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1、 Lesson 15 Good news 佳音佳音佳音佳音 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the good news? The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that

2、business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. Mr. Harmsworth, I said in a weak voice. Dont interrupt, he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! News

3、 words and expressions 生生生生词词词词和短和短和短和短语语语语 secretary(1. 1)/sekrt+ri/n. 秘书 weak(1. 7)/wi:k/adj. 弱的 nervous(1. 2)/n*:v+s/adj. 精神紧张的 interrupt(1. 8)/?intr)pt/v. 插话,打断 afford(1. 4)/_+f&:d/ v. 负担得起 Notes on the text 课课课课文注文注文注文注释释释释 1 look up, 抬头看。 2 could not afford to, 不可能支付,afford为有能力做,常和can, could连

4、用。 3 I knew that my turn had come. 我知道这次该轮到我了。my turn指上文中有人被公司 解雇这件事。 Page 1 of 8Lesson 15 Good news 佳音2013-1-17ebook:2nce02s15.htm参参参参考考考考译译译译文文文文 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时 候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞 大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 哈姆斯沃斯先生,我无力地说。 不要打断我的话,他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年

5、将得到1, 000英镑的额外收入。 Summary writing摘要摘要摘要摘要写写写写作作作作 Answer these questions in not more than 55 words. 回答下列问题,将答案组成一个段落,不要超过55个单词。 1 Who wanted to see you? 2 How did you feel about this? 3 Where did you go? 4 Did he say that business was bad, or did he say that it was good? 5 Could the firm pay such la

6、rge salaries or not? 6 How many people had left already? 7 Did he ask you to leave as well or not? 8 What did he offer you? Key structures 关键关键关键关键句型句型句型句型 He said thatHe told me间接引语 在第1册的第99-102课和第133-136课,我们已经接触到了直接引语和间接引语。在把直 接引语改为间接引语时,除了用动词say以外,还可用动词tell,后面可跟人名或代词作间接 宾语,然后是以that引导的引语作直接宾语。 Pag

7、e 2 of 8Lesson 15 Good news 佳音2013-1-17ebook:2nce02s15.htmStudy these sentences carefully. 仔细阅读以下句子。 I am busy, he said. 我忙,他说道。 He says that he is busy. 他说他忙。 He said that he was busy. 他说过他忙。 He told me that he was busy. 他告诉过我他忙。 I never work on Sundays, she said. 我星期日从不工作,她说。 She says that she nev

8、er works on Sundays. 她说她星期日从不工作。 She said that she never worked on Sundays. 她说过她星期日从不工作。 She told Mr. Harmsworth that she never worked on Sundays. 她告诉过哈姆斯沃斯先 生,她星期日从不工作。 I have just finished work, Mr. Jones said. 我刚刚完成工作,琼斯先生说。 Mr. Jones says that he has just finished work. 琼斯先生说他刚刚完成工作。 Mr. Jones s

9、aid that he had just finished work. 琼斯先生说过他刚刚完成工作。 Mr. Jones told his wife that he had just finished work. 琼斯先生告诉过他的夫人,他刚 刚完成工作。 I broke that plate, he said. 我把那个盘子打破了,他说道。 He says that he broke that plate. 他说他打碎了那个盘子。 He said that he had broken that plate. 他说过他打碎了那个盘子。 He told me that he had broken

10、 that plate. 他告诉我他打碎了那个盘子。 Mr. Jones will see you now, she said. 琼斯先生现在要见你,她说。 She says that Mr. Jones will see you now. 她说琼斯先生现在要见你。 She said that Mr. Jones would see you now. 她说过琼斯先生现在要见你。 She told me that Mr. Jones would see you now. 她告诉我琼斯先生现在要见你。 You can go now, the teacher said. 你现在可以走了,老师说。 T

11、he teacher says that you can go now. 老师说你现在可以走了。 The teacher said that you could go now. 老师说过你现在可以走了。 Page 3 of 8Lesson 15 Good news 佳音2013-1-17ebook:2nce02s15.htmThe teacher told the pupil that he could go now. 老师告诉过学生他可以走了。 Exercises练习练习练习练习 A These questions are about the passage. Write a complet

12、e sentence in answer to each question. 这些问题都是有关课文的,用一个完整的句子来回答以下每个问题。 1 a What did the secretary tell me? b what were the secretarys exact words? 2 a What did Mr. Harmsworth say after I had sat down? b What were Mr. Harmsworths exact words? 3 a What did Mr Harmsworth tell me about the firm? b What w

13、ere Mr. Harmsworths exact words? B Supply said or told in the following sentences. Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. 在下面的句子里填上said或told,并用括号中动词的正确时态填空。 1 He _ me that she _ (come)tomorrow. 2 The gardener _ that he _ (cut)that tree down yesterday. 3 I _ you I _ (have)never played ten

14、nis before. 4 What _ he _ that he _ (do)? 5 When _ he _ you that he _ (buy)this car? 6 He _ he _ (cannot)understand me. 7 He _ that he _ (work)all day yesterday. 8 He _ me he never _ (write)letters to anybody. 9 Why _ you _ that you _ (be) busy? 10 He _ that he _ (will wait)for me. Special difficult

15、ies 难难难难点点点点 Page 4 of 8Lesson 15 Good news 佳音2013-1-17ebook:2nce02s15.htmWords often confused and misused 经常客易混淆和误用的词 a Nervous and Irritable. I felt very nervous. (11. 1-2) Nervous 紧张不安的(restless or uneasy):Examinations make me nervous. 考试使我感 到紧张。 Irritable易怒的(easily made angry):He is such an irritable person, you can hardly speak to him. 他这个人如此容易发怒,你简直没有办法与他讲话。 b Office(1. 2), Study, Desk(1. 3). Study these examples: 细读以下例句: There are six people in our office. 我们办公室有6个人。 The living room is next


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