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1、【看纪录片学单词】之监守自盗新东方新东方 许泽传许泽传 2014.042014.04作品简介:作品简介:2008 年的经济危机使无数人倾家荡产,该片讲述了其发生的原因。通过详尽的 资料搜集,追访全球顶级银行家、金融分析师、大学教授,甚至新加坡、中国、法国的政 府官员,揭露了金融行业、学术界的贪污腐败以及政府政策背后的惊人真相。该片获得了 第 83 届奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖,第 76 届纽约影评人协会最佳纪录片奖。影片长度:影片长度:105 分钟词汇统计:词汇统计: 四级词汇: 159 个 六级词汇:70 个 雅思、托福及以上词汇:62 个学习指南:学习指南:以下单词均出自影片台词,前面标一星的为四

2、级词汇,二星的为六级词汇,三 星的为雅思、托福及以上词汇。大家根据自己的考试要求选择性学习。 【看纪录片学单词】 可分三步进行,第一步:把影片完整看一遍,可看中文字幕,了解影片内容。第二步:看 一小段,然后对照下面的单词进行学习。学完以后进行第三步,即再次把影片从头到尾看 一遍,重温重点词汇和好的口语表达以及背景知识,最后还需反复浏览以下这些词句(可 以打印出来,或者存手机) 。在线观看:在线观看:http:/v.pps.tv/play_3CUV6X.html 下载地址:下载地址:http:/ democracydemocracy n.民主国家Iceland is a stable democ

3、racy with a high standard of living,and until recently, extremely low unemployment and government debt. 冰岛是个高生活水准 稳定的民主国 家,直到最近,失业率和政府公债都还很低。 infrastructureinfrastructure n.基础设施 fisheryfishery n.渔业 quotaquota n.限额,定额We had the complete infrastructure of a modern society. Clean energy, food productio

4、n. Fisheries with a quota system to manage them. 我们有现代社会完整的 基础建设,洁净能源,粮食生产,以及定额管理的渔业。 deregulationderegulation n.解除管制 consequenceconsequence n.后果 multinationalmultinational corporationcorporation 跨国公司 aluminumaluminum n.铝 exploitexploit vt.开发 geothermalgeothermal a.地热的 hydroelectrichydroelectric a.水

5、力发电的But in 2000, Icelands government began a broad policy of deregulation, that would have disastrous consequences, first for the environment and then for the economy. They started by allowing multinational corporations like Alcoa to build giant aluminum-smelting plants and exploit Icelands geotherm

6、al and hydroelectric energy sources. 但在 2000 年,冰岛政府展开广泛的经济放宽政策,造成 灾难性的后果,先后冲击环境与经济。他们先是准许美铝公司这样的跨国企业建造大型炼 铝厂,并开发冰岛的地热和水力发电资源。 privatizeprivatize vt.使私人化At the same time the government privatized Icelands three largest banks. The result was one of the purest experiments in financial deregulation ever

7、 conducted. 同时,政府让冰岛三大银行民营化,导致解除金融管制史上,最纯粹的实验之 一。 massivemassive a.巨大的 bubblebubble n.泡沫There was a massive bubble. Stock prices went up by a factor of nine. House prices more than doubled.这造成巨大的泡沫,股票价格上涨了 9 个百分点,房价上涨近 一倍。 depositdeposit n.存款 withdrawwithdraw vt.取出The banks set up money market funds

8、 and the banks advised deposit-holders to withdraw money and put them in the money market funds. The Ponzi scheme needed everything it could. 银行成立货币市场基金,建议存户把钱提出来,放到货币市场基金 里,就像庞氏骗局(类似传销的一种诈骗手段)四处搜刮钱财。 collapsecollapse vi.崩溃 tripletriple v.翻三倍When Icelands banks collapsed at the end of 2008 unemploym

9、ent tripled in six months. 到 2008 年底冰岛银行业崩溃时,失业率在 6 个月内翻了三倍。 excessiveexcessive a.过度的 - What do you think of Wall Street incomes these days? 你对今天华尔街的收入有 什么看法? - Excessive. 有些过度了 breachbreach n.违背We deeply regret our breaches of U.S. law.我们深感遗憾违反了美国法律。 defaultdefault v.违约 swapswap n.交换l didnt know wh

10、at credit default swaps are. lm a little bit old-fashioned. 我不知道什么是信用违约交换,我有点跟不上潮流了。 remorseremorse n.自责,懊悔 confessionconfession n.承认 - Has Larry Summers ever expressed remorse? 赖瑞桑默斯可曾表示自责? - l dont hear confessions. 我没听他说过。 anonymousanonymous a.匿名的l was getting a lot of anonymous e-mails from bank

11、ers saying: “You cant quote me, but lm really concerned.” 我收到很多银行家的 匿名电子邮件说:“你不能引用 我的话,但我真的很担心” bankruptcybankruptcy n.破产 investmentinvestment n.投资 collapsecollapse vi.崩溃 insuranceinsurance companycompany 保险公司 triggertrigger v.引发In September 2008 the bankruptcy of the U.S. investment bank Lehman Bro

12、thers and the collapse of the worlds largest insurance company, AIG triggered a global crisis. 2008 年,美国投资银行雷曼兄弟的破产,以及全球最大保险公司 AIG 的 倒闭,引爆了全球金融危机。 tumbletumble v.暴跌 aftermathaftermath n.后果 collapsecollapse n.崩溃 Share prices continued to tumble in the aftermath of the Lehman collapse. 雷曼 倒闭余波荡漾,股价持续下

13、跌。 recessionrecession n.衰退 renderrender v.使得 nationalnational debtdebt 国债The result was a global recession which cost the world tens of trillions of dollars rendered 30 million people unemployed and doubled the national debt of the United States. 结果造成全球经济衰退,全球损失几十兆美金。三千万人失业,美国 国债加倍。Part : How We Got

14、 Here 第一部分:怎么搞成这样的 depressiondepression n.大萧条 financialfinancial crisiscrisis 金融危机After the Great Depression the United States had 40 years of economic growth without a single financial crisis. 经济大萧条之后,美国经济迎来了连续四十年的增 长,没有发生过一次金融危机。 prohibitprohibit vt.禁止 speculatespeculate vi.做投机买卖The financial indu

15、stry was tightly regulated. Most regular banks were local businesses and they were prohibited from speculating with depositors savings. 金融业受到严格监管,大部份的一般银行是做本地业务。禁止拿储户的存款做投机买卖。 approximatelyapproximately ad.大约 personnelpersonnel n.职员Morgan Stanley, in 1972 had approximately 110 total personnel one office, and capital of 1 2 million dollars. 摩根史坦利在 1972 年总共有将近 110 名员工,一间办 公室,资本额一千两百万美金。 investmentinvestment bankbank 投资银行 gogo publicpublic 上市 stockholderstockholder n.股东In the 1 980s, t



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