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1、 (第一部:初中英语单词)(第一部:初中英语单词)One、黄氏语音速记法、黄氏语音速记法心理训练篇心理训练篇一、一、我们的信心我们的信心二、二、我们的信念我们的信念三、三、我们的口号我们的口号我是唯一的!天生我才必有用!我是唯一的!天生我才必有用!我自信!我努力!我自信!我努力! 我成功!我成功!过去不等未来,过去已属于死神!未来才属于自己!我们认为:过去不等未来,过去已属于死神!未来才属于自己!我们认为:态度代表未来态度代表未来, 决心代表未来,决心代表未来,信心代表未来,信心代表未来, 努力代表未来努力代表未来,坚持代表未来!坚持代表未来!English is important! Eng

2、lish is fun! Lets enjoy losing face! Lets study hard ! Lets crack English together!We will make wonders ! Our dreams will come true!2四、四、我们坚信我们坚信1、人人都能成功!人人都能成功! 2、成功是因为态度!成功是因为态度! 3、我是一切的根源!我是一切的根源! 4、过去不等于未来!过去不等于未来! 5、人,因为梦想而伟大!人,因为梦想而伟大! 6、决心决定成功!决心决定成功! 7、成功就是每天进步一点点!成功就是每天进步一点点! 8、成功者找方法,失败者找借

3、口!成功者找方法,失败者找借口! 9、立刻行动!立刻行动! 10. 坚持到底坚持到底, 永不放弃永不放弃!五、五、学好英语的十大理由学好英语的十大理由学好英语的十大理由学好英语的十大理由1._2._3._4_5._6_7_8_9_10._3六、六、我们的誓言我们的誓言我的我的 My Oath 誓言誓言我叫_,我的最大的梦想是_, 当务之急是_。我一定要在_月 内攻克英语,考上_! 以上是我对自己、父母、老师、同学的誓言。 从此,我将努力奋斗!言必行,行必果!早日实现 心中梦想!我发誓:此生一定要成功我发誓:此生一定要成功!宣誓人:宣誓人:_2010 年年_月月 _日日4七我们的演讲七我们的演讲

4、 Believe in Yourself, My Friend, Everything You Can DoLet me tell you a true story, my friend. Its a about a blind man .(盲人)The blind mans name is Xiao Guang. He lives in Beijing. He has blind since he was born, you know, in both his eyes. And hes still blind. He has never seen anything in the world

5、. He has never seen the sun. He has never seen his parents. He has never seen anything that we all can see. And even he has never seen himself.When he was young , he couldnt go to school , he couldnt study with his eyes, he couldn;t find his bed, his shoes , his coats, trousers, and his bowl, rice o

6、r anything else! Some people laughed him. At first, he cried and cried. He sought himself useless, like a dog or a pig. He wanted to die at once!“Oh, I cant die! I must fight !” he told himself . “I must fight! From now on , I must fight! And never, never stop, till . I have won. I believe in myself

7、 ,Ill be a winner!”And so he stand up! He wanted to be a brave (勇敢的) man . He wanted to be a strong man , a useful man. He wanted not only to study ,but also to learn everything . And indeed, he began his fight(战斗).With the help of his grandparents, he began to learn Chinese, and maths.With the help

8、 of his parents, he started to learn physics and English.With the help of his teachers, he learnt German.He studied in spring. He studied in summer. He studied in autumn. He studied in winter. Every hour! Every moment!He studied at school. He studied at home. He studied at his desk. He studied in be

9、d! Every place! Every where!Now he can do cooking for himself. He can do washing for himself. He can take a good care of himself.Whats more, he can speak English well. he can speak German well. He also knows other subjects well like Chinese, maths and physics.Once he said , “ If you want to win , do

10、nt stop even if you feel tired.dont stop even if you feel ill.If you want to win , dont lose heart! dont lose your confidence (信心)even if you die!If you want to win , never lie down, but stand up!never go back, but march on (前进) Once he also said, “Everyone of us should remember that in our lives th

11、ere are thousands of various tests(各种考验), waiting for us. The only key (办法) is to fight and advance bravely(勇敢地前进)! ” Yes, indeed, my friend, thats what a blind man has done and said. What do you think you should do and say then, my friends? Xiao Guang is blind in his eyes, but he is not blind in hi

12、s head, he isnt blind in his mind. A blind man can, why cant we? why cant? Were not blind in both our eyes, were bright. Then why cant we? why cant we, then? Why?! Why not?! Oh, yes, my friends, my dear friends, you can ,we can. Yes, really ,we all can . Yes, you can , if you do your best. Yes, we c

13、an , if we try our best. Yes, yes, we all can, if we try our very best! This world is theirs. This world is also yours! This world is also ours! In this world, if we dont word hard, well fail. Well fall down into a deep valley(深渊) In this world, we cant depend on (依靠) our parents. We cant depend on

14、any others. In this world, we must rely on (依靠) ourselves! We must rely on our own hands! Now, my dear friends,Do our lessons, do your homework .Study hard and work hard. Do what we can do. Do what we should do. Do what we must do. Do our very best! Do everything! Get up early in the morning! Go to bed late at night! Dont be afraid of cold. Dont fear difficulties! Less talk, more 5deeds(行动)! Dont stop. Dont stop learning. Not just say so, but really do so! If we try our best, a difficult problem will become an easy question. If we try our best, a big thing will becom


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