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1、必修必修 4 4 第第 4 4 模块知识辅导模块知识辅导必修 4 第 4 模块知识辅导重点单词【词条 1】experiment【课文原句】First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice. (Page 32)【点拨】这句话的意思是“首先,袁隆平对不同种类的水稻进行实验” 。其中,experiment 为动词,意思是“实验” ,experiment on / with sth 表示“对进行实验” 。如:People often experiment with / on animals.【拓展】 experiment 也可当

2、名词讲,常和动词 do, perform, carry out 等搭配。do / perform / carry out experiment in sth 对尝试。如:如:Many countries did experiment in democracy. 【词条 2】export【课文原句】 Following this, Yuan Longpings rice was exported to other countries, such as Pakistan and Philippines. (Page 32)【点拨】 这句话的意思是“除此以外,袁隆平研制的水稻还出口到巴基斯坦和菲律宾

3、等国家” 。 其中, export 为动词,是“出口”的意思。export sth to 意为“出口到” 。如:This country exported fruits to Asian countries.【拓展】export 的反义词为 import, 是“进口”的意思。import sth from 从进口。如:This country imported many goods from America.【词条 3】convert【课文原句】50 thousand square kilometres of rice fields were converted to growing vege

4、tables and other cash crops. (Page 32)【点拨】 这句话意思是“5 万平方公里原来的稻田现在被用来种植蔬菜和其他经济作物” 。 其中 convert 的意思是“转变,转化” 。convert sth to / into sth 意为“使转化为” 。如:This hotel is going to be converted into a coffee room.【拓展】1. convert sb to sth 使某人(观点,习惯等)改变。如:She was soon converted to green food. 2. convert 的名词形式 conve

5、rsion, 后加介词 to 或 into。如:Conversion to gas heating will save you a lot of money. 【词条 4】diagnose 【课文原句】In the 1960s he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. (Page37) 【点拨】这句话意思是“在二十世纪六十年代,他被诊断患有运动神经元疾病” 。diagnose 是“诊断”的意思。be diagnosed with 意为“被诊断患有” 。如:The old man was diagnosed with lung cancer. 【拓

6、展】1. diagnose as, 意为“将诊断为” 。如:The doctors diagnosed his illness as a rare bone disease.2. diagnose 的名词形式为 diagnosis。如:They are waiting for the doctors diagnosis. 【词条 5】award 【课文原句】awarded Nobel Prize for physics in 1921【点拨】这句话的意思是“在 1921 年获得诺贝尔物理奖” 。其中,award 用作动词,意思是 “授予” ,搭配为 award sb sth 或award st

7、h to sb。如:The school awarded him a scholarship of 5000 dollars. 【拓展】award 还可作名词,意为“奖金,奖励” ,常和动词 get, receive 等搭配,get / receive an award for sth 表示“因获得奖励” 。如:He received an award for his great contributions to the country. 重点短语【词条 1】bring in【课文原句】Researchers were brought in from all over China to dev

8、elop the new system. (Page32) 【点拨】 这句话意思是“中国各地的研究者被请来一起开发新的稻系” 。在这个句子中 bring in 意为“请做,让参与” 。如: Theyve brought in experts to advise on the scheme. 【拓展】bring in 还有很多其他意思。如:1. 引进,引来。如:They brought in new customs and new habits.2. 赚得,挣。如:The girl brought in a wage of 600 yuan a month. 【词条 2】as a result【

9、课文原句】As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s. (Page 32)【点拨】这句话的意思是“由于袁隆平的发现,中国的水稻产量在 20 世纪 90 年代增长了 47.5 %” 。其中 as a result 意为“结果” ,相当于副词,置于句首,起承上启下的作用。如:As a result, they often have both health and money problems【拓展】1. 如果表示“由于;因为” ,用 as a

10、result of,相当于介词。如:He was late for the meeting as a result of a traffic jam. 2. result 还可用作动词,构成短语 result in (= lead to),意为“产生,导致” ,后跟结果;result from (= lie in )意为“在于” ,后跟原因。如:The experiment resulted in the discovery of a cure for cancer.Her illness resulted from her bad living habits. .【词条 3】come to

11、power【课文原句】left Germany when Hitler came to power and went to work in the US (Page 37)【点拨】come to power 意为“执政” 。如:The party came to power at the selection.【拓展】1. take / seize/ lose power 掌握/夺取/失掉政权。如:This government lost power in the selection.2. in power 当政。如:The present regime has been in power fo

12、r five years.重点语法-被动结构我们前几期已经对被动语态做了系统的归纳,今天我们再补充一些被动语态中常遇到的问题。1. 带双宾语的动词很多动词,如:give, send, show, lend 等都可以直接加直接宾语和间接宾语,因此有两种结构:A. 动词+间接宾语+直接宾语。如:She gave her sister the car.B. 动词+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语。如:She gave the car to her sister.这两个结构都可以变成被动式:A. 间接宾语变成被动式的主语。如:Her sister was given the car.B. 直接宾语变成被动式的

13、主语。如:The car was given to her sister.2. 不带 to 的动词不定式在主动结构中,hear, see, make 和 help 后面可以跟“宾语+不带 to 的动词不定式” 。但是,如果变成被动结构,to 一定要加上。如: I saw him come out of the house. He was seen to come out of the house. They made him sell them everything. He was made to tell them everything.3. 宾语补足语在一些动词后面, 直接宾语后面可以跟宾

14、语补足语, 宾语补足语通常为名词或形容词。如: They selected Bush as President. Youve made the house beautiful.在被动结构中,这些成分是主语补足语,要放在动词后面。如: Bush was selected as President. The house has been made beautiful.注意:我们学了被动语态,不要误认为所有的句子都有被动语态,下列情况就不能用于被动语态。1. 某些表示“静止状态”的动词常表示状态而不表示动作,且一般不用于进行时态,如: have , fit , cost , last 等不能用于被动

15、语态。如:I have an English dictionary. The coat fits me well. 2. 某些及物动词可以用作不及物动词,特别是后加副词(well, easily 等)时,这时用主动语态表示被动意思。常见的这类动词有:sell, write, wear, wash, open, close 等。如:These books sell well. These kind of cloth washes well.3. 由实义动词演变而来的系动词,后接形容词作表语,不可用于被动语态。这类动词有:look, feel, sound, taste, smell, appea

16、r 等。如:He looks very young. The fish tastes nice.4. 宾语是不定式或动词的-ing 形式时,不可用于被动语态。如:He hoped to see his parents in Beijing.She enjoys watching TV in the evening. 5. 宾语是反身代词或相互代词时,不可用于被动语态。如:The little boy can dress himself.We should help each other.6. 宾语是同源宾语时,不可用于被动语态。如:We live a happy life.The girl dreamed a sweet dream.



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