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1、1三年级上册期末复习测试一三年级上册期末复习测试一Name 说明:此试卷共有 11 个大题,其中前 5 个为听力部分,后 6 个为笔试部分。听力部分听力部分I.听录音,为图片标号。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )II.听录音,圈出你所听到的内容。1.Yes No 2.Yes No 3.Yes No 4.Yes No 5.Yes NoIII.听录音,涂色。 (简单涂一点即可)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.IV.听录音,给句子排序。( )And you ?( )Im fine , thank you . ( )How are you ? ( )Im fine , too . ( )Thank

2、you .V.听录音,判断句子正()误() 。( )1.My brother is ten . ( )2.My mother is a doctor . ( )3.My father is a teacher . ( )4.I have a new pencil-case .2( )5.I like my family .笔试部分笔试部分VI.看一看,选一选。A B C D E 1.Hes a farmer . 2.Its a nose .3.This is a classroom . 4. Its a hand . 5.Hes a doctor .A_ B_ C _ D_ E _VII.读一

3、读,选择与图片相符的句子。( )1. A.Thank you ! B. Goodbye !( )2. A. Shes a teacher . B. Hes a doctor .( )3. A. This is my grandma . B. This is my grandpa .( )4. A. This is my leg . B. This is my arm .( )5. A.Its nice ! B. Hello !VIII.读句子,给图片标序号。1.This is for you . 2.How are you ? 3.Happy birthday !3( ) ( ) ( )IX

4、读句子,选择。( )1.Whats that ? ( )2.How old are you ? ( )3.How many books do you have ? ( )4.What colour do you like ? ( )5.Good afternoon ! ( )6.Whats your name ? ( )7.What colour is the desk ? ( )8.I have two hands . ( )9.Nice to meet you .A. My names Peter . B. Its a schoolbag . C. Good afternoon ! D.

5、Me , too ! E. Its yellow . F. Im eight . G. I like red . H. I have seven books . I. Nice to meet you ,too .X 读一读,根据图片,选择适当的单词填空,将标号写在题后的横线上。 A. teacher B.farmer C.doctor Im Wang Hong . Im nine . This is my family . This is my grandpa . This is my grandma . Hes a 1 . . This is my mother .Shes a 2 .And this is my father .Hes a 3. This is my brother . This is my sister . 1._ 2._ 3._XI 读一读,把相应的数字用线连起来。 three 1 seven 2 ten 3 six 4 four 5 one 6 nine 7 two 8 five 9 eigh 10


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