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1、第 1 页 共 5 页2012 高考单项选择题综合演练高考单项选择题综合演练(猜题(猜题 3 套)套)第一套第一套1. Its nice day, isnt it?- _ Lets go fishing.- Sorry. I have decided to see my parents with my friend.A. Yes, isnt? B. No, isnt it? C. That depends D. I wish you good luck2. Im going to Beijing next Sunday. Do you have anything_to your parents

2、.A. be taken B. for me to take C. to be taken D. for me to be brought3. What do you think of my composition?- Your composition is very well written _ a few spelling mistakes.A. besides B. beside that C. except D. except for4. Here we are. The train leaves in half an hour.- We _.A. neednt have been i

3、n such a hurry B. couldnt take a taxiC. shouldnt run here all the way D. dont have to rush here5. Did you say that you _ here only a few days ago?A. came B. had left C. have been D. go6. Mr Smith is an experienced teacher of English, so she always makes his classes _ and interesting.A. alive B. live

4、 C. lovely D. lively7. I went to buy some stamps. Can you tell me _ a post office near here?A. whether is B. is there C. where is D. if theres8. I dont know who wrote the letter. It cant be Mrs Johnson, _ she wasnt in the office that day.A. while B. when C. as D. though9. If Alison knew anything abo

5、ut car mechanics, Im sure she would help us fix the car, but I think she _ even less than we do.A. knows B. knew C. had known D. would know10. I am very disappointed in the athlete. I didnt think he was the sort of person who would 第 2 页 共 5 页_ his word. A. go back on B. go out on C. go through with

6、 D. go down with11. The house, _ was damaged, has now been repaired.A. which the roof B. the roof of which C. which roof D. that whose roof12. Being able to speak another language fluently is a great _ when youre look for a job.A. advantage B. chance C. assistance D. importance13. The 911 rescue tea

7、m found the _ boy extremely _.A. lost; scaring B. missed; scared C. losing; scaring D. missing; scared14. What made him unhappy?- _.A. Lost the ticket to a football match B. Losing his wallet C. To lose a beautiful notebook D. Lose his new pen15. Do tell me what youd like for your birthday, dear, _.

8、A, will you B. do you C. couldt you D. dont you第二套第二套1. I have lost _ bicyle bought by my father.- Is that _ grey one? I saw it in the corner yesterday.A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; the2. All the governments throughout the world have taken _ measures to prevent the financial crisis from accele

9、rating.A. negative B. temporary C. severe D. positive3. The new president of America is working hard with all the problems _.A. to be solved B. solved C. to solve D. solving4. It is a difficult time. _everything else, we have financial problems. A. Apart from B. Except C. Beside D. Except for5. Succ

10、ess _ hard work while laziness _ failure.A. leads to; results from B. results in ; contributes to C. results from; leads to D. contributes to; results in6. He has been working hard and has made great progress. I am, _, sure he can pass the 第 3 页 共 5 页exam.A. however B. therefore C. meanwhile D. thou

11、gh7. Shall we go fishing or swimming?-_. Either will do.A. Yes. I like them very much B. I prefer fishing to swimmingC. It makes no difference to me D. Id be very glade to 8. Checking his composition, he found a sentence_.A. turned out B. left out C. come out D. broke out9. If you dont play computer

12、 games, _.A. so do I B. neither do I C. nor shall I D. so will I10. I think we have to go outing for a picnic_day because of the bad weather.A. next B. other C. following D. another11. -May I sit here?- Yes, _.A. its my pleasure B. never mind C. with pleasure D. thats right12. Where did you meet him

13、?- It was in the hotel _ he stayed.A. that B. where C. which D. when13. Many of the Chinese medals were won in table-tennis and gymnastics and also in _ such as diving and weightlifting.A. events B. business C. matters D. affairs14. You have been working all morning. You _ a rest.A. promise B. decid

14、e C. plan D. deserve15. Mum, I am sorry I have failed in the exam again.- Dont lose heart. You _ the Internet all the time.A. should have surfed B. shouldnt have surfedC. neednt have surfed D. must have surfed第三套第三套1. In recent years _ global warming is becoming_concern for people all over 第 4 页 共 5 页the world.A. the; the B. /; a C. /; / D. the; /2. Though working in a famous company and having a big income, he only _ his wife $200 a year for clothes.A. takes B. allows C. permits


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