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1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 4常见的英文邀请函常见的英文邀请函你知道英文邀请函要怎么写吗,其实写起来并不难,你知道英文邀请函要怎么写吗,其实写起来并不难,只要写清楚邀请的人,时间,地点,活动的相关信息,同只要写清楚邀请的人,时间,地点,活动的相关信息,同时要注意礼貌用语,还要注意英语的语法问题。下面为大时要注意礼貌用语,还要注意英语的语法问题。下面为大家带来了常见的英文邀请函范文,仅供参考,谢谢阅读,家带来了常见的英文邀请函范文,仅供参考,谢谢阅读,喜欢我们站的可以关注一下。喜欢我们站的可以关注一下。DearDear sir/madam:sir

2、/madam:OnOn date,date, wewe willwill hosthost anan eveningevening ofof celebrationcelebration inin honorhonor ofof thethe retirementretirement ofof name,name, PresidentPresident ofof pany. YouYou areare cordiallycordially invitedinvited toto attendattend thethe celebrationcelebration atat hotel,hote

3、l, location,location, onon datedate fromfrom toto namename hashas beenbeen thethe PresidentPresident ofof companycompany sincesince year.year. DuringDuring thisthis period,period, companycompany expandedexpanded itsits businessbusiness fromfrom toto . . NowNow itsits ourour opportunityopportunity to

4、to thankthank himhim forfor hishis yearsyears ofof exemplaryexemplary leadershipleadership andand wishwish himhim wellwell forfor a a happyhappy retirement.retirement. PleasePlease joinjoin usus toto saysay Good-byeGood-bye toto name.name.SeeSee youyou onon date.date.YoursYours sincerelysincerelynam

5、enameDearDear sir/madam:sir/madam:精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 4WeWe wouldwould likelike toto inviteinvite youyou toto anan exclusiveexclusive presentationpresentation ofof ourour newnew product.product. TheThe presentationpresentation willwill taketake placeplace atat location,location, a

6、tat timetime onon date.date. ThereThere willwill alsoalso bebe a a receptionreception atat time.time. WeWe hopehope youyou andand youryour colleaguescolleagues willwill bebe ableable toto panycompany isis a a leadingleading producerproducer ofof high-qualityhigh-quality . . AsAs youyou wellwell know

7、,know, recentrecent technologicaltechnological advancesadvances havehave mademade increasinglyincreasingly affordableaffordable toto thethe public.public. OurOur newnew modelsmodels offeroffer superbsuperb qualityquality andand sophisticationsophistication withwith economy,economy, andand theirtheir

8、 newnew featuresfeatures givegive themthem distinctdistinct advantagesadvantages overover similarsimilar productsproducts fromfrom otherother manufacturers.manufacturers.WeWe looklook forwardforward toto seeingseeing youyou onon date.date. JustJust callcall ourour officeoffice atat phonephone number

9、number andand wewe willwill bebe gladglad toto securesecure a a placeplace forfor you.you.SincerelySincerely yours,yours,namenameDearDear sir/madam:sir/madam:ThankThank youyou forfor youryour letterletter ofof date.date. ImIm gladglad thatthat youyou areare alsoalso goinggoing toto placeplace nextne

10、xt month.month. ItIt wouldwould bebe a a greatgreat pleasurepleasure toto meetmeet youyou atat thethe exhibition/tradeexhibition/trade fair.fair.精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 4OurOur companycompany isis havinghaving a a receptionreception atat hotelhotel onon thethe eveningevening ofof date

11、date andand I I wouldwould bebe veryvery pleasedpleased ifif youyou couldcould attend.attend.I I looklook forwardforward toto hearinghearing fromfrom youyou soon.soon.YoursYours sincerely,sincerely,namenameDearDear sir/madam:sir/madam:organizationorganization wouldwould veryvery muchmuch likelike to

12、to havehave someonesomeone fromfrom youryour companycompany speakspeak atat ourour conferenceconference onon topic.topic.AsAs youyou maymay bebe aware,aware, thethe missionmission ofof ourour associationassociation isis toto promotepromote . . ManyMany ofof ourour membersmembers areare interestedint

13、erested inin thethe achievementsachievements youryour companycompany hashas mademade inin . .EnclosedEnclosed isis ourour preliminarypreliminary scheduleschedule forfor thethe conferenceconference whichwhich willwill bebe reviewedreviewed inin weeks.weeks. IllIll callcall youyou datedate toto seesee

14、 whowho fromfrom youryour companycompany wouldwould bebe willingwilling toto speakspeak toto us.us. I I cancan assureassure youyou thatthat wellwell makemake everythingeverything convenientconvenient toto thethe speaker.speaker.SincerelySincerely yours,yours,namenameDearDear sir/madam:sir/madam:精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 4ImIm delighteddelighted youyou haveh



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