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1、NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY NIGHT新罕布什尔州初选之夜January 8, 2008 | Nashua, New Hampshire2008 年 1 月 8 日,纳舒厄,新罕布什尔州I want to congratulate Senator Clinton on a hard-fought victory here in New Hampshire.我想祝贺克林顿参议员在新罕布什尔州赢得了一场艰苦的选战。A few weeks ago, no one imagined that wed have accomplished what we did here tonight.

2、 For most of this campaign, we were far behind, and we always knew our climb would be steep.几个星期以前,没有人能想象我们今晚在这里所完成的一切。在这场竞选的很多地方,我们落后很多,并且我们知道,我们的努力困难重重。But in record numbers, you came out and spoke up for change. And with your voices and your votes, you made it clear that at this momentin this ele

3、ctionthere is something happening in America.但是从记录的数字看,你们走出来,为变革呼吁。你们的声音和投票,使这一刻清晰起来在这次选举中有一些变化正在美国发生。There is something happening when men and women in Des Moines and Davenport, in Lebanon and Concord, come out in the snows of January to wait in lines that stretch block after block because they bel

4、ieve in what this country can be.当得梅因和达文波特,以及莱巴嫩和康科德的男人和女人们走进一月的雪中,排队等候延伸到一个又一个街区时,有一些事情发生了,因为他们相信这个国家能做到什么。There is something happening when Americans who are young in age and in spiritwho have never before participated in politicsturn out in numbers weve never seen because they know in their heart

5、s that this time must be different.当那些在年纪和精神上都十分年轻的美国人他们以前从未参与过政治变成我们谁也没有看到过的参选数字时,有一些事情发生了,因为他们心里知道这一次不同以往。There is something happening when people vote not just for the party they belong to but the hopes they hold in commonthat whether we are rich or poor, black or white, Latino or Asian; whether

6、we hail from Iowa or New Hampshire, Nevada, or South Carolina, we are ready to take this country in a fundamentally new direction. That is whats happening in America right now. Change is whats happening in America.当人们不仅仅是为了他所属的政党而是为了共同怀有的希望投票时无论我们是富有或贫穷,黑人还是白人,拉美人还亚裔,无论我们来自爱荷华、新罕布什尔、内华达还是南卡罗莱纳,有一些事情

7、发生了,我们做好准备让这个国家走向全新的道路。这就是现在在美国所发生的,美国正在发生的就是改变。You can be the new majority who can lead this nation out of a long political darknessDemocrats, independents, and Republicans who are tired of the division and distraction that have clouded Washington; who know that we can disagree without being disagr

8、eeable; who understand that if we mobilize our voices to challenge the money and influence thats stood in our way and challenge ourselves to reach for something better, theres no problem we cant solveno destiny we cannot fulfill.你们将成为领导这个国家走出长期的政治黑暗的新的多数派民主党人,无党派人士,以及那些厌倦了笼罩在华盛顿的分裂的共和党人;有谁知道我们能够不同意而

9、不被别人讨厌吗;谁能明白:如果我们发动我们的力量去挑战阻挡我们道路的金钱和影响力,去挑战自我实现更美好的东西,毫无疑问,我们将无往而不胜。Our new American majority can end the outrage of unaffordable, unavailable health care in our time. We can bring doctors and patients, workers and businesses, Democrats and Republicans together; and we can tell the drug and insuran

10、ce industry that while theyll get a seat at the table, they dont get to buy every chair. Not this time. Not now.我们新的美国人多数派能终结我们这个时代无法承担、无法获得卫生保健的愤怒。我们能让医生和病人,工人和企业,民主党人和共和党人走到一起,我们能告诫医药和保险业,他们将获得一个席位,他们不能买到所有的席位,不是这次,不是现在。Our new majority can end the tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs ov

11、erseas and put a middle-class tax cut into the pockets of the working Americans who deserve it.我们新的多数派能终结对那些把我们的就业岗位转移到国外的企业的税收减免,把应得的中产阶级减税政策放进工作的美国人的口袋中。We can stop sending our children to schools with corridors of shame and start putting them on a pathway to success. We can stop talking about how

12、 great teachers are and start rewarding them for their greatness. We can do this with our new majority.我们能停止把我们的孩子通过可耻的渠道送进学校,从而开始把他们推向成功的道路。我们能停止讨论老师如何优秀,从而开始贿赂他们。我们能通过我们新的多数派做到这些。We can harness the ingenuity of farmers and scientists, citizens and entrepreneurs, to free this nation from the tyrann

13、y of oil and save our planet from a point of no return.我们能运用农民、科学家、市民和企业家的创造性,把这个国家从石油的束缚中解放出来,把我们的地球从不可逆转的临界点拯救回来。And when I am President, we will end this war in Iraq and bring our troops home; we will finish the job against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan; we will care for our veterans; we will restore o

14、ur moral standing in the world; and we will never use 9/11 as a way to scare up votes, because it is not a tactic to win an election, it is a challenge that should unite America and the world against the common threats of the twenty-first century: terrorism and nuclear weapons; climate change and po

15、verty; genocide and disease.如果我成为总统,我们将终结在伊拉克的战争,让我们的军队回家;我们将完成在阿富汗打击恐怖主义的任务;我们将照顾好我们的退伍老兵;我们将恢复在世界上的道德地位;我们将不会用9.11 作为拉票的手段,因为它不是赢得选举的策略,而是一个联合美国和全世界共同应对 21 世纪威胁的挑战:恐怖主义和核武器;气候变化和贫穷;种族灭绝和疾病。All of the candidates in this race share these goals. All have good ideas. And all are patriots who serve thi

16、s country honorably.在这场选举中的所有的候选人都提出了这些目标。所有人都有好的想法。所有人都是想体面地为这个国家服务的爱国者。But the reason our campaign has always been different is because its not just about what I will do as President, its also about what you, the people who love this country, can do to change it.但是我们竞选的理由总是有一些不同,因为它不仅仅是我成为总统后所要做的,也是热爱这个国家的你们所能做到改变这个国家的。Thats why tonight belongs to you. It belongs to the organizers and the volunteers and the staff who believed in our improbable journey and rallied



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