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1、2011 级英美文学专题试题 I. Define the following terms with example 1. Ballad stanza 2. Frame-work story 3. Humanism 4. Eco-criticism 5. Dramatic monologue 6. Realism II. Answer the following questions briefly 1. What are the major functions of literature?Literature is artistic representation of human experie

2、nces through language. Artistic representation. Served as a mirror and lamp A mirror: mimetic function- imitation of the world, reflection of the universe A Lamp: instructive function - teaching people to be better human beings Moral assessments and judgments Aesthetic function: beauty and enjoyment

3、s. 2. How do you appreciate English poetry?3. What are the key elements of a novel?场景(Setting)情节(Plot)人物(Character)叙事者(Narrator)主题 (Theme)语言(Language)世界观 World View4. What is the major classification of characters according to E.M. Forster? 5. Do you think Hamlets delay in action is the matter of co

4、wardice? Why or why not?6. What are the main differences between William Wordsworth and Wang Wei in term of the theme of “life and death” respectively in “She Dwelt among the Un-trodden Ways” and “Xinyi Wu”?1.Ballad stanzaIn poetry, a BalladBallad stanzastanza is the four-line stanza, known as a qua

5、train, most often found in the folk ballad. This form consists of alternating four- and three-stress lines. Usually only the second and fourth lines rhyme (in an a/b/c/b pattern). Assonance in place of rhyme is common. Samuel Taylor Coleridge adopted the ballad stanza in The Rime of the Ancient Mari

6、ner, alternating eight and six syllable lines.All in a hot and copper sky! The bloody Sun, at noonnoon, Right up above the mast did stand,No bigger than the MoonMoon.Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, lines 111 114The longer first and third lines are rarely rhymed, although at times poets m

7、ay use internal rhyme in these lines.In mist or cloudcloud, on mast or shroudshroud, It perched for vespers nine; Whiles all the nightnight, through fog-smoke whitewhite, Glimmered the white Moon-shine. Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, lines 75 78 2.frame-work studyA frame story (also fra

8、me tale, frame narrative, etc.) employs a narrative technique whereby an introductory main story is composed, at least in part, for the purpose of setting the stage for a fictive narrative or organizing a set of shorter stories, each of which is a story within a story. The frame story leads readers

9、from the first story into the smaller one within it.The General Prologue The Knights Tale The Millers Prologue and Tale The Reeves Prologue and Tale The Cooks Prologue and Tale 3.Humanismis the essence of the renaissance 文艺复兴. In Greek and Roman civilization, man is the measure of all things. Contra

10、ry to the medieval philosophy, the humanists believed that it was justified to praise human nature and that human beings are glorious creatures capable of development in the direction of perfection. the world was theirs not to dislike but to question,explore and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizing the value

11、 of human beings and the important of the present life, the emphasized that man not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but have the ability to perfect themselves and create wonders. Such as William Shakespeare hamlet4.ECO-criticismEcoEco criticismcriticism is the study of literatu

12、re and environment from an interdisciplinary point of view where all sciences come together to analyze the environment and brainstorm possible solutions for the correction of the contemporary environmental situation.生态批评是一个言人人殊的话语体。大多数人认同彻丽尔格罗特费尔蒂的定 义:“生态批评是探讨文学与自然环境之关系的批评。 ”一般认为, “生态批评” 这一概念由美国学者威廉

13、鲁克尔曼1978年首次提出,他的文学与生态学: 一次生态批评实验文章在衣阿华评论1978冬季号上刊出,以“生态批评” 概念明确地将“文学与生态学结合起来” 。1992年, “文学与环境研究会”在美 国内华达大学成立。1994年,克洛伯尔出版专著生态批评:浪漫的想象与生 态意识 ,提倡“生态学的文学批评”(ecological literary criticism)或 “生态学取向的批评”(ecological oriented criticism)。1995年在科罗拉多 大学召开了首次研讨会,会议部分论文以阅读大地:文学与环境研究的新走 向为书名正式出版(1998) 。其后,生态批评的著作有如

14、雨后春笋般地充斥文 论界。Jack London The Call of the Wild5.dramatic monologueM.H. Abrams notes the following three features of the dramatic monologue as it applies to poetry:A single person, who is patently not the poet, utters the speech that makes up the whole of the poem, in a specific situation at a critica

15、l moment . This person addresses and interacts with one or more other people; but we know of the auditors presence, and what they say and do, only from clues in the discourse of the single speaker. The main principle controlling the poets choice and formulation of what the lyric speaker says is to r

16、eveal to the reader, in a way that enhances its interest, the speakers temperament and character.TypesTypes ofof dramaticdramatic monologuemonologueeditedit One of the most important influences on the development of the dramatic monologue is the Romantic poets. The long, personal lyrics typical of the Romantic period are not dramatic monologues, in the sense that they do not, for the most part, imply a concentrated



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