vocabulary consolidation

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《vocabulary consolidation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《vocabulary consolidation(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、VocabularyVocabulary consolidationconsolidation非同源形近词1. adapt v. 使适应;改编adopt v. 采用;收养2. angel n. 天使angle n. 角度,观点3. familiar a. 熟悉的(be to / with)similar a. 相似的(be to )4. contact n. 接触,联系 vt. 与接触 in withcontract n. 契约,合同 v. 订合同;收缩5. desert n. 沙漠 v. 抛弃dessert n.(餐后)甜食6. vocation n. 职业,天职,能力 vocational

2、 a.vacation n. 假日,假期 be on 在度假7. principal a. 主要的 n. 校长;资本principle n. 原理,原则8. release v. in excess of; in the process of; be successful in doing something; a succession of; in succession; in possession of; in the possession of.3. succeed v. 成功;接着发生;继承;继之后 exceed v. 超过,胜过同surpass, excel派exceedingly

3、ad. 极端地,非常proceed v. 继续前进;继续做同continueprecede v. 领先(于) ,在(之)前派preceding a. 在前的,前面的concede vi. 让步,认输vt. 承认(失败) ;允许,让予procedure n. 程序,手续同process* succeed in doing sth; succeed to sb.; exceed by X%(超出X%); exceed in (在方面突出); proceed to do; proceed with sth.4. affect v. 影响同influence;打动,感动派affection n. 爱;

4、感情effect n. 结果,效果 v. 产生,招致派effective a. 有效的,生效的infect v. 传染,感染派infectious a. defect n. 缺点,缺陷同flaw, faultperfect a. 完美的;十足的同sheer, completevt. 使完美派perfection n. 完美perfectly ad. 完全地,绝对地 * have an affection for/toward sb.; have an effect on; 5. apply vt. 运用,应用 vi. 申请,适用派applicable a. 可应用的;适当的appliance

5、n. 器具,装置;应用application n. 申请 applicant n. 申请者supply v. 供应,提供 n. 供应,给养imply v. 暗示;含有的意思派implication n. 含义,暗指;卷入,牵连comply v. 遵照 (with)同obey* apply to; apply for; apply to ; apply oneself to doing (专心致志于); be applicable to; supply sth. for sb.=supply sb with sth; 6. respect v. 尊重,敬重 n. 尊重;pl.问候敬意同regar

6、ds;方面 aspect n.(问题等的)方面;样子,面貌expect v. 期待,盼望;预期,料想派expectation n. 期待 unexpectedly ad. 出乎意料地inspect v. 检查同examine;视察suspect n. 嫌疑犯 v. 怀疑同doubt;猜想派suspicion n. 怀疑同uncertaintysuspicious a. 可疑的;多疑的prospect v. (for) 勘探,勘察 n.1. 前景,前途成功的可能 2. 景象,景色 3. 可能成为主顾的人,有希望的候选人 prospective a. 预期的,未来的,可能的perspective

7、n. 远景,景观,前途;视角,观点;透视图,透视画法prosperous a. 繁荣的,兴旺的prosperity n. 兴旺,繁荣spectacular a. 壮观的,引人注目的 n. 壮观的演出,惊人之举speculate v. 思索 (on/about);推测;投机派speculation n.spectacle n.(大规模)演出,场面; 景象壮观;pl.眼镜同glassesspectator n. 观众,旁观者spectrum n. 谱,光谱,频谱;范围,幅度* in no respect(无论在哪方面都不,用于句首时句子用倒装结构); with respect to; in res

8、pect to/of; in this aspect; suspect sb of doing sth; suspect sb to be ; to be suspicious of/about; 7. assemble v. 召集,集合;装配,组装resemble v. 像;类似派resemblance n.assembly n 立法机构,议会; 集合,集会 的人们; 装配similar a. 类似的;相类似同likesimulate v. 模仿,模拟;冒充,假装simultaneous a. 同时(发生)的assimilate v. 消化,吸收;使同化,被同化 * assembly lin

