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1、Unit5 A place in society Unit overview Unit key features Organizing suggestions . T may highlight the use of the body language description and dialogues Passage 1 is a fictional story about Passage 1 in Passage 1. Ss need to learn and a working dinner on Christmas Eve Dinner at Joannes understand ho

2、w these help with the between two important people at development of the story. a famous restaurant in New York. . Use more time on Passage 1 for develop- Passage 2 is an explanatory text with Passage 2 ing skills of describing characters. a story as an example about cultural I, we, they . Ss need t

3、o understand how a concept of differences in the business world. cultural differences is established in Passage 2. (a) Describing characters . Use Passage 1 for skills (a) and (b). Reading skills (b) Ordering and leaving out information . Use Passage 2 for skill (c). (c) Inferring Use speaking activ

4、ities for: . Developing skills in dialogue and . making skilful dialogues describing characters orally . describing characters Speaking skills . Making critical arguments for the . debating about cultural differences in issues raised in passages, eg racial, business cultural and immigration issues .

5、 critically arguing about cultural, racial and immigration issues . Writing a description of characters . Ss learn to describe characters by . Guided writing: Using the passive following examples in Passage 1. Writing skills and tasks . Unit task: Preparing a guide for . Work on the exercises so tha

6、t Ss can immigrants to China skilfully use the passive voice in writing. T guides Ss to: and body language description for the . Understanding the effect of dialogues . interpret the details of character Cognitive skills description both in class and after class construction of characters . Learning

7、 to think and express different . think about issues from different arguments aspects Request Ss to pay attention to the argu-Reading across cultures This is an expository passage about the ments involving different aspects of these Destination Europe issues of illegal immigration in Europe. issues.

8、 Unit 5 A place in society 154 Teaching suggestions and answer keys Starting point 1 Work in pairs and discuss the quotations. Which one do you agree with most? A nation as a society forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society. Thomas Jefferson, US Presiden

9、t Generally, we agree with this because it shows that society and individuals have a reciprocal relationship, to some extent they depend on each other. The nation or society forms a moral person and has a good influence on people. But there are also people who are influenced by negative aspects of s

10、ociety. Meanwhile, it is also the responsibility of every individual to protect the society, because it is everyones interests that they are protecting, not the interests of someone else. (. Ask Ss to discuss Confucius idea of the individual, the family, the country and the world, in relation to thi

11、s quotation. It appears that Confucius idea emphasizes the contribution of individuals to society.) There is no such thing as society: There are individual men and women, and there are families. Margaret Thatcher, UK Prime Minister To the prime minister, the concept of society is probably a myth, an

12、d in its place, we actually have a collection of disparate individuals. But of course, there are individuals and families, there is also society. We really dont agree with this. Maybe she was trying to emphasize that individuals are responsible for their own actions and that they should not blame so

13、ciety when things go wrong. 2 Work in pairs. Read the proverbs from different languages and discuss the kind of individual or social values they suggest. . When the cats away, the mice will play. The mice will not play when the cat is there because they are afraid of it. This shows fear of authority

14、, or a lack of trust because the mice will only behave when the cat is there. . Let sleeping dogs lie. Dogs can be dangerous so do not wake them up when they are sleeping. This means do not stir up trouble unnecessarily. It shows a value of stability. . Dont put all your eggs in one basket. If there

15、 is a problem, all of the eggs will be affected because they have been kept in one place. This shows the value of prudence or the virtue of taking precautions C some of the eggs should be kept in another safe place. . One swallow doesnt make a summer. The swallow is a migrant bird that comes to Euro

16、pe in summertime, but if you see only one that does not necessarily mean that summer has arrived. A single case does not confirm a phenomenon; we need more evidence. . Theres no smoke without fire. Smoke is a sign of fire, so if you see smoke there must be a fire somewhere nearby. This shows the value of being aware of causes and connections.A place in society Unit 5 . Dont cou



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