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1、 OVERVIEW complex of several types of reflex epilepsy (简述复杂反射性癫痫的几种类型)(简述复杂反射性癫痫的几种类型)Children suffering from epilepsy their parents can be described as suffering busy to help the child find a cure, but also worry about the side effects of treatment affect the childs growth. The children of some epi

2、leptic seizures without typical characteristics, and often misleading, as other diseases to treat, not only ineffective but also delay treatment. Here are just some complex reflex epilepsy, to help identify.孩子如果患上癫痫其家长可谓是备受煎熬,忙于帮孩子寻找治愈的方法,又担心因治疗产 生的副作用影响孩子的成长。而儿童的一些癫痫发作又不具典型特征,往往让人产生误解, 当作其它疾病来治疗,不仅

3、没有效果还耽误治疗。下面就介绍几种复杂反射性癫痫,帮助 辨别。1、音乐性癫痫(musicogenicepilepsy)Very rare, seizures caused by listening to music, and even reported sleep music environment or ideas only imagine the music that cause seizures. Can cause the onset of the song may be different in different patients, but is the same in the s

4、ame patient. The incubation period of a few minutes. The type of seizure partial seizures, with or without impaired consciousness. Interictal epileptic electrical activity of the visible side of the temporal region, and a closer relationship with the right temporal area. In addition to the character

5、istics of the music itself, the emotional reactions are also involved in the onset mechanism regulated by the limbic system of the medial temporal lobe.非常少见,是指由听音乐引起癫痫发作,甚至有报道在有音乐的环境中睡眠或仅在意念中 想象音乐即引起发作。可引起发作的乐曲在不同病人可不同,但在同一病人是相同的。潜 伏期为数分钟。发作类型为局部性发作,伴或不伴意识损伤。发作间期可见一侧颞区癫痫 性电活动,与右颞区的关系更为密切。除音乐本身的特征外,由

6、颞叶内侧边缘系统调节的 情绪反应也参与发作机制。2、阅读性癫痫(readingepilepsy)Primary reading epilepsy is generally induced by reading only, no spontaneous seizures. Puberty onset. Read on for some time the patient a sense of jaw twitch, clonus involving the orofacial partial seizures or partial muscle. If they continue to read,

7、 can lead to systemic convulsive seizures. Non-reading intellectual activity does not cause seizures. Patients with normal development, neurological examination and neuroimaging normal, normal interictal EEG (electroencephalogram). Exacerbation of one or both the amount of a central area, a central

8、area or a temporal District rhythmic spikes or activities, such as the side of the resistance, often located in the dominant hemisphere. Patients often have family history of epilepsy. This disease is age- related idiopathic partial epilepsy, such as secondary generalized seizures, often not diagnos

9、ed or mistaken for Tourette. Secondary reading epilepsy multi associated with spontaneous seizures, generalized convulsive seizures, usually no jaw twitching, abnormal background EEG often seen interictal epileptiform activity, imaging may have brain damage.原发性阅读性癫痫一般仅由阅读诱发,无自发性发作。青春期起病。在阅读持续一段时 间后病

10、人感下颌抽动,为累及口面部的局部性发作或局部肌阵挛。此时如继续阅读,可导 致全身惊厥性发作。非阅读性的智力活动不引起发作。患者发育正常,神经系统检查及神 经影像学正常,发作间期 EEG(脑电图)正常。发作期为一侧或双侧额一中央区、中央一 顶区或颞一顶区节律性棘波或 活动,如为一侧性,常位于优势半球。病人常有癫痫家族 史。本症为年龄相关性的特发性局部性癫痫,如无继发全身性发作,常常不被诊断或误认 为抽动症。继发性阅读性癫痫多合并有自发性发作,以全身惊厥性发作为主,一般无下颌 抽动,背景 EEG 常不正常,发作间期可见癫痫样电活动,影像学可有脑损伤问题。3、思维活动引起的癫痫发作(seizures

11、inducedbythinking)Activities such as the calculation of the thinking of some senior cortex, poker play Rubiks cube, chess, decision, etc. even induced seizures. Although patients often report an onset of incentives, but details of the inquiry and testing found that more than 80% of the patients have

12、 more than one stimulus can induce seizures. With primary reading epilepsy, the majority of spontaneous seizures in this disease. Reflex or spontaneous onset type including bilateral myoclonus, absence or tonic- clonic seizures, rarely a partial seizures. Spike and slow wave or spike and wave EEG sy

13、nchronization for the whole guide, sometimes temporal or frontal spontaneity nonspecific EEG exception. The majority of patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy, childhood absence epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, etc.某些高级皮层的思维活动如计算、玩扑克、玩魔方、弈棋、作出决定等偶可诱发癫痫发 作。尽管病人往往只报告一种发作诱因,但详细的询问及测试发现 80%

14、以上的病人有一种 以上的刺激可诱发发作。与原发性阅读性癫痫不同,本症多数有自发性发作。反射性或自 发性发作的类型包括双侧肌阵挛、失神或强直一阵挛发作,很少有局部性发作。EEG 为全 导同步的棘慢波或多棘慢波,偶有颞区或额区自发性非特异性 EEG 异常。多数病人有特发 性全身性癫痫如儿童失神性癫痫、少年肌阵挛性癫痫等。4、进食性癫痫(eatingepilep-sy)About 1/15000 to 25000 in epilepsy patients, children and adult cases have been reported. The majority of patients ha

15、ve spontaneous seizures. The appearance, taste or texture of the food may become a predisposing factor, but it is the same as rigid a predisposing factor in the same patient. Swallowing food caused somatosensory proprioception, autonomic stimulation, and the patients mood can be involved in the proc

16、ess of reflex epilepsy. Seizure types partial seizures originated in the limbic system of the temporal lobe, also originated in the temporal outer structure around the lateral fissure.在癫痫病人中约为 1/1500025000,儿童及成人病例均有报道。多数病人也有自发性发 作。食物的外观、味道或质地均可成为诱发因素,但在同一病人的诱发因素是相同或刻板 的。吞咽食物时引起的躯体感觉、本体感觉、植物神经刺激及病人的情绪等均可参与反射 性癫痫的过程。发作类型多为局部性发作,可起源于颞叶边缘系统,亦可起源于颞外结构 如外侧裂周围。Complex reflex epilepsy involves the integration of higher cortical function, from the stimulus to


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