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1、2009 年中考英语复习策略年中考英语复习策略第一轮:基础知识复习。. 单词单词:学生联想,拓展,寻找记忆的规律及组词造句为主。同时复习单词时也要把游戏贯穿其中。比如: 由success n. 成功 想到了 succeed v. 成功, successful adj. 成功的有同学说: successful 是在名词的后面加了 ful,这两个词可以联系起来记。有的同学编成口诀 “动词成功 succeed 变成名词, 只把 ed 变成 ss.”又有同学会说: “在-方面取得成功的句型为 1. succeed in sth.doing sth. 2. be successful in sth.do

2、ing sth.3.have success in sth. doing sth. 有同学说:我可以造句如 1. If you work hard ,you will succeed in the final exam. 2. If you work hard ,you will be successful in the final exam. 3.If you work hard ,you will have success in the final exam. ch让学生找出单词记忆的规律如: ange 改变 ,学生说:“这个单词好记,用汉语拼音就是chang-e 嫦娥.”tailor 裁

3、缝 有的学生说:“这个单词可以这样记 tail-or, tail 是尾巴。在尾巴后加 or 就是裁缝。音 con-gra-tu-la-tions。 ”总之,在复习中培养学生对学生的联想拓展能力记单词的记忆能力。节记忆法如:congratulations 学生说:“ 这个词可以按读音记 为了提高单词学习的趣味性我们可以把游戏设计进来。如:闪卡游戏,击鼓传花,寻卡游戏, 爱心传递游戏等。教师在课堂中的引领。教师在课堂中的引领。教师示范对话或师生共同表演,提高口语交际的时效性和趣味性。对话表演要体现展示的价值性,即学生的语速要适中,声音洪亮,语音语调要正确。老师在课堂开始可以给学生讲一个英文笑话,或

4、与学生共同展示一个对话。比如在课堂上我与学生共同展示了一个有我改编且导演的“盲人与狗”的笑话。我用英语解说,同学们演故事情节。学生的滑稽的表演逗的同学们哈哈大笑。One day a blind man is waling down the road with his dog. When they gets to the crossing, the traffic lights turn red. But the dog doesnt pay attention to them. He leads the blind man to get into the busy street. There

5、are so many cars, buses running down the street. The cars almost crash them. At last they get to Sidewalk.The blind man takes out some biscuits and gives them to the dog. A girl comes up to the blind man and asks him in surprise “He almost killed you ,why do you give him biscuits?” The blind man say

6、s, “I want to find where his arse(屁股) is. I want to beat him.” 重难点突破重难点突破。注重知识的规律的总结,拓展,延伸是知识更完整更系统。我们注重了对知识点的运用。让学生利用知识点组织对话或创作。Eg:常用有关购物的句型 1. Can I help you? What can I do for you? 2. Do you find anything you like? 3. I am looking for a pair of shoesI want to buy a pair of shoes. 4. Would you sho

7、w me this cup? 5. Id like to have a look if you dont mind. 6. I like this one. May I try it on? 7. It fits you. 8. How about this one?9. How much is it?Whats the price of it?How much does it cost? 10. What sizecolourkind do you want? 11. Do you like this one?What about this one? 12. Im afraid its mu

8、ch too expensive,I cant afford it. 13. Do you have anything cheaper? 14. Anything else? 15. Ill takehave it. 16. Here is the money. 情景再现:S1: Can I help you? S2: Yes, Im looking for a coat. S1: What colour would you like? S2: Black. S1: Im afraid we havent got any black shirts at the moment. S2: Do y

9、ou have any other colours? S1:Yes. What about the brown one? S2: Let me try it on,OK? S1: Sure- Hmm , it looks nice and just right on you. S2:Whats the price of it? S1: Its one hundred and fifty yuan. S2: All right. Ill take it. Here is the money. 第二轮复习:专项复习第二轮复习:专项复习 .让学生在总结,归纳的基础上创设情景,学会运用,是烦躁无谓的语

10、法知识更加形象,灵让学生在总结,归纳的基础上创设情景,学会运用,是烦躁无谓的语法知识更加形象,灵 活活。下面是一节现在进行时的复习设计。Step1 让学生以组为单位,整理搜集学过的动词。在黑板上设置“动词开会”专栏,然后边读边做动作并板书在黑板上。让语法学习趣味化。Step2 让学生由几个现在分词的特殊变化,让学生总结现在分词的变化规则。 Run-running read-reading have having 1.一般情况在动词的末尾-ing 2 一步发音的e 结尾的动词,要去掉e 在-ing.3. 一重读闭音节结尾的,且只有一个元音字母加辅音子母结尾的要双写这个辅音字母再加ing. Ste

11、p3: 让学生用三种颜色的笔,把这三种情况从动词专栏中标出。比如:红色表示一般情况,黄色表示去e 的加 ing 的。 蓝色表示双写加 ing 的。Step4: 句型 What are youthey doing? I am reading books. We(they) are reading books.What is he she liMing doing ?HeShe is reading books. 专What am I doing? 总结: What +be +主语+ doing?主语+be+ v-ing sth.主谓关系用口诀表示; (口诀): 我是 am 你是 are,单数 i

12、s 复数 are. Step5: 让学生边做动作便组织对话。让对话趣味化,形象化。Step6:能力升级。 .专题训练,加强阅读。培养学生的搜索信息的能力。专题训练,加强阅读。培养学生的搜索信息的能力。学生那一让张照片,用进行时进行描述。或让学生在黑板上画出一幅图,对这幅图进行描述。 一节语法课的设计 专练首先设定学习目标首先设定学习目标: 1.让学生掌握这两种语态的结构,并且能够灵活运用. 1.提高学生的英语综合水平. 3.提高学生的英语兴趣.教学步骤: Step1 写. 先在黑板上写一句 He cleans the floor every day. 然后让学生用不同的时态造句.e.g. S1

13、: He cleaned the floor yesterday.S2: He is cleaning the floor now.S3: He will clean the floor tomorrow.S4: He has cleaned the floor already.S5: He was cleaning the floor at 8:oo yesterday.S6: He said he would clean the floor.S8: He had cleaned the floor before 8:oo.Step2 让学生在黑板上分别写出它们的被动语态 . S1: The

14、 floor is cleaned every day. S2: The floor was cleaned yesterday. S3: The floor is being cleaned now. S4:The floor has been cleaned already. S5: The floor was being cleaned at8:00 yesterday. S6: The floor will be cleaned tomorrow. S7:He said the floor would be cleaned by him. S8: The floor had been

15、cleaned before 8:00. Step3.写完后让学生相互改正,建立纠错板让学生自觉纠错并且在课堂上说出以警告其他学生不要犯类似的错误. Step4让学生总结被动语态的结构以及变换的规则. 1.amisare +p.p 2.waswere +p.p. 3.hashave been+p.p. 4.will be +p.p. 5.amisare being +p.p. 6.waswere being +p.p 7.had been +p.p. 8.would be +p.p. 9.mustcanmay be +p.p动语态变被主动语态: 1. 主语by+宾语 宾语主语 时态要一致 3.

16、主语谓语要保持一致. Step5. Practice: 1. You must keep your room clean and tidy. (改为被动语态) Your room must _ _ clean and tidy. 2. More and more families in China buy cars. (改为被动语态) Cars _ _ _ more and more families in China. 3. Didnt tell you about it? (改为被动语态) _ you _ about it? 补充:( 1.) 含有短语动词的,变被动语态时介词不可丢. 如: take care of, look after, take care of ,look at , listen to, send for.Eg:.I will loo



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