, library shelves are a good place to start. information消息 ; 资料 ;信息 ;情报 ; 如果你在寻找资料,可以先去图书馆的书架上去找。 But if you need up-to-the-minute data or have specialized needs, you may find a computerized database more useful, less expensive, and less

2、time consuming. up-to-the-minute最新的 , data资料 , 材料 ;数据 data access数据存取 computerized计算机化 -ize化 modernize database数据库 database administration数据库管理 但是,如果你需要最新的数据,或者你有特殊的需要,你会发现电脑化的数据库更有用,更便宜,也更省时。 A database, a file of information on one subject or family of subjects, can be stored and maintained in a c

3、omputers memory. file 计算机文件 file access 文件存取 访问 memory存储器 ,内存 数据库是一个科目或一组科目的信息文件,它可以存储 并保留在电脑存储器中。(主动态) The speed of the computer then enables you to recall any item in this file almost instantly. recall 回忆 , 想起,召回, 调出 item条 (款 ),项目,一条 电脑的速度能使你即刻就能调出该文件中的任何一个项目。 The three main types of databases are

4、 statistical, bibliographic, and full text. statistics统计数字;统计学 bibliographic文献目录的;书目的 数据库有三种主要类型:统计数据库、文献目录数据库和资料全文数据库。 Statistical databases store vast amounts of numerical data, such as wage and price indexes, census information, foreign exchange rates, and bond prices. 统计数据库储存大量的数字数据,如工资和价格指 数、人口

5、普查资料、外汇比价以及债券价格。 Bibliographic databases store references to and summaries of articles in periodicals and newspapers. 文献目录数据库储存各类期刊和报纸文章的参考文献和内容概要。 Full-text databases offer the complete texts of such materials as newspaper, magazine, and journal articles. 资料全文数据库提供诸如报纸、杂志以及期刊文章的全文。 Passage three A

6、computer virus is a software program that attaches itself to another program in computer memory or on a disk, and spreads from one program to another. attachto 贴上,附上 disk address磁盘地址 计算机病毒是 一种附着于其他程序,藏于计算机存储器或磁盘中,并不断向别的程序扩散的一种软件程序 。(定语从句翻译成前置定语) Viruses can damage data, cause computers to crash, dis

7、play offending or bothersome messages, or lie dormant until such time they are set to “awaken”. display显示 显示器 awaken唤醒叫醒 醒来 计算机病毒可以毁坏数据,导致机器瘫痪,显示伤害性或骚扰信息,或者静止蛰伏,直到特定时间再“骤然发作” In todays industry, scanning is no longer considered to be an extravagance-but a necessity. scanning area 扫描范围 ;扫描区域 在当今的产业中,

8、病毒扫描已不再被认为是多余之举,而成为必须措施。 Computer viruses no longer attack your computing environment only but all other computing environments which you contact. 计算机病毒已不仅攻击你的计算机环境,它对 你接触的 所有计算机环境都不放过。 Computer viruses can attach themselves to the files being used and later propagate themselves through disks and fi

9、les. propagate繁殖;宣传 计算机病毒能够附载于 正在使用的 文件中,然后通过磁盘和文件进行自我 复制 。( ing后置定语) Important information and hardware losses could plague your computing environment should you not take the proper precautions. plague使染瘟疫 虚拟语气: if 省略 反将来 (If .+ were/did/were to do/should do 实现的可能性依次减弱 .,.+ would/could/should/might

10、 do.) 如果你不采取适当的防范措施,重要的信息以及硬件将会损坏,从而使你的计算机环境遭受灭顶之灾。 Many anti-virus products, such as KV300 and VirusScan, head up the list of proper precautions. 许多抗病毒产品,如 KV300和 VirusScan,提供了一系列适当的预防措施, Scheduled periodic scans of your computing environment can offer you that added assurance that you are practici

11、ng “safe computing.” 周期性地对你的计算机环境 进行扫描 ,可以为你的“安全计算”增加一道保险。 (名词译成动词 ) Passage five The trouble with shopping on the Internet is that you cant touch anything. that表语从句 在因特网上购物有一个问题,那便是你无法触摸任何东西。 Fortunately, that may be about to change with a motorized computer mouse that can give Web surfers the sens

12、ation of texture-or other physical attributes-of items pictured on the Net. Be about to do 即将做某事 motorized装有发动机的 Mouse鼠标 幸运的是, 这种状况 将要有所改变。一种机动电脑鼠标将使网上漫游者能感受到 网上展示的 商品的质地,或商品的其他物理特性。( that 代词具体化, -ed分词短语后置定语) Visitors to the Web99 convention San Francisco were able to test out the “Feel It” mouse: r

13、unning the cursor over a picture of a tennis racket let a user feel the tautness of the strings. convention(某一职业、政党等的人士召开的 )大会 习俗 cursor光标 test out 检验 tautness绷紧度 在旧金山召开的网络 99大会使得参观者能够试用 “触感” 鼠标:将 光标 移向一个网球拍图片上,便能让使用者感受到球拍线的绷紧度。 You could also feel the texture of a pair of corduroy jeans or test-dri

14、ve a car, feeling how it handles the curves and accelerates on the straight. 你还可以摸到一条灯心绒牛仔裤的质地,或者 试开 一辆车,感受一下车的拐弯性能和开上直道后的加速功能。 (复合词直译 ) And the mouse even simulates an attempt to move through a heavy wind. 这种鼠标甚至能模拟在大风中逆风行车的感受。 Originally developed by Stanford University and NASA, force-feedback te

15、chnology was first used for flight simulation. force-feedback technology强迫反馈技术(直译) 强迫反馈技术最初由斯坦福大学和美国国家航空航天局开发,起初仅用于飞行模拟 .(-ed短语做状语 ) Recently, Immersion Corporation in San Jose, California, managed to achieve the fast data exchange rates needed to provide realistic tactile sensations when someone is shopping on the Web. 最近,加州圣何塞市的“潜侵公司”成功地实现了数据快速交换,为顾客上网购物时提供真实触感。( -ed后置定语,分译) Passage seven One authority states cate


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