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1、1集装箱装箱证明书 CONTAINER PACKING CERTIFICATE FOR DANGEROUS CARGO 船名:Ships Name航次:Voyage No:目的港:Port of Destination集装箱号:Container No:箱内所装危险货物Dangerous Goods Packed Therein正确运输名称Proper shipping Name of the Goods货物类别Class货物编号NO.包装类Packing Group件 数Package Quantity箱 数Total of Container总 重Total Weight兹证明:装箱现场检

2、查员已根据国际海运危险货物 规则的要求,对上述集装箱和箱内所装货物及货物 在箱内的积载情况进行了检查。并声明如下: 1.集装箱清洁、干燥,外观上适合装货。 2. 如果托运货物中包括除第 1.4 类外的第 1 类货物, 集装箱的结构上符合危险货物运输规则的规定 3. 集装箱内未装有不相容货物。 4. 所有的包件都已经过外观破损检查,装入箱内的 包件均系完好 5.所有包件装箱正确,衬垫、加固合理; 6. 集装箱及包件外表均已正确地进行了标记、标志 和标牌。 7. 当将固体二氧化碳(干冰)用于冷却目的时,在 集装箱外部门端明显处已显示标记或标志。 8. 对集装箱内所装的每票危险货物,已经收到其根 据

3、国际海运危险货物规则总论所要求的危险货物 申报单。以上准确无讹。装箱现场检查员签字 Signature of packing inspector装箱现场检查员备案编号 Certificate No.of packing inspector 装箱日期 Date of packing This is to certify that the above mentioned container, dangerous goods packed therein and their stowage condition have been inspected by the undersigned packin

4、g inspector according to the provisions of “International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code”and to declare that: 1.The container was clean,dry and apparently fit to receive goods. 2.If the consignments include goods of class 1except division 1.4,the container is structurally serviceable in conformity wi

5、th code for dangerous goods. 3.No incompatible substances have been packed into the container. 4.All packages have been externally inspected for damage,and only sound packages found. 5.All packages have been properly packed in the container,dunnaged and secured. 6. The container and packages are pro

6、perly marked and labeled. 7. When solid carbon dioxide(dry ice)is used for cooling purpose,the container is externally marked or labeled in a conspicuous place at the door . 8.The dangerous goods declaration required to the IMDG Code has been received for each dangerous goods consignment packed in the container.All stated above are correct.检查地点 Place of inspection装箱单位(签章) Packing unit(stamp) 签发日期 Date of issue2装箱记录箱号: 封志号: 装箱日期: 单证编号: 装箱作业情况记录积载计划:装箱时间货物名称/类别/包装类装箱货况包件数量/单件重量集装箱箱体状况包装类型、标记货物包装状况外观状况衬垫(材料、使用方法)装箱衬垫、加固情况加固(材料、使用方法)现场装箱检查员是否由检查部门查验3记 录 附 页装箱前粘 贴 栏装箱中粘 贴 栏装箱情况照片显示装箱后粘 贴 栏



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