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1、1课堂导学课堂导学语言要点(模块).词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料)1. within / in【解释】 within 指在时间或距离范围之内,表示“在这一范围内” , “不到”或“不超过” ,常和一 般将来时,一般现在时或一般过去时连用 in 是经过若干时间,表示“过多少时间”时,通常和一般将来时连用 经典例句 I ll be there within an hour.(一小时之内)/ I ll be there in an hour.(一小时之 后) 【练习】根据句子意思用 within 或 in 填空。 1). My birthday is six days away. = My

2、birthday is _ six days time / is _ six days. 2) He finished drawing the horse _ _five minutes. 3). Keep the dictionary _ your reach. the ground is all wet. 4). My house is_ walking distance of my university.2. broad / wide / widely / broadly【解释】 broad adj. 宽阔的(着重于幅面的宽广);可修饰背、肩、胸、心胸等的宽阔;开朗 wide adj._

3、 常用宁愿做 A,而不愿做 B_;_; _. 典型例句:Rather than _ _ in this way,I prefer _ _ _ _. 我宁愿饿死,也不愿用这种方式挣钱。He was busy _ a letter rather than _ a newspaper. 他正忙于写信而不是读报。 相关链接: not.but rather _ or rather _ other than _ or other _ more than _;_;_ more A than B _ 5) would rather 后接宾语从句时,谓语动词用虚拟语气.当表示一个现在或将来的愿望时, 谓语动词用

4、_,常用结构 “_”; 当表 示一个过去的愿望时,谓语动词用_.You have to be 16 for cheap tickets,or rather under 16. 你必须 16 岁才买便宜票,更确切地说是不满 16 岁。The committee does not deal with individual correspondence, but rather discusses issues in its newsletter. 该委员会不是处理个人信件,而是在简报中讨论问 题。 应用探究(1)The brave people in the village preferred to

5、 die rather than_ ,and _encouraged others to fight 4more bravely in the anti-Japanese battlefield. A. to give in; it B. to give in; which C .give in; this D. give in; which (2)I would rather _ than ask him for his autograph. So I would rather he _ here as soon as possible. A. die; leaving B. died;le

6、aving C. die;leave D. die;left 句型转换 (3)The man wearing glasses dont teach the workers how to do it but learn from them. = The man wearing glasses dont teach the workers how to do it _ _ learn from them. (B) take the airplane all the way_乘某种交通工具的表达:_;_ 应用探究He went to the park _ bike last Saturday. A.

7、 on B take C by 3.The3.The thoughtthought thatthat theythey couldcould crosscross thethe wholewhole continentcontinent waswas exciting.exciting. 要点提示:cross (v) _ = go across across,through,cross 的区别 cross_across_ through_ 翻译句子 (1). 过马路要当心。_;_ (2). 我从公园内穿过。_4.You4.You areare goinggoing toto seesee so

8、mesome greatgreat sceneryscenery. . 同义辨析: scenery scene view sight Scenery U指该地区“整个风景” ,由多个 scene 构成的景色 Scene 指一眼可以浏览的“部分风景” ,但多半包括其中的人及其活动。 View C强调从远处或高处看到的“部分风景” Sight 指风景,名胜。常用复数形式,指人文景观。 练习: 1)The _ of the movie is set in Paris in the1920s.2) The _ from the top of the building is very beautiful

9、. 3) Well take you to see the _ of London. 5.Going5.Going eastwardeastward, , youllyoull passpass mountainmountain andand thousandsthousands ofof lakeslakes andand forests,forests, asas wellwell asas widewide riversrivers andand largelarge cities.cities. 要点提示: (A)eastward 与 eastwards 意义相同,副词,意思为“向东”

10、1)-ward(s)=in a direction of向前 _ 向后 _向外 _ 向南 _5向西 _ 向北 _ 2)adv. 向东走_ 向西航行_向东转_上/ 下楼 典型例句: A couple traveled eastward. 一对夫妇朝东部旅行。 他们被鼓励向东走直到大陆的尽头。相关链接: eastward 也可以作形容词,意思为“朝东的,向东的” 。 小幽默A stranger wanted to the hospital and was lost in the busy street,“Excuse me,where is the hospital?”he asked a lad

11、y. “Go eastward straight,it is 200 meters.” “I see.Thank you.” After a while,he returned with all the body wet.“You make fun of me,it is a lake not the hospital.” “There is a bridge on it.” “But you tell me to go eastward straight.” (B)pass/past 区别pass_; pass _ _past_in the past_ (C) as well as_ as

12、well as, together with , besides, 谓语动词采用_原则.You rather than I am going camping. 6.People6.People saysay itit isis CanadasCanadas mostmost beautifulbeautiful city,city, surroundedsurrounded byby mountainsmountains A.为什么用 surrounded,而不是 surrounding/to surround_ 非谓语中 done, doing, to do 区别done_ to do_ doing_ 1)_(lock) up in the room, I felt lonely. 2) Not _(know) where to go, he wandered along the


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