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1、小叮当小叮当精灵杯大赛精灵杯大赛( (中英中英).srt).srt300:01:02,479 00:01:04,897Right here will be just divine, thank you.放在这里最好了,谢谢500:01:15,701 00:01:17,660Lets speed this along.我们加快速度600:01:21,457 00:01:22,582There.好了700:01:22,666 00:01:24,584This is lovely.真可爱900:01:27,588 00:01:28,921What in Neverland.永恒岛可真.1000:01

2、:29,006 00:01:31,591Chloe! Chloe? Chloe!克洛伊1100:01:31,675 00:01:33,217Dont trample the flowers!别踩到了这些花花草草1200:01:35,763 00:01:38,139Dirt! Get it off!泥巴!弄下来!1300:01:38,223 00:01:40,850Oh, my goodness, Rosetta.I am so sorry. Are you okay?抱歉,罗塞塔,真对不起,你还好吧?1400:01:40,934 00:01:41,934Get it.弄下.1500:01:43

3、,437 00:01:44,771Thank you.谢谢1600:01:44,855 00:01:48,107Youre afraid of dirt? And youre a garden fairy?你害怕泥巴?你是个花园仙子啊?1700:01:48,192 00:01:49,525Ironic, isnt it?有点讽刺,是不是?1800:01:49,610 00:01:53,237I love your rock.What are you doing with it?我喜欢你的石头,你在用它做什么?1900:01:53,363 00:01:54,530Im training.我在训练

4、2000:01:55,032 00:01:56,115Training?训练?2100:01:56,200 00:01:58,242For the Pixie Hollow Games, of course.当然是为了精灵杯大赛了2200:01:58,327 00:02:00,578Ive been studying all kinds of strategies for different events我一直在为不同的赛事研究所有的策略2300:02:00,662 00:02:01,996working really hard at ways to.非常辛苦地在.2400:02:02,080

5、 00:02:05,583wait. You actually want to be on the garden fairy team?等等,你真的想进入花园仙子团队?2500:02:05,667 00:02:07,376Well, yeah. Dont you?是的,难道你不想?2600:02:07,461 00:02:09,962No. New arrival.不,新来的2700:02:10,047 00:02:13,090Im starting to think Im the only one who wants to be on the team.我开始觉得我是唯一想进入这个团队的28

6、00:02:13,425 00:02:15,843You are. Because we stink!对啊,因为我们团队很烂2900:02:16,178 00:02:18,721We never even come close to winning.我们一直就没赢过3000:02:18,806 00:02:22,225We bring beauty to the world. Thats what were good at.我们给世界带来美丽,那才是我们擅长的3100:02:22,559 00:02:26,354Well, why cant garden fairies be just as

7、good as everyone else?那么,为什么花园仙子不能表现得像其他人一样好呢?3200:02:26,438 00:02:28,773I mean, this could be the year the losing streak ends.我意思是,我们的失败可能会在这次结束3300:02:28,857 00:02:31,901It would make history. And I, for one, think we can win!这会创造历史,并且拿我来说,认为我们可以赢3400:02:32,027 00:02:35,863We can win, if no one el

8、se shows up.我们可以赢,如果别人都不参赛的话3500:02:36,073 00:02:38,366Gather around, garden fairies.花园仙子们,都过来3600:02:38,450 00:02:41,869It is time to choose whos going to represent us in the games this year.现在我们要选出谁会代表我们参加今年的比赛3700:02:42,830 00:02:43,996Now, Chloe has already.现在,克洛伊已经准备.3800:02:44,081 00:02:45,706

9、Dig down deep and break the streak!努力争取,赢得胜利3900:02:46,083 00:02:49,585Okay. But we need to pick her teammate.好的,现在我们需要挑选她的队友4000:02:52,256 00:02:54,715Now come on. Weve put this off long enough,别磨蹭了,我们已经推迟好长时间了4100:02:54,800 00:02:57,301so lets just get this over with.所以我们把这件事搞定吧4200:02:59,930 00:0

10、3:01,848Thank you. And the name is.谢谢各位,这个人是.4300:03:02,432 00:03:04,600Please dont let it be me! No, no, no.千万别是我,不要.4400:03:04,685 00:03:05,810Rosetta!罗塞塔4500:03:05,936 00:03:07,687Me? No! 我?不!4600:03:07,771 00:03:10,481There must be some mistake!Here, let me see that.肯定是弄错了,拿过来让我看看4700:03:10,566

11、00:03:13,234See, that says Rosita.看,上面写着“螺丝塔”4800:03:13,944 00:03:17,864Rosita, where are ya? Rosita!“螺丝塔” ,你在哪?“螺丝塔”!4900:03:17,948 00:03:19,031Its you.就是你5000:03:19,116 00:03:21,409No, but I cant! Just pick another.不,我不能,再选一个5100:03:23,370 00:03:25,288Yours is the only name in there.里面只有你的名字5200:0

12、3:25,372 00:03:26,372What?什么?5300:03:26,456 00:03:30,543Youve weaseled your way out of this every single year, Ro. Its your turn.每年你都躲过去了,今年轮到你了5400:03:30,627 00:03:31,711Well, thats only because I.可是,那是因为我.5500:03:31,795 00:03:33,045Hey, you heard her.She doesnt want to do it.喂,你听到了,她不想参加5600:03:33

13、,130 00:03:34,505Are you sure there isnt anyone else?你确定这里没有别人想参加?5700:03:34,590 00:03:37,425Yeah! Well, yeah, Fern, what about you?是的,那么,弗恩,你怎么样?5800:03:37,509 00:03:41,387I did it last year. Slipped in slug slime and separated my septum.我去年就参加了,滑倒在鼻涕虫粘液里,把隔膜都弄断了5900:03:41,471 00:03:42,722Or Lilac?

14、或者丁香?6000:03:42,806 00:03:45,224I swallowed so much mud on tug of war,在拔河时我吞掉了好多泥浆6100:03:45,309 00:03:46,976I sprouted weeds out my nose!鼻子里的种子都发芽了6200:03:47,060 00:03:48,144Or Ivy?或者艾维?6300:03:48,228 00:03:51,981Trampled by my own frog. Thanks for bringing it up!被青蛙踩到了,谢谢你提到这件事6400:03:53,567 00:03

15、:55,484- Rosetta! - You made her cry!- 罗塞塔!- 你让她哭了!6500:03:55,569 00:03:56,652Great job, Rosetta.干的好,罗塞塔6600:03:57,487 00:03:59,989Fine, fine. Ill do it.好吧,好吧,我参加行了吧6700:04:00,574 00:04:05,077All right, so, lets bring home that trophy. Dig down deep?好的,那么让我们把奖杯带回来把,努力争取?6800:04:08,165 00:04:12,168No

16、, no, no. Dig down deep and break the streak.不不不,努力争取,赢得胜利6900:04:16,298 00:04:18,090This is gonna be good.这会很好玩7000:04:23,931 00:04:26,098Aye, its that time again, folks朋友们,又到了比赛时间了7100:04:26,183 00:04:28,976The games will span the next three days这场比赛会持续三天7200:04:29,061 00:04:31,729with the last place team eliminated after each event每次比赛将会淘汰最后一名7300:04:31,813 00:04:34,



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