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1、I兴业银行财务报表分析兴业银行财务报表分析摘要 财务报表分析,是通过收集,整理企业财务会计报告中有关数据,并结合其他有关补充信息,对企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量情况进行综合比较和评价,为财务会计报告使用者提供管理决策和控制依据的一项管理工作。银行会计报表是银行一切金融交易的数据描述,它反映了银行经营活动的全貌。因此,对报表进行分析不仅要分析经营活动成果,而且还要分析经营活动过程。作为经营货币的企业,首先要进行资金分析。银行在资金营运的整个过程中有许多不确定因素,银行经营的各个环节都包含着风险,如何防范和控制风险,增强银行资金的流动性和安全性,这也是银行会计报表分析的另一个着重点。关键词

2、上市银行,兴业银行,上市银行,兴业银行, 财务报表财务报表ABSTRACTBank accounting statements are all financial transactions bank data description (whether on the form or in off-balance-sheet describe), it reflects the outline of the banks business activities. Therefore, analysis of statements not just to analyse business activi

3、ties achievement, but also analysis management activity process. The bank is the special enterprise business monetary credit, its business activities process mainly for capital operation process, so first should undertake fund analysis. Banks in capital operations throughout the process, a lot of un

4、certainty of banks operation each link contain, and how to prevent and control the risk of risks, enhancing bank liquidity and security, this also is bank accounting statements analysis another focus. The final results of bank management performance for the profits (or losses), the pursuit of utmost

5、 profit is commercial bank management goal, how to increasing earnings, reduce cost, increase profitability needs financial analysis. This paper first chapter on a strategic perspective what socgen overall existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, the second IIchapter analyzes the d

6、evelopment status of the entire banking industry in Chinas banking industry at present, the problem and needs to strengthen the business, the third chapter concretely analyzed societe generale 2008 to 2008, of the financial data from liquidity, asset quality, capital adequacy ratio and nonprofit fou

7、r aspects to illustrate societe generales financial condition, and compares with between industry. KEY WORDS Listed Banks; Societe generale; Financial statements 目 录前 言.1第一章 兴业银行简介及行业现状分析.21.1 现状.21.2 行业分析.2第二章 兴业银行财务比率分析.62.1 兴业银行偿债能力分析.62.2 兴业银行盈利性分析.62.2.1 指标说明.62.2.2 指标分析.72.3 兴业银行资产质量分析.92.3.1

8、指标说明.102.3.2 指标分析.102.4 兴业银行流动性分析.132.4.1 指标说明.132.4.2 指标分析.142.5 兴业银行资本充足率分析.152.5.1 指标说明.15III2.5.2 指标分析.16第三章 兴业银行财务存在的问题及发展建议.193.1 存在的问题.193.1.1 为提高资本充足率,过分强调“存款立行”.193.1.2 资产管理不善,不良贷款比率较高,风险管理体制不健全.193.1.3 经营品种单一,缺乏金融创新.203.1.4 银行内部结构不当,管理水平较低.203.1.5 银行财务管理人员对融资渠道及其财务风险认识不足.203.1.6 财务决策缺乏科学性导致决策失误.213.1.7 银行财务关系不明.213.2 兴业银行发展建议.223.2.1 保持存款适度增长,提高资本充足率.223.2.2 加强信贷风险管



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