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1、智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料GRE阅读逻辑题精选-智课教育旗下智课教育各位备战GRE考试的各位考生,大家还在苦苦寻找习题吗?今天小 编为大家整理了GRE阅读逻辑题精选10道题,帮助大家加强GRE阅读逻 辑部分的练习,一起来看看吧。 以下是的正文内容,大家一定要认真练习,合理利用,希望对大家 备考 GRE阅读 有帮助。 11. The average cable television company offers its customers 50 channels, but new fiber-optic lines w ill enable telephone companies t

2、o provide 100 to 150 television channels to their customers for the same price as cable companies charge for 50. Therefore, the new companies w ill displace cable companies w ithin a few years. Which of the follow ing, if true, most helps to strengthen the argument? A. The initial cost per household

3、 of installing new fiber -optic television service w ill exceed the current cost of installing cable television service.B. The most popular movies and programs on channels carried by cable companies w ill also be offered on channels carried by the fiber-optic lines ow ned by the telephone companies.

4、 C. Cable television companies w ill respond to competition from the telephone companies by incr easing the number of channels they offer. D. Some telephone companies ow n cable companies in areas other than those in w hich they provide telephone services. E. The new fiber-optic services offered by

5、telephone companies w ill be subject to more stringent governmental programming regulations than those to w hich cable companies are now subject. The correct answer is B.S e e: Strengthen question Thi nk: I need the choice that confirms the central assump tion. In other words, Strengthen the argumen

6、t = Strengthen t he assump tion. Do: Conclusion: The “what” of an argument In this case: Cable comp anies will be disp laced by the new comp anies within a few y ears. . Evidence: The “Why ” of an argument In this case: The average cable television comp any offers its customers 50 channels, but new

7、fiber-op tic lines will enable telep hone comp anies to p rovide 100 to 150 television channels to their customers for the same p rice as cable comp anies charge for 50.Assump t ion: Facts or ideas, not stated in the p assage. The assump tion must be true if the argument is to be considered valid. T

8、he assump tion ty p ical directly links the evidence with the conclusion. The best way to tackle it is to negate it. In this case: The channels, if not all, the most of them must be overlap p ed from both p roviders. The choice B, only B, confirms the central assump tion. So its the correct answer.

9、12. The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been w eight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back w ould make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. A device has recently been invented, how ever, that allow s an otherw i

10、se conventional spacecraft to refill the crafts fuel tanks w ith fuelmanufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return. Which one of the follow ing is an assumption on w hich the a

11、rgument depends? A. The amount of fuel needed for a spacecraft to return from Mars is the same as the amount of fuel needed to travel from Earth to Mars. B. The fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere w ould not differ in composition from the fuel used to travel to Mars. C. The device for manu

12、facturing fuel from the Martian atmosphere w ould not take up any of the spaceship crew s living space. D. A conventional spacecraft equipped w ith the device w ould not be appreciably more expensive to construct than current spacecraft typically are. E. The device for manufacturing fuel for the ret

13、urn to Earth w eighs less than the tanks of fuel that aconventional spacecraft w ould otherw ise need to carry from Earth for the return trip. The correct answer is (E) S e e: Assump tion question Thi nk: I have to find the conclusion, then the evidence, and from them figure out the central assump t

14、ion. Do: Conclusion: The “what” of an argument In this case: It is p ossible for p eop le to go to M ars in a sp acecraft that carries this device and then return. Evidence: The “Why ” of an argument In this case: E1:The only p hy sical factor p reventing a human journey to M ars has been weight. Ca

15、rry ing enough fuel to p rop el a conventional sp acecraft to M ars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. E2: A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional sp acecraft to refill the crafts fuel tanks with fuel manufactu

16、red from the M artian atmosp here for the return t rip Assump t ion: Facts or ideas, not stated in the p assage. The assump tion must be true if the argument is to be considered valid. The assump tion ty p ical directly links the evidence with the conclusion. The best way to tackle it is to negate it. In this case: The device for manufacturing fuel for the return to Earth weighs less than the tanks of fuel that a conventional sp acecraft would otherwise need to carry from Earth for the retur



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