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1、全国中小学英语学习成绩测试 (晕耘粤栽) 2010 年春季测试三级试题参考答案听力部分 (共三大题, 计 2园 分)- 1 -I. 句子理解 (Sentences) (共 5 小题, 计 5 分) 15 BCABA II. 对话理解 (Dialogues) (共 10 小题, 计 10 分) A) 610 CBABC B) 1115 BCBAB III. 短文理解 (Passage) (共 5 小题, 计 5 分) 16. Radio 17. clouds 18. beach 19. Thursday 20. kites基础知识 (共六大题, 计 40 分)I. 单词 (Words) (共 5

2、 小题, 计 5 分) 21. friendly 22. restaurant 23. relax 24. outside 25. visit II. 短语 (Phrases) (共 5 小题, 计 5 分) 26. eating supper / having supper / eating a meal 27. played chess 28. talking on the phone 29. took photos / took a photo 30. watching TV III. 句型转换 (Sentence Transformation) (共 5 小题, 计 5 分) 31.

3、What, look 32. Did, teach 33. doesn蒺t like 34. is, with 35. write, tell IV. 对话配对 (Dialogue Match) (共 5 小题, 计 5 分) 3640 BCAED V. 短文填空 (Cloze) (共 10 小题, 计 10 分) 41. with 42. also 43. by 44. behind 45. something46. carefully 47. found 48. her 49. eat 50. bowl VI. 翻译句子 (Translation) (共 5 小题, 计 10 分) 51.

4、 Henry sat down just now, and watched his dog play / playing. 52. Is the park between the hospital and the mall? 53. I had to learn the piano last month, so I didn蒺t have any fun. 54. It is an international school for children from five to twelve years old. 55. I don蒺t mind what young people think o

5、f me.- 2 -阅读部分 (共四篇短文, 计 20 分)A) 56. C 57. B 58. play, ball 59. Tilly 60. 他们沿着小路前行, 绕过了树林, 走过了河流, 朝瀑布的方向走去。 B) 61. F 62. T 63. 装备 64. 溢40 65. Enjoy yourselves! / Have fun! C) 66. show love 67. as sweet as 68. something to happen 69. happy and excited 70. eat some chocolate D) 71. In a village. 72. A

6、fter lunch. 73. Two. 74. A duck蒺s house. 75. Yes, she was.书面表达 (共两篇, 计 20 分)(A) One possible version: It is seven o蒺clock now. Mum and Dad are dancing. Brad is getting out of bed. Annie is reading a magazine. Pete and Frank are playing football, and Ruth is eating an ice cream. What are Grandpa and

7、Grandma doing? They are listening to the radio. (B) One possible version: Dear Larry, Do you like animals? I like them very much. Last Sunday, I went to the zoo here. First, I saw the elephants. They are from Africa. They have long trunks. Then I saw the pandas. They are from China. They are very cu

8、te. I like them best. Next, I went to see the giraffes. Their necks are very long, and they can eat the leaves on tall trees!How amazing! Lastly, I went to see the monkeys. They are clever but naughty. I like them, too. How was your weekend? Please tell me about it! VickersI. 句子理解 (Sentences) 听句子, 根

9、据所听到的句子选择与其内容相关的图片。每个句子读一遍。 1. Mike is tall. He is the captain of the basketball team. 2. Wow!It is snowing outside. I can go skating with my friends. 3. Look!The bookshop is next to the supermarket. 4. The lovely koala is playing with two pandas. 5. Hey, Molly!Don蒺t listen to music in the classroom

10、. II. 对话理解 (Dialogues) A) 听五段小对话, 每段对话有一个问题, 根据对话选择能回答所提问题的最 佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 6. W: Tom, did you play sports last week? M: Yes, I went swimming on Saturday and Sunday, and played football on Monday. 7. M: What kind of noodles would you like, Julie? W: Well, I like beef noodles best, but I蒺d like mutton

11、and potato noodles today. 8. W: How was your weekend, Bill? M: It was great!But John said his weekend was terrible. 9. M: What a nice day it is!Let蒺s go out for a walk, Sarah. W: Sorry, I am doing my homework. Why don蒺t you ask Linda? M: She is swimming in the pool. 10. M: What do you want to be, Al

12、ice? W: A policewoman. M: A policewoman? To catch thieves? W: Ha-ha!I am just telling a joke. In fact I want to be a reporter. B) 听两段对话, 根据对话内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。 每段对话读 两遍。 听第一段对话, 完成第 1112 小题。 1) W: What do you think of the key ring, Paul? M: Oh, Kate. You know I don蒺t like it!全国中小学英语学习成绩测试 (晕耘粤栽)2010年

13、春季测试三级试题听力部分录音原文- 1 -W: Well, but your sister Nancy loves the key ring. M: Yes, that蒺s right. Oh, look!Who is the boy wearing sunglasses? W: Oh, that蒺s Henry. He has a new pair of sunglasses. M: Wow. I think sunglasses are really cool! 听第二段对话, 完成第 1315 小题。 2) W: Hi, Kevin!How was your day? M: Not ba

14、d, Maria. I went shopping with my mum. W: Sounds great!Did you buy anything good? M: Yeah. We got birthday presents for my dad. W: What did you buy for him? M: Mum bought him a T-shirt. I got him some tea. W: Some tea? Mmm. Good present! III. 短文理解 (Passage) 听短文, 根据短文内容完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。 W: This is Cambr

15、idge Weather Radio!Welcome to our show!Well, it looks like another cloudy day. The cloudy weather is going to stay a few more days. However, on Monday, the clouds will go away, and the sun will come out. It蒺s going to be a very hot day. Tuesday will be a good day for the beach. Thursday will be cooler because of strong winds, but you can take out your kites and have some fun. There蒺s more weather news later at 9 in the evening. Thanks for listening!- 2 -


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