9、e; be similar to; simulated test;8. sign n. 符号,标记同mark, symbol;标牌招牌;迹象,征兆;手势v. 签署;作手势同gesturesignal n. 信号,暗号 v. 向发信号design n. 设计,构思;图案;企图 v. 计划谋划;设计派designer n.设计者assign v. 指派,选派同appoint;分配布置;指定(时间、地点等) 派assignment n. 任务,作业;指派resign v. 辞职同quit;放弃同give up;使顺从,甘受派resignation n. designate v. 1.指明,指出同po

10、int out2.指派,指定同appoint* sign up to do; sign to sb. to do sth; signal to sb. to do sth; design to do/doing(打算做) ;assign sth to sb; assign sb to do; resign oneself to sth (甘受、只好); 9. assist v. 帮助,协助同help派assistancen. 帮助 assistant a.(to)助理的 n. 助手consist v. 组成,构成;存在于;符合,一致派consistent a. 始终如一的,一致的resist

11、v. 抵抗,反抗同oppose;忍住 经受派resistant a. (to) 有抵抗力的resistance n. 反抗,阻力persist v. 坚持,持续下去 persistence n. subsist v. (on) 维持生活,活下去;供养exist vi. 存在派existence n. 存在;生活* assist sb in doing sth; consist 表示状态时不能用进行时态,搭配介词不同,含义也不同 consist of (包含); consist in (在于); consist with (与一致); be consistent with; resist + d

12、oing; persist in doing; bring into existence; come into existence; in existence10. contain v. 包含,容纳派container n. 容器obtain vt. 获得,得到同gain, acquireattain v. 获得;达到(to) 同reach, get toretain vt. 保留,保持同keep, reservesustain vt. 供养同support;支撑;经受maintain vt. 维持,保持;保养,维修;坚持认为;赡养,供养派maintenance n. 维持,维修protein

13、 n. 蛋白质detain v. 扣押,留住,挡住11. attract vt. 吸引,引诱派attractive a. 有吸引力的,有魅力的 attraction n. 吸引力contract v. 收缩;缔结(条约) ;承包;订合同 n. 合同,契约distract v. 分散(注意力) ;迷惑,弄昏extract v. 取出,拔出;提取,榨 n. 摘录subtract v. 减去(from)abstract a. 抽象的 n. 摘要 v. 提取;做摘要* be attractive to sb; contract with; distract sb from doing sth; be

14、distracted by/with; 12. attribute n. 属性,特性 v. 把归因于contribute v. 捐献,贡献,捐款;投(稿) ;起作用派contribution n. 贡献distribute v. 分发,分配;散布,分布tribute n. 颂扬,颂词;贡品,贡献tributary a. 进贡的;支流的 n. 河的支流 * attribute to (prep); contribute to (prep)13. claim v. declare 后接宾语从句时通常不省略 that;declare for/against 表态支持/反对14. compel v.

15、强迫,迫使同force, obligeexpel v. 驱逐,开除repel v. 击退;排斥同resist;拒绝 propel vt. 推进,推动派propeller 推进器* compel sb to do sth(强迫某人做,侧重情感、心理受到驱策而要做某事) ;force sb to do 强调外力的驱使。15. press v. 压,按;压榨,压迫;催促,逼迫n. 压,按;压榨机;报刊,出版社 pressure n. 压力,强制;压强impress v. 给以深刻印象;压,压印派impressive a. 感人的,给人印象深刻的impressionable a. 易受影响的impre

16、ssion n. 印象,印记 depress v. 使沮丧,使低沉;降低,压低;使萧条,不景气派depression press v. 压紧,压缩;凝缩派compressionoppress v. 压迫,压制suppress v. 镇压同put down;抑制; 隐瞒;查禁,取缔同forbid* press sb to do ; press for sth (反复请求、紧急要求); be pressed for (缺少、缺乏) ;under the pressure of; put sb under pressure to do sth; impress on/upon; impress sb with;16. receive


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