初二英语 第六单元导学案 3

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1、四中 20102011 年度下学期初二英语下册 Unit6 SectionB 导学案主编人:刘 集体备课人:陈志敏 范艳霞 宋晓云 修贵君Learning Goals: 学习怎样把句子翻译成汉语 理解课文并能复述课文 学习用本文的知识来写怎样度过假期的短文Learning Emphasis:Learn how to put the sentences into Chinese. Learning Difficulties:The writing ability Learning Methods: 自主学习 展示提升Thinking Navugation:同学们,本节课中我们要学会运用现在进行时

2、表将来谈论人的假期,在本节课中还应该 学会用你所学的词汇和句型来写一篇关于人的假期的短文。Learning Activities: Morning report Ability to cultivate Warming up Self-study 1当堂检测 Read the new words together. 2预习检测:翻译成英语。 长期度假_2)在欧洲_ 在一个美丽的国度_4)六月的第一周_ 5) 度过一个放松的时期_6)决定做某事_ 7) 忘记做某事_8)忘记做过某事_ 9)完成某事_10)需要做某事_3.短文学习 P35 页 3a 3bTask1 read the magazin

3、e article. What are Ben Lamberts vacation plans? Write the number of each picture next to the correct activity. Task2 Find out the phrases and the patterns that you dont understand. Task3 Complete the article about Julias vacation plans. P29 页 4 Task1.个人迅速朗读对话,并理解意思。 Task2.两人一组练习对话。 梳理自学中遇到的问题: 学法指导

4、:在自学的过程中,大家都会遇到不懂的地方,请把你不会的问题写在下面。Demonstration组内讨论解决疑难语言点并交流展示 P35 页 4 的对话。2.精讲点播:重点句子的讲解。 3.拓展延伸:forget doing sth 与 forget to do sth 的区别。 4.解决“梳理出来的问题” 。5.复述课文。A 基础练习 选择题:I”m tired. Lets stop_a rest. to have B.having C.has D.had 2._did you learn English. A.How long B.How far C.How often D.How soom

5、 3.I learn_the violin when I was ten years old. A.play B.playing C.to play D.played 4.We_the date when we are leaving. A.decide on B.depend C.look on D.put on 5.What does your mother want you to do?She hopes_a doctor. A.me to be B.I can be C.me being D.I beB.能力提升 根据汉语完成句子: 1.请从纽约寄给我一张明信片。Please_ me

6、a postcard_New York. 2.他打电话问我的假日计划。He called me to_ me_my vacation 3.我将在六月的第一周离开上海。I am_for Shanghai the first week_June 4.我计划在美丽的乡下和家人在一起呆两个月。I am_ _ _two months with my familyin the beautiful countryside 5.她不喜欢外出太长时间。She donesnt like_ _for too long C 中考链接 1.Can you finish the work_ two days? Yes,I can.(武汉).A.for B.about C.in 2.She will learn Beijing_Shanghai tomorrow. A.from B.to C.awayD.forHarvest定标预习 Preview Unit7 SectionA 1a-2c:Grasp the new words(掌握新的单词)and phrases.



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