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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?,Period 7 Section B2a 2e,New words polite adj. 客气的 politely adv. 礼貌地;客气地 speaker /spi:k(r)/ n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者 request /rikwest/ n. 要求;请求,choice n. 选择;挑选 direction n. 方向;方位 correct adj. 正确的;恰当的 direct adj. 直接的;直率的 whom /hu:m/ pron. 谁;什么人 address

2、n. 住址;地址;通讯处,给下列各句加上适当的主句让其变成委婉句式。,Where are the restrooms? Where do you come from?When is the school trip? When will we meet ?Tell me your e-mail address. What color is it ?Can you help? May I go now ?,Lead-in,Zhang Ming is traveling in the USA.He wants to go to a small town but he doesnt know the

3、way.What should he do?,Hi! Where is the East Town?,Sorry. I cant help you.,Excuse me. Could you please tell me where the East Town is?,Sure. Take No. 23 Bus and you will get there.,Using suitable language!,The culture of a nation is in its language. It is not enough to only know correct grammar. It

4、is also very important to know how to choose suitable language for every situation.,If you need help with your homework, What would you ask?,If you need help with your homework, how would you ask these people?,1. your mother or father:_,2. your best friend:_,3. a teacher:_,Discuss the language you u

5、sed to make this request. Was it the same each time? If not, discuss why.,Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4,Read the article and match each paragraph with its main idea.,Use more words to help you sound more polite.It is important to know how to make requests politely.Good English speaker

6、s need to know how to speak politely.The choice of language depends on the situation and the relationship between speakers.,Careful reading,Read the text in paragraphs,读第一段:判断,( )1.Knowing how to ask for information politely is important.( )2.“Where are the restrooms?” sounds more polite .( )3. Know

7、ing how to use correct language is enough when you make requests,读第二段:回答问题,1. Does “Where is my book?” always sound rude?Why in English a polite question is usually longer than a direct order?3、 We neednt change the way we speak when we talk with different people.4. A very direct order always sounds

8、 rude in English.(判断正误),默读第三段,判断正误,( )Usually polite questions are longer than impolite questions.( )“Peter ,please tell me your e-mail address.” is a polite request.( ) Before asking for help, you should say “Sorry, I wonder if you can help me.”( ) We dont need time to lead in to a request sometime

9、s.,T,F,F,F,Read the whole text,寻求信息 普遍而有必要的一件事情 听起来粗鲁 有礼貌发出请求 改变我们谈话的方式 取决于 另一方面你非常熟悉的人 借给某人某物 非常直接的命令 例如花时间做某事 导入一个问题 为了 精通,擅长,朗读短语,翻译课文,理解课文并填空,1. Its important to know how to_ in English when we visit a foreign country. 2. When you talk with different people, you need to _. 3. Extra words are use

10、d to help _. 4. _ is as important as learning language structure. 5. How do you say Dont smoke here. politely? _,再次仔细阅读课文,判断下列句子的正误。,( )Whenyouvisitaforeigncountry,itisimportanttoknowhowtoaskforhelp.( )“Wherearetherestrooms?”and“Couldyoupleasetellmewheretherestroomsare?”arecorrectEnglish,butthefirst

11、onesoundsmorepolite,( )InEnglish,asinChinese,wechangethewaywespeakwhenwe make conversations withdifferentpeople. ( )Itisallrighttoaskdirectquestionsinsomesituations,likewithyourteachers.( ) Sometimeswedontneedtospendtimeleadingintoarequest.( ) Itisimportanttolearnhowtouseproperlanguage when you spea

12、k English.,Look at the requests in the left-hand column, then describe a situation when the request would be suitable as it is.b) make the request more polite.,2c,original form suitable if the friend were in a hurry,Excuse me, do you know where the library is?,original form suitable if a parent were

13、 asking a child,“Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?”,Make a request using the pictures below.,,Make a request using the pictures below.,Make a request using the pictures below.,Pair work,Role-play the following situations. Think about the relationship between the speaker and the liste

14、ner. Decide how to make the request.,A teenager wants to stay out late, and asks a parent about it.2. A foreign friend is interested in your new video game, and asks about it.3. Some students want to hand in their homework later than the teacher asked for it.4. You want to change the time you asked

15、a friend to come for a meal at your house.,Exercise,How to ask politely?,Could you tell me where the corn chips are, please?,Is there any more milk, (please)?,Can you show me how this works? (e.g. a coffee grinder),Id like it sliced thicker / thinner, please.,Will you give me a pound of that, please? Can / Could I have a pound of that, please?,



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