典范英语7-01 刺猬女孩艾米词汇

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《典范英语7-01 刺猬女孩艾米词汇》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《典范英语7-01 刺猬女孩艾米词汇(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、典范英语 7-01 刺猬女孩艾蜜词汇序号词汇翻译页码1miserable牢骚满腹的page 3 2rush in匆匆跑进来page 3 3expecting期待着page 3 4great太好了page 3 5cried大声说page 3 6wildlife野生动物page 3 7hegehog刺猬page 3 8expert专家page 3 9know all about对 无所不知,了如指掌page 4 10groaned抱怨道page 4 11Oh dear我的妈呀page 412a mean and miserable sort of person那种刻薄又牢骚满腹的人page 413

2、lived next door to和 是隔壁邻居page 4 14looked along沿着 看过去page 5 15snapped a voice一个声音厉声喝道page 516nearly jumped out of her socks吓得魂差点都丢了page 517indeed是吧page 6 18sniffed不屑地说page 6 19tame驯养的page 6 20wild野生page 6 21africa非洲page 6 22india印度page 6 23Britain英国,不列颠page 624The United Kingdom of Grea Britain and N

3、orthern大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国包 括(英格兰、爱尔兰、威尔士)page 625bawled嚷道page 626The very worst animals there are.世界上最糟糕的动物。page 627dig up挖出,刨出page 6 28bite lumps out of them大块大块地咬page 6 29the horrid things这可恶的东西page 7 30this is the best I can do我只能为你做这么多page 7 31Make sure一定要page 7 32on time按时page 7 33dont you dare看你敢 !

4、page 7 34carrot胡萝卜page 7 35squirt喷page 7 36spray gun(涂料等的)喷枪page 737found out发现page 8 38slug鼻涕虫page 8 39snail蜗牛page 840is not due back for another twenty days再过二十天才到期page 841pointing with his nose用鼻尖指了指page 9 42just about to 刚要,正要page 9 43risk asking冒险问一问page 9 44cassette tape盒式磁带page 9 45Calls of t

5、he Wild.荒野的呼唤page 9 46nobody had ever played it 还从没有人放过这盘带子page 947part of a set of animal noses一套动物叫声的磁带中的一盒page 1048rudely粗鲁地page 10 49mad疯了page 10 50stamped给 盖上上期章page 10 51rewind the tape把带子倒好page 10 52personal stereo个人立体音响page 11 53over and over again一遍又一遍page 11 54talking hedgehog在说刺猬话page 11

6、55make hedgehog noises发出刺猬的叫声page 11 56as loudly as she could尽可能大声地page 12 57keep trying继续试下去page 12 58got cold觉得冷了page 12 59went indoors进到屋里page 12 60every night for a week连续一周每天晚上page 13 61the door bell rang门铃响了page 13 62stoood at the door站在门口page 13 63in his dressing gown身穿睡袍page 13 64have my bat

7、h洗澡page 14 65giggled behind her hand手捂着嘴咯咯地笑page 14 66Id put poison down我就下毒药page 14 67if I were you我要是你page 14 68deal with对付page 14 69As soon as刚一page 15 70dashed out into 冲出去跑进page 15 71try one more time再试一次page 15 72went down on her knees双膝跪下page 15 73a rustling noise悉悉索索的声音page 15 74lumbered ont

8、o the lawn吃力地爬到草坪上page 15 75delighted欣喜,高兴page 1576snorted and wquaked at each other彼此哼哼唧唧起来page 1577a torch beam一束手电筒的光线page 16 78shone in their eyes照在他们眼睛上page 16 79Whats going on?干什么呢?page 16 80rolled into a ball卷成了一个球page 16 81chatting to和 聊天page 16 82cheeky厚脸皮的page 16 83young thing小东西page 16 84

9、indeed确实page 16 85cut in 打断道page 17 86dirty little beasts肮脏的小畜生page 17 87eat up吃光page 17 88Rubbish!胡说!page 17 89if you dont mind你要是不介意的话page 17 90too shocked to answer惊讶得说不出话来page 18 91His mouth dropped open目瞪口呆page 18 92gently温柔地page 18 93unrolled展开了身体page 1894A sly look crept acrros Mr Pecks face.

10、佩克先生脸上闪过一种狡诈的表 情。page 1895How often have you been doing this?你干这事多长时间一次?page 1896my dear好孩子page 18 97Never before从来没有过page 18 98amazing让人惊叹的page 19 99from school放学page 19 100in his front drive在他家房前的车道上page 19101fixing a large board to the gate正把一块大板子钉到大门上page 19102threw his coat over it把外衣扔过去,盖在上面pa

11、ge 19 103had promised已经答应page 19 104getting dark天开始变黑page 19 105came up to来到 跟前page 20 106whispered小声说,低声说page 20107There was a sound from next door.隔壁传过来一声响。page 20108shone her torch towards把手电筒照向page 20 109staring into瞪大眼睛往 里看page 20 110had their mouths open目瞪口呆page 20 111stood out站了出来page 21 112a

12、sked a few friends over叫了一些朋友过来page 21 113smoothly流畅地page 21 114felt tather proud感到很自豪page 21 115make a noise发出声响page 21116no photos不许拍照page 21 117three more又有三只page 22 118managed to 设法page 22 119had nothing to fear没有什么可怕的page 22 120clap扳手page 22 121cheer喝彩page 22 122told me about their young给我讲了他们幼

13、崽的事page 23 123curl up into a ball蜷缩成一个球page 23 124tastiest最好吃的page 23 125grubs食page 23 126sleep for the winter冬眠page 23 127hugged把 搂在怀里page 23 128fantastic太棒了page 23 129make you a nice hot drink给你倒一杯香香的热饮page 23 130In you go你就进去page 23131There was something strange about Mr Peck.佩克先生有点怪怪的page 24132o

14、dd古怪的page 24133worth a pound of anybodys money值任何人掏一镑钱page 24134hide遮掩page 24135There on the board in large letters it said.板子上用大字写着page 24136Admission入场费page 24 137What a nerve!真敢要啊!page 25 138fix收拾page 25139enjoying a cup of tea and biscuits愉快地喝着茶吃着饼干page 25140Before Mr Peck could stop her佩克先生没来得及

15、阻止她page 26141is going to将捐给page 26 142went brght red变得通红page 26143made a strange spluttering noise发出和种奇怪的结结巴巴的声音page 26144Not only that不仅如此page 27 145went a very pale colour面色苍白page 27 146Somehow不知用什么办法page 27 147managed a smile强装出一副笑脸page 27 148held out her hand伸出手page 28 149Gloomily沮丧地page 28 150p

16、assed the box over to把例子递给了page 28151an even gloomier look spread across his face脸上现出一副更沮丧的表情page 28152he dug into his pocket把手伸进口袋page 28 153ten pound notes十镑的钞票page 28 154A big hand for Mr Peck为佩克先生热烈鼓掌page 28155This is not quite the end of the story.故事到此还没有完全结束page 29156felt rather sorry for对 深感抱歉page 29 157patrol巡逻page 29 158won third prize获得了三等奖page 29 159marrows西葫芦page 29 160runner beans长荚刀豆、芸豆page 29 161at the local show当地展示会上page 29 162leaned over th



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