体育运动词汇 vocabulary about sports 中英文对照

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《体育运动词汇 vocabulary about sports 中英文对照》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《体育运动词汇 vocabulary about sports 中英文对照(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、体育运动词汇体育运动词汇 vocabularyvocabulary aboutabout sportssports球类运动 ball games汉语English汉语English 篮球basketball;乒乓球table tennis;ping- pang 足球soccer;football排球volleyball 羽毛球shuttle网球tennis 曲棍球hockey棒球baseball 冰球ice hockey链球hammer throw 高尔夫球golf水球water polo 橄榄球rugby 垒球softball 板球cricket保龄球 bowling田径运动 track a

2、nd field田赛 field events竞走 walking; walking race 铁饼 discus throw铅球 shot put 接力 relay race; relay撑杆跳高 pole jump; pole- vault 举重 weight-lifting三级跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump 中长跑middle-distance race 短跑sprint ;dash400 米栏the 400 metre hurdles 越野跑cross-country race 跳远long jump ;broad jump标枪javelin跳高

3、high jump十项decathlon 赛跑 race马拉松marathon 跨栏比赛hurdles; hurdle race 水上运动 water/ aquatic sports游泳swimming蛙泳breaststroke 蹼泳 fin swimming蝶泳butterfly (stroke) 冲浪 surfing滑水 water-skiing 跳水 diving跳板跳水 springboard diving 跳台跳水platform diving自由泳freestyle; crawl 侧泳sidestroke滑艇/皮艇canoeing 赛艇运动rowing赛龙船 dragon-boa

4、t racing 水球(运动)water polo爬泳crawl 帆船运动sailing 仰泳backstroke 划船rowing 水橇water skiing 冰上运动 ice sports速度滑冰 speed skating 短跑道速度滑冰 short track speed skating) 高山滑雪 alpine skiing 自由式滑雪freestyle skiing) 越野滑雪 cross-country skiing 北欧两项 Nordic combined跳台滑雪ski jumping 现代冬季两项 biathlon 雪撬luger雪车bobsled 花样滑冰 figure

5、skating 冰壶curling 冰球ice hockey滑板滑雪snowboarding 障碍滑雪slalom 速降滑雪downhill race 跳高滑雪ski jump 滑冰ice skating 滑雪skiing体操 gymnastics自由体操 floor/free exercises艺术体操 artistic gymnastics 鞍马pommel horse吊环rings 跳马vaulting horse双杠parallel bar 单杠horizontal bar高低杠uneven bars 平衡木balance beam绳操rope exercise 圈操hoop exer

6、cise球all exercise 棒操club exercise带操 ribbon exercise 哑铃操dumbbell exercise高杠high bar武术 Martial Arts击剑 fencing射箭 archery 拳术 barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing散打 free combat摔跤 wrestling柔道judo 太极拳hexagram boxing跆拳道taekwondo 自由式摔跤free style wrestling站立摔standing wrestling其他运动 other sports拔河 tug-of-war国际象棋

7、 (international) chess 登山运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing定点跳伞 accuracy jump; precision landing 象棋 Chinese chess毽子 shuttlecock摩托运动 motorcycling跳伞parachuting 秋千swing垫上运动 mat exercises 滑翔运动gliding; sail planing骑术 horsemanship汽车拉力赛rally竞技性运动 competitive sport技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics室内自行车赛场 indoor v

8、elodrome体育中常用词汇体育运动中涉及的人员的词汇裁判长 chief referee啦啦队长 cheer-leader 裁判员 referee, umpire世界纪录保持 者 world-record holder 观众 spectator全能冠军 all-round champion 教练员 coach特级大师 grandmaster 啦啦队 cheering-section体育工作者 sports organizer 运动员 athlete; sportsman运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast 种子选手 seeded player; seed最有价值球员MVP

9、优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete助理教练assistant coach 业余运动员amateur后备(替换, 支持)球员backup; bench player 黑马 dark horse无取胜利希望 者outside技术指导instructor可取胜利希望 者favorite经纪人manger关于比赛局势及结果的词汇实力相等deadlock比分领先 to outscore 得分相等tie score不分胜负,平 手draw;dead heat 零分shut out skunk险胜narrow victory 胜win败lose和局tie game淘汰 eli

10、minate竞技状态好 in good form失利to lose失常 to lose ones usual form打出水平,打 出风格up to ones best level in skill and style of play表示犯规的词汇警告caution warning补罚下场 ejection 驱逐离场marching order expelled黄牌(表示警 告)yellow card犯满离场, “毕业”disqualification红牌(表示判 罚出场)red card被裁判记名taken name by referee形容比赛所用的词汇联赛,比赛tournament 客场

11、比赛away game 总决赛final首轮比赛first round 季后赛post season季赛regular season 客场比赛road game准决赛semi-final 决赛final 半决赛semi-final 冠军赛,锦 标赛championship 主场比赛home game邀请赛invitational/invitational亚军running-up; second; silver medallist tournament 冠军champion 轻量级 lightweight 中量级middleweight重量级 heavyweight 女子项目womens eve

12、nt 男子项目 mens event混合双打in the mixed doubles 团体项目 team event关于篮球运动的词汇汉语English汉语English中锋center forward, center前锋 forward后卫back后卫组(包括控 球后卫及得分后 卫)backcourt后备球员backup指全体后备球员bench 教练coach控球后卫one-guard 控球后卫point guard大前锋power forward 小前锋small forward得分后卫shooting guard 先发球员starter最有价值球员MVP 球队训练员trainer得分后卫

13、two-guard 篮板backboard篮框,篮圈hoop 罚球圈,禁区free-throw lane罚球线free-throw line 前场front court后场back court 中场mid-court篮网net 罚球圈,禁区painted area底线区域wing 中场休息时间halftime记录台,记分台scoring table 三分(球)线three-point line(快攻时)长传(throw a) baseball pass 运球dribble失误 turnover (投)篮外空心球shoot an air ball背后(换手)运 球behind-the-back

14、dribble 翻球carrying the ball胯下运球cross-leg dribble 带球上篮driving to the hoop投三分球shoot behind the arc 托球入篮tap in上半场first half 阻挡犯规blocking foul(带球)撞人charging foul 两次运球double dribble驱逐出场ejection (全场比赛,上半 场的比赛)时间 终了expiration (of game, first half)比赛的第一(第二, 第三,第四)节first (second, third, fourth) period 防守违例il

15、legal defense犯规foul 球出界线out of bound争球,跳球jump ball 加时赛,延长赛overtime裁判referee 下半场second half换人substitute 技术犯规technical foul3 秒钟违例three-second violation 发球入场throw in(带球)走步traveling;walk ing 切入cut出拳打架throw a punch 快攻fast break犯规战术foul strategy 传切战术give and go(篮下)卡位jockey for position 人盯人防守one-one-one de

16、fense挡切战术pick and roll:区域联防zone defense 灌篮(slam) dunk 擦板球bank shot拉杆式投篮double pump后仰式跳投fade-away shot跳投jump shot 钩射投篮hook shot带球上篮lay-up 中距离投篮perimeter shot立定投篮set shot 三分球three-point shot助功assist阻攻,盖火锅儿block shot防守篮板球defensive rebound 投球命中field goal 投球命中率field goal percentage 罚球命中率free throw percentage罚球free throw进攻篮板球offensive rebound篮板球rebound得分scoring抄截steal关于足球的词汇汉语English汉语English 足球场field, pitch中场mid


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