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1、专八改错练习及答案解析百篇专八改错练习及答案解析百篇 1 1For the last fifteen or twenty years the fashion in criticism or appreciationof the arts have been to deny the existence of any valid criteria and to make the _1_words “good” or “bad” irrelevant, immaterial, and inapplicable. There is no suchthing, we are told, like a s

2、et of standards first acquired through experience and _2_knowledge and late imposed on the subject under discussion. This has been a _3_popular approach, for it relieves the critic of the responsibility of judgment and the public by the necessity of knowledge. It pleases those resentful of disciplin

3、es, it _4_flatters the empty-minded by calling him open-minded, it comforts the _5_confused. Under the banner of democracy and the kind of quality which ourforefathers did no mean, it says, in effect, “Who are you to tell us what is goodor bad?” This is same cry used so long and so effectively by th

4、e producers of mass _6_media who insist that it is the public, not they, who decide what it wants to hear _7_and to see, and that for a critic to say that this program is bad and that programis good is pure a reflection of personal taste. Nobody recently has expressed this _8_philosophy most succinc

5、tly than Dr. Frank Stanton, the highly intelligent _9_president of CBS television. At a hearing before the Federal CommunicationsCommission, this phrase escaped from him under questioning: “One mans mediocrity _10_is another mans good program”.参考答案及解析:1. 将 have 改为 has该句的主语 the fashion 是单数.2. 将 like

6、改为 assuch as 是固定搭配.3. 将 late 改为 laterlater 和上文 first 对应.4. 将 by 改为 of 或者 fromrelieve sb of/ from sth 是固定搭配, 意思为 “减轻某人(的负担等)”5. 将 him 改为 them因为其先行词为 the empty-minded,而 “the+adj/p.p” 表示一类人时,通常表示复数概念.6. 在 same 前加 thethe same 表示 “唯一,独一无二”的概念,因此必须加定冠词.7. 将 decide 改为 decides该句的主语 the public 表示的是单数概念.,这一点从

7、后面的代词it 可以看得出来.8. 将 pure 改为 purely在这里 purely 作状语,修饰谓语动词,因此应使用副词.9. 将 most 改为 moremore than 搭配,引导出比较状语从句. 10. 将 from 去掉escape 在作 “被某人情不自禁地说出来”讲时,是及物动词,而只在作 “逃跑”讲时,才时不及物动词.talking about good and bad manners you immediately startmeeting difficulties. Many people just cannot agree what they mean. We ask

8、ed a lady, who replied that she thought you could tell a well-mannered person on the _1_way they occupied the space around themfor example, when such a person walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of others. Such people never _2_bump into other people. However, a second person thought

9、that this was more a question of civilized behavior as good manners. Instead, this other person told us a story, _3_it he said was quite well-known, about an American who had been invited _4_to an Arab meal at one of the countries of the Middle East. The American _5_hasnt been told very much about t

10、he kind of food he might expect. If he had _6_known about American food, he might have behaved better. _7_Immediately before him was a very flat piece of bread that looked, to him, very much as a napkin. Picking it up, he put it into his collar, so that _8_it falls across his shirt. His Arab host, w

11、ho had been watching, _9_said of nothing, but immediately copied the action of his guest. _10_And that, said this second person, was a fine example of good manners. 参考答案及解析:1.将 on 改为 by。“by the way”作“根据方式”讲。2. 将 unaware 改为 aware根据下文中的“Such a person never bump into other people”判断,这种人不会“目中无人” 。3. 将 a

12、s 改为 than“more + adj/of + n + than”是固定搭配。4. 将 it 改为 whichwhich 在此引导一个非限制性定语从句,which 在从句中作主语,需要注意的是,在从句中 he said 是插入语。5. 将 at 改为 in名词 the country 前要用介词 in。6. 将 hasnt 改为 hadnt根据上下文我们可以看出这里需要使用过去完成时。7. 将 American 改为 Arab。根据上文,我们可以看出,这里讲述的是赴“阿拉伯”传统宴会的“美国人”的故事,而不是赴“美国”传统宴会的“美国人”的故事。8. 将 as 改为 like介词 as 意

13、思为“作为” ,like 意思为“像” 。9. 将 falls 改为 fell这里要使用一般过去时。10. 将第一个 of 删掉。say 作为及物动词,后面可直接跟名词作宾语great many cities are experiencing difficulties which are nothingnew in the history of cities, except in their scale. Some cities have lost theiroriginal purpose and have not found new one. And any large or rich c

14、ity is _1_going to attract poor immigrants, who flood in, filling with hopes of _2_prosperity which are then often disappointing. There are backward towns on theedge of Bombay or Brasilia, just as though there were on the edge of _3_seventeenth-century London or early nineteenth-century Paris. This

15、is new is _4_the scale. Descriptions written by eighteenth-century travelers of the poor ofMexico City, and the enormous contrasts that was to be found there, are very _5_dissimilar to descriptions of Mexico City todaythe poor can still be numbered _6_in millions.The whole monstrous growth rests on

16、economic prosperity, but behind it lies _7_ two myths; the myth of the city as a promised land, that attracts immigrants _8_from rural poverty and brings it flooding into city centers, and the myth of the _9_country as a Garden of Eden, which, a few generations late, sends them flood _10_-ing out again to the suburbs.参考答案及解析:1. 在 new one 前加 a这里 one 指代上下文中的可数名词 purpose,因此该词前要有限定词。2. 将 filling 改为 filled在这里,非谓语动词 fill 与句子的 who(poo



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