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1、英语上课常用语英语上课常用语 1. Class begins. 上课。 6. Sit down, please. 请坐。7. Whos on duty today? 今天谁值日? 8. I am. 我值日。 9. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 10. Are you all here? 都出席了吗? 11. Yes. 全都出席了。 12. No, Li Ming is absent. 不,李明缺席(没到)。13. Li Ming is ill. 李明病了。14. May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 15. Yes, you may. 可以。Yes, please。

2、 16. Of course you may. 当然可以。 17. Yes, please do. 请进。 18. Come in, please. 请进。 19. Dont be late next time. 下次别再迟到了。20. What day is today? 今天是星期几? 21. Today is Monday(Tuesday,Wednesday, 今天是星期一(星期二,星期三, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日)。 22. What day is tomorrow? 明天是星期几? 23. Tomorro

3、w is Monday. 明天是星期一。 24. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期几? 25. Yesterday was Monday. 昨天是星期一。 26. Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎样? 27. Its fine. 今天天晴。 28. Its cloudy. 今天多云。 29. Its windy. 今天有风。30. Its raining. 今天下雨。 31. Dont talk. 别说话 32. Stop talking,ok? 别说话了。 33. Silence, please. 请安静。 34. Please

4、 be quiet. 请安静。 35. Sit up(straight). 坐直。 36. Lett have a daily talk. 我们来进行日常对话。 37. We are going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们上新课。 38. Today we are going to have a revision. 今天我们上复习课。 39. Listen, please. 请听。 40. Listen to me carefully. 仔细听。 41. Now listen and repeat it. 现在先听, 然后重复。 42. Listen to

5、 the tape recording. 请听录音。 43. Look at my mouth. 请注意我的口型。44. Say it after me. 跟我说。 45. Read after me. 跟我读。 46. Say these words (sentences) after me. 跟我说这些单词(句子)。 47. Read slowly and clearly. 慢慢地、清清楚楚地读。 48. Louder, please. 请大声读。 49. Dont murmur. 说话声音别太小。 50. Say it again. Lets repeat it.再说一遍。 51. On

6、ce more. 再来一遍。 52. Think it over. 想一想。 53. Try again. 再试一试。 54. That is better. 好些了。 55. How do you pronounce this word? 这个单词怎么发音? 56. Spell this word. 拼这个单词。57. Spell the word “Wednesday”. 拼单词“Wednesday”。 58. Who can spell the word “brother”? 谁能拼“brother”这词? 59. How do you spell the word “box”? 你怎么

7、拼单词“box”?60. The letter“a”is pronouced as Z in this word.这个单词中字母 “a”读作Z。 61. The letter“t”is silent in the word 单词“often”中的字母“t” “often”. 不发音。 62. The letter“e”in “plane” is not pronounced. “plane”中的字母 “e”不发音。 63. Look at this group of words on the 看黑板上的单词。他们含有相同 blackboard. They have the same vowel

8、 的元音,不是吗? sound, dont they? 64. Whats the meaning of this word? 这个单词的词意是什么? 65. Put it into Chinese. 把它译成汉语。translate66. Put it into English. 把它译成英语。 67. Say it in English. 用英语讲。 68. Answer in English. 用英语回答。 69. Whats the Chinese for “bike”? “bike”的中文意思是什么? 70. Whats the English for “公共汽车”? 英语“公共汽车

9、”怎么说? 71. Please put up your hands. 请举手。 72. Put down your hands. 把手放下。 73. Come to the front. 到前面来。 74. Come to the blackboard. 到黑板前来。 75. Go to the blackboard. 到黑板那去。 76. Go back to your seat(seats). 回到座位上去。 77. Look at the cards. 看卡片。 78. Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。 79. Look at the slid

10、e. 看幻灯。 80. Look at the pictures. 看图片。 81. Say something about the picture. 谈谈这张图画。82. Ask your classmates to answer your 请你的同学们回答这个(你的)问 question. 题。 83. Answer my questions, please. 请回答我的问题。 84. Can you answer this question? 你能回答这个问题吗? 85. Let me try. 我来试试。 86. Sorry, I cant. 对不起我不会。 87. Who can h

11、elp him (her)? 谁能帮助他(她)? 88. Dont be afraid. 不要害怕。 89. Dont be nervous. 不要紧张。 90. Next, please. 下一个,请。91. You, please. 你,请。 92. Wholl have a try? 谁愿试一下? 93. Will you have a try? 你来试试好吗? 94. Any volunteers? 谁愿回答? 95. Lets say the dialogue. 我们来对话。 96. Practise the dialogue in pairs. 两人一组练习对话。 97. Read

12、 the dialogue. You read part A. 读对话。你读 A 部分。 98. Lets act out the dialogue. 我们来表演对话。 99. Id like to have two pupils come up 我想请两位同学上来对话。 here and say the dialogue. 100. Wang Hai will be A, and Li Hong 王海充当“A”,李红充当 will be B. “B”。 101. Lets do pattern drills. 我们来做句型练习。 102. Dont look at your textbook

13、s. 别看你的课本。 103. Close your books. 把书合起来。 104. Open your books at page 53. 把书打开, 翻到 53 页。 105. Turn back to page 50. 翻回到 50 页。 106. Read by yourselves. 你们自己读。107. Please read the text. 请读课文。 108. Please read the first paragraph. 请读第一段。 109. Read in chorus. Ready, start. 齐声朗读。准备,开始。 110. Go on, please

14、. 请继续。 111. Thatll do. 可以了。 112. Stop here. 停下。 113. Do you understand? 懂了吗? 114. Any questions? 有问题吗? 115. May I ask a question? 我可以提个问题吗? 116. Any more questions? 还有问题吗?117. Lets do some written exercises. 我们来做书面练习。 118. Take out your exercise-books. 拿出你们的练习本。 119. Lets have a dictation. 我们来听写。121

15、. Ill read again. Please check up. 我再读一遍, 请核对。 122. Have you finished? 完成了吗? 123. Time is up. 时间到了。 124. Stop writing. 别写了。 125. Hand in your exercise-books, please. 请把你们的练习本交上来。 126. Pass your exercise-books to the front. 把练习本传到前面来。 127. Any mistakes? 有错吗?Yes.(No.) 有。(没有。) 128. Correct it(them), pl

16、ease. 请改正。 129. Is that right(correct)? 对吗? Yes. (No.) 对。(不对。) 130. Thats wrong. 错了。 131. All right. 对。 132. Thats right. 对。 133. Very good. 很好。 134. Thats not quite right. 不完全对。 135. Lets sing a song. (Lets sing songs.) 我们来唱歌。 136. Lets play a game. (Lets play games.) 我们来做游戏。 137. For todays homework, make sentences 今天的家庭作业是用黑板上的 with the



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