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1、键入文字1高三作文指导与讲评:高三作文指导与讲评: 本期主题:图片作文本期主题:图片作文 三年的高中即将结束。请你以“I will remember my school life forever”为题,为英语校刊投稿。注意:注意: 文章应包括下面四幅图的内容;词数不少于 120;文章的开头已为你写出。_键入文字2范文范文: After the College Entrance Examination , the three-year school life will come to an end. Its hard to say goodbye to my school, teachers a

2、nd friends ,because I have an unforgettable time here.Small as/though our school is, it is very beautiful,with trees,gardens,modern buildings and a large playground on the campus. The national flag at the gate greets (迎接,问候)me every day in the morning,making me feel great I also enjoy attending clas

3、ses,listening attentively to the teachers or having discussions with my classmates. Everyone actively participates in all the activities and every class is meaningful Teachers in our school are very helpfulThey are not only experienced and knowledgeable,but also patient and understanding. Whenever I

4、 have difficulty with my study or life, my teachers are always there ,ready to lend a hand. We also have colorful sports activities at schoo1. In addition to PE classes,we have more choices 1ike playing basketball, soccer,table tennis,as well as swimming.In a word, everything here will be in my hear

5、t forever. I.注意以下表达:注意以下表达: 1.各种各样的户外活动;various outdoor activities / a variety of / varieties of / all kinds of 2.全神贯注做什么 concentrate on (doing ) sth / be devoted to (doing) sth / be buried in (doing) sth /devote oneself to (doing ) sth/ bury oneself in (doing ) sth / 3.忙于做某事:be busy doing sth / be

6、busy with sth / be occupied in doing sth / be occupied with sth / be engaged in doing sth 4. 在日常生活中 in our daily life 5. 做-对我们来说是重要的 it is impotant/ vital /essential for us to do sth 6. respect each other 相互尊重 have interest in their studies 对 感兴趣 lose interest in 对- 失 去兴趣 organize various activities

7、 组织各种各样的活动 7offer our helpful hands when someone is in trouble.,当他人在困境中,我们要伸出援助之手 8.get rid of some bad habits, 改掉改掉一些坏习惯 kick the bad habit of doing sth 8.Dont be late for school 不迟到 never throw rubbish at random 不乱扔垃圾 =randomly never spit in public 不在公共场合吐痰吐痰。 9 concentrate on their study 专心专心学习 g

8、ain rich experience 获得丰富的经验 10.建成一个和谐的校园 do as much as we can to build our school into a harmonious campus, 11 同学们的观点不同如下 Opinions vary from student to student as follows 12 每个人都有优点和缺点 everyone has strengths as well as weaknesses. 13. develop a friendship 建立友谊 top students 尖子生 a civilized student 一个

9、文明的学生 14.gain self-confidence 获得自信 benefits us a lot 让我们获益匪浅 15.learn from each other 相互学习 make progress together. 共同进步 16. 40.take up too much time and energy 花费太多花费太多的时间和精力 on the campus 在校园里在校园里 17 make their dreams come true 让你梦想成真 realize my dream 实现我的梦想 18.form/get into /develop the habit of d

10、oing 养成做的习惯 have enough rest and sleep 有充足的休息和睡眠有充足的休息和睡眠 19.make trouble 捣乱捣乱,制造麻烦 citizens 市民 netizen 网民20. feel unfair. 感到不公平感到不公平 fully develop their interests and hobbies.充分发展自己的兴趣和爱好21. becurious about 对感到好奇 get in touch with society 接触社会 22make comparisons.进行比较 keep it as a secret 保密.break school rules 破坏班规 23. release their stress 释放压力 seek higher incomes.寻求更高的收入 24.high social status 社会地位社会地位高 be busy with study 忙于学习 25 healthy and energetic 健康且精力充沛精力充沛 keep healty=keep fit 保持健康键入文字326 affect their studies and h


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