大学英语quiz 2答案

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《大学英语quiz 2答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语quiz 2答案(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_ 日期:_ 大学英语大学英语 2 网络自主学习单元测试网络自主学习单元测试 2试卷编号:试卷编号: quiz2 考试时间:考试时间: 90 分钟分钟 满分:满分: 90 分分Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the Initial Letters Provided) (Each item: 1) Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill i

2、n each blank. 1. The discussion in Government had taken longer than we an.2. The scientist could not anthat his research result would be put to an entirely different use.3. The project had been canby the Labour Government for lack of public resources.4. He he, reluctant to destroy any part of his ow

3、n work.5. He sets aside preand thoughtfully explores the positive part of their idea.6. AIDS brings preand fear, and people with the disease are often isolated and rejected.7. Our first and subcourses have been a success and are part of a long-term commitment to AIDS prevention.8. It is always the f

4、alse jewels that look the most real, the most bri.9. Before going away, the boss arrhis business affairs so that everything would continue as usual.10. Criminal statistics are usually quas hard facts; that is, they are accepted unquestioningly, and are often used to support the view that there is a

5、rapidly increasing rate of serious crime in modern society.11. The young woman was filled with hafor the criminals who had killed her husband.12. Nothing can comsomeone to stay in prison if they can get out; no one likes being walled.13. The doctor ordered a juice dfor the sick child.14. I wont have

6、 cake, thank you. Im on a d.15. By putting money in education, we nothe abilities of children and lay the basis for future success.16. Yet she hadnt the heart to forhim to smoke when he had so few comforts left.17. The sick boy was forby his parents to go out and play with other children.18. Weve lo

7、st all trof our daughter since she left home last month.19. My main obto the plan is that it would be too expensive.20. Course regulations spethe examination pattern for each course and are available to students on registration.21. However, as you know, most of my savings had vawhile I was unemploye

8、d.22. All was quiet when I awoke and everyone had vaas if in a dream.23. To save space, broken-down, old cars are cominto cubes.24. Sometimes she works mefor long hours without any break, and this can be disturbing.25. The soldiers rethe enemy attacks for two days.Answer: Anticipated anticipate canc

9、elled hesitated prejudice prejudice subsequent Brilliant arranged quoted hatred compel diet diet nourish forbid forbidden trace objection specify vanished vanished compressed Mechanically resistedPart 2 Vocabulary and Structure (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices m

10、arked A, B, C and D.26.This lovely old town has a _D_ you couldnt find in a big city.A. conditionB. standardC. situationD. charm27.I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _C_ to me.A. appearedB. happenedC. occurredD. emerged28.We watched the plane _A_ behind the clouds.A. disappearingB. d

11、isappearedC. divingD. dived29.The local government tried its best to ensure each of its citizens a _A_ supply of food at regular intervals (时间间隔). A. consistentB. continualC. continuousD. numerous30.There have been many _A_ in their marriage but they still love each other.A. ups and downsB. from hea

12、d to toeC. time and againD. over and over31.She _A_ a new idea for increasing sales.A. came up withB. came up atC. came byD. came for32.After several days of heavy rain the roof _B_ with a loud noise, crashing (坠落) onto the ground. A. came outB. came downC. came onD. came at33.The lawyer _B_ the jur

13、y (陪审团) by his moving defense. A. won atB. won overC. came atD. came down34.Sally has made a complete _C_ influenza (流行性感冒). A. pass byB. decision againstC. recovery fromD. care of35.A teacher should always be thoughtful _C_ whats best for his pupils.A. inB. byC. ofD. at36.To increase our working ef

14、ficiency, it is necessary to _C_ every moment we have.A. include inB. keep fromC. take advantage ofD. look up to37.She has nothing to do with the murder case. She is not _C_ it.A. concerned withB. related inC. involved inD. concerned in38.Houston experienced a _D_ growth after the war.A. broadB. mec

15、hanicalC. wideD. spectacular39.There were several wet _C_ on the wall.A. partsB. decreasesC. patchesD. decks40.The aircraft vanished without _A_.A. traceB. troubleC. destinationD. product41.Anne _B_ from outside her home last Wednesday.A. appearedB. vanishedC. lostD. entered42.She couldnt _D_ laughing at him in those clothes.A. declineB. rejectC. refuseD. resist43.As so many overseas business people have come to start and build new businesses, the place looks much more _C_ than it did


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