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1、1直接引语变间接引语的用法一1. 引用别人的原话,把它放在引号内,称为直接引语;2. 用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内,称为间接引语。间接引语在大多数情况下是一个宾语从句。二 直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意人称、时态、时间状语、地点状语等的变化。1、时态的变化直接引语变为间接引语时,若主句为过去时态,变为间接引语的宾语从句通常要将时态往后推一个,即一般现在时变为一般过去时,一般将来时变为过去将来时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,现在完成时变为过去完成时,一般过去时也变为过去完成时,等等(若直接引语为过去完成时,变为间接引语可以不变)。另外,若直接引语中有情态动词 can, may等,也应

2、变成过去式 could, might 等(情态动词 must 可以变为 had to,也可不变,should, ought to, had better 等可以不变 )。如:“I like to watch TV,” she said. 她说:“我喜欢看电视。 ”She said that she liked to watch TV. 她说她喜欢看电视。He said, “Im waiting for her.” 他说:“ 我在等她。”He said that he was waiting for her. 他说他在等她。“It will rain soon,” he said. 他说:“很快

3、就会下雨。”He said that it would rain soon. 他说很快就会下雨。“She can swim,” he said. 他说:“她会游泳。”He said that she could swim. 他说她会游泳。直接引语一般现在时一般将来时现在进行时现在完成时过去完成时间接引语一般过去时过去将来时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成时2、人称的变化下面有一句顺口溜 “一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。“一随主” 是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如: She said. My brother wan

4、ts to go with me. She said her brother wanted to go with her. 2“二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如: He said to Kate. How is your sister now?He asked Kate how her sister was then。 “第三人称不更新” 是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰从句中的人称一般不需要变化如: Mr Sm

5、ith said,Jack is a good worker。Mr Smith said Jack was a good worker。3、时间状语、地点状语等其他变化指示代词 时间状语 地点状语 动词thisthat now then herethere comegothesethose today that day bringtaketonightthat night1)直接引语变间接引语时,有些时间状语根据情况也要相应的改动:如将 now 改为 then,将 today 改为 that day,将 tonight 改为 that night,将 yesterday 改为 the day

6、before,将 this month 改为 that month,将 last week 改为 the week before,将 three years ago 改为three years before,将 tomorrow 改为 the next day,将 next year 改为 the next year,等等。如: He said, “Im very busy now.” 他说:“ 我现在很忙。”He said that he was very busy then. 他说他当时很忙。He said, “I want to leave today.” 他说:“他想今天离开。”He

7、said that he wanted to leave that day. 他说他想那天就离开。He said, “She left yesterday.” 他说:“她昨天离开了。”He said that she had left the day before. 他说她前一天就离开了。She said, “Ill tell you tomorrow.” 她说:“我明天告诉你。 ”She said that she would tell me the next day. 她说她第二天告诉我。以上变化有时应视情况而定,若在当时转述,now 不必改为 then;若在当天转述,today, yes

8、terday, tomorrow 等不必改为 that day, the day before, the next day 等;若在当周转述,this week, last week 不必改为 that week, the last week;若在当年转述,this year, last year 不必改为 that year, the last year 等2)主要涉及的地点状语是 here,它在间接引语中通常要变为 there。如“Ive live here for 10 years,” he said. 他说:“我在这儿已住了 10 年。 ”He said that he had liv

9、ed there for 10 years. 他说他在那儿住了 10 年。3注:若在当地转述,则 here 也可不必改为 there3)直接引语变为间接引语时,有个别动词也可能需要改变,如 come 改为 go,bring改为 take 等。如: “He will come today.” she said. 她说:“他今天会来。”She said that he would go that day. 她说他那天会去。注:若地点和场所未发生改变,come 和 bring 等也可不变三由直接引语变为间接引语,分以下情况: 1. 直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词 that 引导。例如:Sh

10、e said, “I am very happy to be with you.” She said (that) she was very happy to be with me.He said,“I will choose a book for my students.” He said(that)he would choose a book for his students.2. 直接引语是一般疑问句时,变成间接引语,由连词 whether 或 if 引导。例如:He asked me, “Do you like watching TV?”He asked me if/whether I

11、 liked watching TV.He asked, “Are you sure your mother will come?”He asked me whether / if I was sure my mother would come.注意:大多数情况下, if 和 whether 在引导宾语从句时可以互换,但后紧跟 or not 时,一般只用 whether。例如:She asked me whether or not he could do the work. / She asked me whether he could do the work or not.3. 直接引语是特

12、殊疑问句 ,变成间接引语时,由相应的连接词 who, whom, what, whose, how, when, why, where 等引导。例如:He asked: “Where are you to get off, John?” He asked John where he was to get off.My sister asked me, “How do you like the play?”My sister asked me how I liked the play.Tom asked me, “Who is the boy over there?”Tom asked me,

13、“Who was the boy over there?”4.直接引语为祈使句时,变为间接引语时,通常应将祈使句改用 ask tell, order sb (not) to do sth 句式。4如果直接引语中含有 please,间接引语中谓语动词一般用 ask 等词表示要求的单词 1。如:He said, “Please come here again tomorrow.”He asked me to go there again the next day.一般情况下可以用 tell ,语气再强的话可以用 order 等单词。如: 2“Come early tomorrow, Jim,” h

14、e said. 他说:“吉姆,明天早点来。”He told Jim to come early the next day. 他叫吉姆第二天早点来。注:(a) 除动词 ask, tell, order 外,有时也可能用其他动词,如 warn、remind。如:“Remember to switch off all the lights,” she said. 她说: “记着把所有的灯关掉。”She reminded me to switch off all the lights. 她提醒我把所有的灯关掉。“Be careful with the dog.”He warned me to be c

15、areful with the dog.(b) 若祈使句中没有呼语,应根据句意给动词 ask, tell, order 等补上适当的宾语。如: “Be quiet, Tom,” the teacher said. “汤姆,安静点,”老师说。The teacher told Tom to be quiet. 老师叫汤姆安静。如果祈使句是否定的,要用 ask / tell sb not to do sth 的结构。 3He said, “Dont open the door.” 他说:“别开门。”He told me not to open the door. 他叫我别开门。We said to

16、them, “Dont make any noise,please.”We asked them not to make any noise.5. 直接引语是客观事实、普遍真理等,主句尽管是过去时态,变成间接引语时,时态仍然用一般现在时态。例如:They told their son,“The earth goes round the sun.”They told their son that the earth goes round the sun.6.直接引语如果是以“Lets”开头或 Why dont you 等表示建议的句子,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句 ”的结构。如:She said,Lets go to the cinema.She suggested going to the cinema.(或 She suggested that they should go to the cinem



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