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1、 太阳马戏团太阳马戏团 K 秀剧情翻译秀剧情翻译K is a story about “conflict and love“, of “imperial twins who are separated at the prime of their youth and must undergo a rite of passage of self-discovery. It is about their encounters with K, the fire that has the dual power to destroy or illuminate.“K 秀是一个关于“冲突与爱”的故事,讲述的

2、是“一对在青春时期被分开的孪生兄妹,必须经历一段自我发现的历程。 ”这是关于他们与K相遇的经历,K 是一种有双重力量的火,既能摧毁又能照亮。 ” Unlike other Cirque du Soleil performances, K offers four pre-shows. Once the house opens, guests are greeted by the villagers of K (“Gatekeepers“). Twenty minutes before curtain, two musicians enter the lobby and climb up to t

3、wo stringed instruments specially designed for K and integrated into the architecture. Ten minutes before the show, actors appear in the metal framework to the left and right of the stage and perform flips and leaps assisted with ropes to dive into the audience and attempt to scare viewers. Five min

4、utes before showtime, a staged act informs the audience that there is no flash photography or cell phone usage allowed.与其他太阳马戏团的表演不同,K演出了 4 场预热秀。大厅门一打开,观众们就会被K (“看门人”)的村民迎接。在开幕布前 20 分钟,两位音乐家进入大厅,爬上两根专门为K集成设计的弦乐器,乐器的设计融入到建筑中。演出前 10 分钟,演员们出现在舞台左侧和右侧的金属框架中表演跳跃,并借助绳索跃到观众中间,试图恐吓观众。在开演前的 5 分钟,舞台动作示意不允许再使用

5、闪关灯相机或手机。The story is told in a total of fourteen scenes, each of which is preceded by movement of one or more of the massive stage elements.故事一共有 14 个场景,每一个场景都是由一个或多个大舞台元素所引出的。The Pageant: K begins with the stage set as a ship. The twins are returning home, and preparations are in motion for their

6、arrival. The boat docks, and the entire royal family is united. The court celebrates the return of the twins by displaying fantastic feats in a pageant, while the twins each perform together on their flutes. Just as the celebration comes to a close, pandemonium erupts when the court is attacked by a

7、 group of archers. The twins watch in horror as their parents, The Emperor and Empress, are assassinated in front of their eyes.庆典: 表演从舞台布景的一艘船开始。一对孪生兄妹要返回家园了,大家正在为迎接他们的到来做准备。在码头上,整个皇室家族团聚在一起。朝廷举行盛大的欢迎仪式,通过展示精湛的杂技表现对孪生兄妹的欢迎气氛,而孪生兄妹则各自表演吹长笛。正当庆祝活动接近尾声时,一群弓箭手袭击了朝廷。这对孪生兄妹惊恐地看到他们的父母皇帝和皇后,在他们的眼前被杀害。The S

8、torm: As the palace burns to the ground, the surviving members flee for their lives. Accompanied by their nursemaid, Twin Sister and Twin Brother attempt to escape to a boat that will take them to safety. However, the Twin Brother is left behind, shot down by an arrow. The Court Jester jumps off the

9、 boat to save the Twin Brother from his impending doom. The boat escapes, only to sink in a terrible storm.风暴: 当宫殿被烧毁殆尽,幸存的成员们纷纷逃跑。在保姆的保护下,孪生兄妹想逃到一艘能将他们带到安全地带的船上。然而,孪生哥哥被一箭射倒落在后面。宫廷弄臣跳下了船,把孪生哥哥解救了,使他逃离了厄运。船开走后,却在一场可怕的暴风雨中沉没了。The Deep: As a soft piano and cello duet plays, the Nursemaid nearly drowns

10、 in the water. The Twin Sister dives into the depths to rescue her, and quickly swims to the surface with the Nursemaid in tow.深度: 轻柔的钢琴和大提琴的二重奏曲,保姆几乎在水中溺亡。孪生妹妹潜入深海,去营救她,并迅速拖着保姆游向海面。Archers Den: As light returns, the stage is now the Archers Den. The Chief Archer, the Evil Counselor, and their men c

11、elebrate the destruction of the Imperial Palace. The Counselors Son unveils a model of the Death Machine that he designed to “grind bones with the magical ore to unleash the destructive power of fire“ and use it to kill and destroy all that stand in the Archers path to conquer the Empire.弓箭手的书房: 随着光

12、线亮起,舞台变成弓箭手的巢穴。弓箭手头领、邪恶的参事,和他们的人正在庆祝毁坏了皇宫。参事的儿子展示了一个死亡机器,他设计的这个机器能通过魔石激发出火的破坏能量,来磨碎人的骨头。使用它,就能杀死和摧毁所有阻挡他们征服帝国的人。Wash-up on Shore: The Twin Sister, her Nursemaid, and the two Valets are reunited on a golden sandy beach. As they explore, they encounter giant sea creatures, including a crab, a turtle,

13、and a starfish. The group then leaves to search for other survivors.在海滩上洗脸:孪生妹妹和她的保姆以及两个男仆,在金色的沙滩上重聚。他们继续探险之旅,遇到了巨大的海洋生物,包括螃蟹、海龟和海星。然后,他们离开去寻找其他幸存者。Lantern (Shadows): In the meantime, the Court Jester and the Twin Brother have taken refuge in a cave. The Jester gently tries to nurse the Twin Brother

14、s wounds. To distract him from his pain and fear, the Jester teaches the Twin Brother the art of shadow puppets. This beautiful moment is spoiled by the archers, who, watching at a distance, plot their capture of the two. The Jester hears a sound and investigates, leaving Twin Brother alone. The Twi

15、n Brother turns and sees the face of the Chief Archers Daughter. Their eyes meet but are interrupted as the Archers leap out and capture him. The Chief Archers Daughter watches helplessly as the Twin Brother is carried away.灯笼(影子): 与此同时,宫廷弄臣和孪生哥哥在一个山洞里避难。宫廷弄臣轻柔地为孪生哥哥处理伤口。为了转移他对痛苦和恐惧的注意力,弄臣教孪生哥哥“皮影木偶

16、”的技艺。这个美丽的时刻被弓箭手们破坏了,他们在远处注视着他们,计划着如何抓住他们。弄臣听到一个声音,出去查看,留下孪生哥哥。孪生哥哥转过身来,看到了弓箭手女儿的脸。他们四目相对,这时弓箭手冲出来抓住了哥哥。弓箭手的女儿无助地看着孪生哥哥被带走了。The Climb: Meanwhile, the Twin Sister and her entourage are scaling a mountain when they are also attacked by the Archers. The Archers do not capture them, but the group becomes separated.攀爬:与此同时,孪生妹妹和她的随从在攀登一座山峰,他们遭到了弓箭手的攻击,虽然没有被抓住,但他们却被分散了。Blizzard: The Twin Sister and the Nursemaid are reunited through the assistanc



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