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1、第 - 1 - 页 共 9 页英语完成句子专项练习及答案 一、it 及 there句型1. _(据报道) a lot of people lost their jobs in the city last month.(report) 上个月这个城市的许多人失去了工作 2. _(据报道) , a lot of people lost their jobs in the city last month.(report) 上个月这个城市的许多人失去了工作 3. _ (毫无疑问) he will be admitted to the key university.(doubt) 他将会被重点大学录取

2、4. He has made some great movies. _(这一点是毫无疑问的) .(doubt) 他已经制作了一些伟大的电影 5. _(没必要) for you to get up early tomorrow.(need) 对你而言明天起床早 6. _(碰巧) I had been away when he called.(happen) 当他给我打电话的时候,我已经离开了 7. _(看来) nobody knows what has happened.(seem) 没人知道发生了什么 8. _(看起来似乎) its going to rain.(look) 天将会下雨 9.

3、_(很可能) the thieves don t know how much it is worth.(likely) 小偷们并不知道它值多少钱 10. _(我也许可以) to leave a message for her.(possible) 给她留言1. Its reported that 2. As is reported 3. There is no doubt that 4. There is no doubt about it 5. There is no need 6. It happened that 7. It seems that 8. It looks as if 9.

4、 Its likely that 10.It s possible for me11. It s no use _(为打翻的牛奶而哭泣) .(cry) 是毫无用处的 12. _(抱怨是毫无用处的) , they never listen.(use) 他们从不听 13. _(难怪) you ve achieved so much success.(wonder) 你取得了如此多的成功 14. _(很明确) most of the farmers have brought in more money by all means.(certain) 无论如何,大多数农民已经增加了更多的收入 大多数农民

5、尽一切努力引进了更多的资金 15. _(据说) the professor has already succeeded in carrying out this experiment.(say) 这位教授已经成功地完成了这项实验 16. The professor is said _( 已 成 功 ) in carrying out this experiment.(succeed)(比较句型 15) 据说这位教授完成这项实验 17. _(感到遗憾) I haven t been to the get-together.(pity) 我没有去那个联欢会 18 _(使之成为一种惯例) that

6、I get up at six every day in the morning.(rule) 每天早上六点钟起床第 - 2 - 页 共 9 页19. I _(认为有必要) to take plenty of hot water every day.(think) 每天喝大量的水 20. It s high time that we _(采取措施) to stop pollution.(take) 到了的时候停止污染11. crying over spilt milk 12. Its/There is no use complaining13. Its no wonder that14. It

7、s certain that 15. It s said that 16. to have succeeded 17. I feel it a pity that 18. I have made it a rule 19. think it (is) necessary 20. took/should take measures 21. _(要花费她很长时间) to recover from the illness.(take) 从疾病中恢复过来 22. This/It is the third time that I _(看那部电影) .(see) 已是我第三次 23. It was the

8、 first time that she _(到长城) .(be) 这是她第一次 24. It is / has been two years _ (自从他出国) .(go) 已有两年了 25. _ (对你没什么差别) whether I like it or not,because you never listen to me. (make) 无论我喜不喜欢,因为你从来都不听我的 26. _(用不了多久) before we know the result of the experiment.(be) 我们就会知道实验的结果 27. Measures have been taken to s

9、olve the problem,but _(可能要过段时 间)before the situation improves.(some) 已经采取措施解决这个问题了情况才会改善 28. _(没关系) the weather was bad.(matter ) 天气不好 29. _(是否要紧) whether we go together or separately?(matter ) 无论我们一起走还是分开走 30. _(我突然想起) that he might have forgotten our date.(occur ) 他可能已经忘了我们的约会21. It will take her

10、a long time 22. have seen the film 23. had been to the Great wall 24. since he went abroad 25. It makes no difference to you 26. It wont be long 27. it may be some time 28. It didnt matter that 29. Does it matter 30. It occurred to me 31._(可能性不大) he will change his mind.(chance) 他会改变主意 32._(很可能) we

11、will go to Beijing.(chance) 他将会去北京 33._(似乎有) hundreds of people in the field;it was quite full.(seem) 数以百计的人在牧场上牧场满满的 34._(曾经有) a church at the corner of the street.(be) 一个教堂在这条街的角落里 35. She_(阐明清楚) she had nothing to do with the decision.(make) 她与这个决定无关 36. I_(确定) everything is ready.(see) 一切就绪第 - 3

12、 - 页 共 9 页37. What a pity my new computer doesnt work. _(一定有什么问题) with it. (wrong )很遗憾我的新电脑用不了 38. _(结果) she was a friend of my sister.(turn ) 她是我姐姐的一个朋友39. Come and see me when_(你方便的时候) .(convenient ) 过来看我 40. _(没多大意义) complaining . It doesn t make difference.(point ) 抱怨并不会有什么不同31.There is little c

13、hance that 32. There is a good/high chance that/There are chances that/Chances are that 33. There seemed to be 34. There used to be 35. made it clear that 36. will see (to it) that 37. There must be something wrong 38. It turned out that 39. its convenient to/for you 40. There is not much point (in)

14、 二、强调句型 1. _(是他们) who/that went to the cinema with me yesterday.(be) 昨天跟我一起去电影院 2. It was_(当她正要离开时) that the telephone rang.(about ) 电话响了 3. _ (是因为坏天气)that the football match had to be put off? (because of ) 足球比赛不得不被推迟 4. _(究竟是什么) you wanted to tell her?(be) 你想要告诉她 5. I just wonder _(究竟是什么) makes hi

15、m so excited.(be) 我仅仅只是好奇是他如此兴奋 6. I really don t know _(究竟在哪儿) he bought the cell phone.(be)我确 实不知道他买了这个手机 7. It was _(直到昨天下午) that I knew the truth.(until ) 我才知道真相 8. It was _ (直到他来到中国) that he knew what kind of a country she was (until ) 他才知道这是一个怎样的国家 9. _(直到她进入教室) that she realized she had forgotten her b


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