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1、“Lesson 50 Standing Room Only ”课题名称:Unit 13 The Worlds Population单位:顺义区尹家府中学年级:初三姓名: 刘福林Lesson 50 Standing Room Only本节课的确设计理念及设计思路:本课时的教学内容为人教版第三册第十三单元第二课时,属于阅读课的教学,此课时的目的在于第一课时学习数字表达法和初步学习过去将来时的基础上,进行阅读训练。本课时的主要内容是学习有关世界人口增长的文章,在阅读中培养学生的两种阅读技巧:Skimming 和 Scanning,同时进一步巩固所学的重点句型和习惯用语。教学目标及其对应的课程标准语言

2、知识目标:掌握本课所学的重点句型,新单词和习惯用语。语言技能目标:听:能基本听懂课文录音,并回答有关问题。说:能正确描述本课所学的大意。读:能读懂难易程度与课文相当的短文。写:能以“人口增长的弊病”为题写一篇 100 字的短文。情感态度目标:具有积极向上的学习态度,乐于进行小组合作,不懂不会之处,主动寻求帮助,积极举手回答问题,积极探究问题,不断提高学习英语的积极性和自信心。学习策略:积极预习,复习课文,思考问题,记好笔记,在学习中大胆联想,学会运用知识。大胆与同学用英语交流,积极思考问题,掌握重点难点,学会运用速读,细读技巧阅读文章。学会正确运用词汇描述事物,熟悉并运用所学知识进行实际问题的

3、解决。积极利用媒体,资料,网络资源辅助学习,探讨问题,开拓视野,拓宽知识面。德育渗透:使学生意识到人口的增长,所带来的种种弊病如:粮食减少、就业困难、住房紧张等等。使学生进一步认识中国实行计划生育政策的必要性和深远意义,从而增强学生的紧迫感和责任感,使德育具有实效性。具体步骤:1 利用数字游戏导入,既能巩固旧知识,又能引起学生的兴趣。2 阅读前利用图片和课文标题“Standing Room Only” ,让学生讨论,猜测课文内容,引导学生尽量多的说英语,培养学生思维能力。3 阅读中:注重培养学生 Skimming 和 Scanning ,培养学生提出问题、分析问题、合作交流和解决问题的能力,并

4、且通过本课的学习巩固所学的重点句型和习惯用语。4 阅读后:通过 Retelling 和 Group work ,使学生意识到人口的增长,所带来的种种弊病如:粮食减少、就业困难、住房紧张等等。使学生进一步认识中国实行计划生育政策的必要性和深远意义,从而增强学生的紧迫感和责任感,使德育具有实效性。5 用过去进行时,进行连句,既能巩固所学语法知识,又能体现课时的连贯性。6 课后在给学生提供一篇有关人口方面的文章,进行巩固7 板书设计采用图表,给学生一种清晰和一目了然的感觉。Lesson 50 Standing Room OnlyContent: Lesson 52 Properties: Recor

5、der; Overhead Projector. (一)Teaching Objectives: 1.Language Points : (1) The new words : (5) increase multiply challenge beginning square hardly (2) The useful expressions: (6) hour after hour multiply by challenge sb to do sth at the beginning of 2. Language skills : To develop the students reading

6、 skills : skimming and scanning ; The ability of prediction. 3. Moral Education: To let students understand the increasing population has become a serious problem . It can cause a lot of problems . Through this lesson , Students will understand Chinas one-child policy better . 4. Communicative Abili

7、ties : To let students read and retell the passage and train their oral English. (二)Key points : To develop the reading skills of getting the detail information from the passage . (三)Difficult points : Let students talk about what can we done to slow down the population increase . (四)Teach procedure

8、:.Revision and leading in (3 min)1. Have a competition : Give a numbers dictation . Which group writes the best . Which one is a winner . 2. Show a group of numbers : 259*60*24*365=? Students work it out easily .Then ask the students this the number of the worlds population . Do you think the world

9、s population is too big ? Guess multiply this by 100 what will happen ? .Pre-reading ( 4 min)1. Show the picture of lesson 50 and the title of“ standing room only ”. Let students guess what we are going to talk about ? Then ask students what does “ standing room only ”mean ? Students can express the

10、 ideas ,using their own words . 2. Discuss the following questions in groups ( in groups ) using computer to show the questions . -Do you think the worlds population is too big ? Why ? -Guess what can we do to slow down the population ? The students are very active . They discuss the questions very

11、warmly .They can share their ideas with the whole class .Reading (while reading) (20 min)1. Scan reading : (5 min) Students read the whole passage and try to answer the following questions . ( computer shows) Students work in groups and share the answers with partner . -How many babies were born in

12、one hour ? -How many babies do people have to feed in one day ? -What do you think is the greatest challenge of the world today ? -When was the population over 6 billion?-What will happen in about 600 years ? -How large will the worlds population be by the year 2010? 2. Skim reading : (5 min)Student

13、s read the text more carefully and try to answer the these questions . -How is the worlds population growing ? -What do you think we should do to slow down the growth of the worlds population?Let students have a group work . And then ask each group to choose one to share the ideas with the whole cla

14、ss . Explain and predict the words and phrases :To ask the students to read the passage again ,and try to find out the new words and useful expressions which they dont know . They may be like this .1.Increase by /to hour after hour multiply by challenge sb to do sth at the beginning of hardly =almos

15、t not (computer shows )2. The teacher ask the students to explain and guess these words and phrases in English .Students work in groups who can help each other .3. Explain the difficult points that students cant understand at all .4. Ask students to make up sentences using the new words and phrases

16、.Development (15 min) 1. Listening : Ask the students to listen to the tape and correct their pronunction . And then read and act .2. Retelling : Ask the students to retell the story in groups by showing key words and using a time table as reference .3. Group works : Ask the students to make up a discussion. “If it goes on ., what will happen in the future ?” or let students to talk about our country


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