商务现场口译unit 6 business advertisements

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《商务现场口译unit 6 business advertisements》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务现场口译unit 6 business advertisements(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、商务现场口译商务现场口译 UnitUnit 6 6 BusinessBusiness AdvertisementsAdvertisementsUnit 6 Business AdvertisementsI.You are going to hear a short passage about advertising. Listen to the passage carefully and note down what you hear. Pay attention to the structure of your notes. Then interpret your notes in the

2、target language.AdvertisingAdvertising reaches people through various forms of mass media. These media includenewspapers, magazines, television, radio and posters and hoardings. Advertisers buy space in newspaper and magazines to publish their advertisements. They buy time on television and radio to

3、 broadcast their commercials.One of the many advantages of newspapers is that most adults read a daily newspaper, and many of them specifically check the advertisements for information about products, services, or special sales. Magazines are usually read in a leisurely manner and are often kept for

4、 weeks or months before being discarded. One of the main advantages of television to advertisers is that it brings sight, sound and action directly to consumers in their homes. An advantage of advertising on radio is that people can listen to programs while doing other things, like driving their car

5、s or working at home.II. Phrase InterpretingA1斯沃奇2爱立信3飘柔4七喜5诺基亚6本田7飞利浦8奥林巴斯9万宝路10雷克萨斯B1. consumer advertising2. business advertising3. local advertising4. national advertising5. global advertising6. print advertising7. electronic advertising8. out-of-home advertising9. commercial advertising10. Inte

6、rnet advertisingIII. Sentence InterpretingA.1随着我国加入 WTO 以及对外经济交往迅速加深与扩大,英语广告已逐渐发展成为企业促进出口销售,开拓海外市场的一个主要手段。2广告可以利用有争议的政治话题、社会话题作由头宣传自己,也可以直截了当地推销自己的产品以抓住消费者的注意力,引导他们购买产品或服务。3这种牌子的吸尘器在国际市场上颇具竞争力,是同类产品中最畅销的。4我们生产的电脑具有品质好,体积小,节省能源的特点,而且易学好用。5随着世界经济的发展,报纸,杂志和电视台的大部分收入便取决于广告。B1. If the advertisers simply

7、translate the successful ads at home into English, it is quite likelythat they will not succeed.2. As one of the most important auto shows in China, China Auto 2006 will be held in Juneat the China International Exhibition Center, Beijing3. Interactive TV moves television into an entirely new medium

8、 combining entertainment,shopping, marketing and advertising.4. Advertising on British television is subject to strict regulations.5. As our product has all the features you need and is 20% cheaper than that of Japaneseproduct, I strongly recommend it to you.Text A所有的广告都希望你喜欢它的产品。即使是信息性很强的广告,也可以做得很有

9、人情味、富有情趣。比方说,有个豪华小汽车的图片广告,上面两个汽车发动机并列,每个发动机上摆着一满杯鸡尾酒,一个酒杯摇摇晃晃,另一个酒杯纹丝不动。这就立刻引起你的注意。于是广告文字就告诉你,宝马牌的发动机出厂前就是用这种办法来检验它的平稳性能的。这是一份属于信息性和技术性的广告,但却有人情味。此外,客户和广告公司还想方设法使产品的牌子带有一种个性,使消费者对这种个性产生好感,感到亲切,从而变成只买这个牌子的忠实买主。我来给您举个例子吧。您知道,英国人很喜爱动物,特别是狗和猫。Andrex 是一种名牌卫生纸。它总是用一只金色的小狗做广告,往往还给你来个小小的表演。比如说,那只小狗在楼上浴室里玩卫生

10、纸卷,把自己给缠住了,它往楼下跑,纸卷打开了,拖在它的后边,它经过厨房,一直跑到花园里。背景是一套整洁明亮的房子。小狗柔顺可爱,它这些小淘气动作立刻受到了广大观众的喜爱。我们喜欢观看这段情节和小狗,同时也得到了这样一个信息:这种纸质地坚韧,又长又软。于是我们便开始把 Andrex 这个牌子和小狗广告联系了起来。IV. Coordinating-Field InterpretingZhang:现在我们来谈谈广告。我们每天都看到广告,可是我们当中没几个人了解广告是怎么制作的。Interpreter: Now lets talk about advertising, for its somethin

11、g we all encounter daily, butfew of us know much about how it is put together.Pamela: OK, where shall we start?Interpreter:好吧。从哪儿谈起呢?zhang:您是客户经理,您不妨先谈谈什么叫做客户业务经理。Interpreter: You are an account director. Why dont you explain what that actually means?Pamela: An agency is divided into three main sect

12、ions: One is the media department,which advises and plans which newspapers, magazines or television stationsa client should use and also buys the space or TV time for the client. Thecreative department: This is possibly the most important section of the agency,I suppose, as here you would find the c

13、opywriters and artists who actuallycreate the ads. And then there is the account service department, which iswhere I fit in.Interpreter:一个广告公司分为 3 个部门。第一个是宣传媒介部。它负责向客户建议在哪家报刊、杂志或者电视台刊登广告,做出计划,并且代客户购买报刊版面或电视播放时间。第二个是创意部。我想这可能是广告社里最重要的部门。在这里,你可以见到实际创造广告的撰稿人员和美术家。还有就是适合我本人工作的 account服务部。zhang:你是说你管财务?I

14、nterpreter: Does that mean you handle the finances?Pamela: No, no! Not at all. “Account“ in this context simply means client. So an accountdirector is responsible for all the business with possible 2, 3 or 4 clients,depending on how big the clients are.Interpreter:不,不是那样。 “account”这个词在这里是客户的意思。客户业务经

15、理负责两三个或者四个客户,数目可根据客户大小而定。Zhang:看来你们客户服务部是广告社直接与客户接头的单位了?Interpreter: So the account service people are the direct contact between the agency andthe client?Pamela: Exactly. My job is to ensure that the work being produced is giving the rightmessage to the right people, and that it is within budget. W

16、hen we are startinga new advertising campaign-and by campaign, I mean a series of adverts, itis my responsibility to get as much information from the client as possibleand then to convey this to the creative department in the form of a creativebrief.Interpreter:对。正是这样。我的工作是保证所做的广告针对性很强,把恰当的信息传达给恰当的对象,开支则要在允许的范围内。要开始新的广告计划的时候,所谓广告计划就是一整套的广告宣传,我的任务就是向客户尽可能多地了解情况,然后通过创意小结的形式把这些情况转达给创意部门。zhang:客户怎样帮助你做好这项工作呢?Interpreter: How can the client help you to achieve this?Pamela: We



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