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1、李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第 4 4 辑辑 2A2A十大精彩例句1. I am eager to travel around the world.我渴望环游世界。2. The harder you work, the sooner you will succeed.你工作越努力, 你就会越快成功!3. The Andersons go to church every Saturday.安德逊一家每个星期六 都去教堂做礼拜。4. Ive never heard anything worse than this.我从来没听说过比这更 糟的事。5. My brother is nev

2、er nevous in front of girls.我哥哥在女孩子面前从 不紧张。6. Mere exposure to English doesnt work;蜻蜓点水般的接触英文 是没有用的;you have to blurt out a large number of useful sentences.你得脱口而出大量的实 用句子。7. Youll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday.如果你不记得她的生日 , 她会很伤心。8. Poor Edward has to do his homework after dinner,可怜的爱

3、德华不得不在 晚饭后做家庭作业,because he dare not go against his mothers orders.因为他不敢违抗母亲的 命令。9. The girls learned world history in their first and third女孩子们在大学的第一 和第三terms at the university.学期学习世界历史。10. Her younger brother is a writer,她弟弟是个作家,and her elder sister is a doctor.而她姐姐是个医生。Jims Favorite SentenceI pref

4、er going to bed early,我宁愿早点睡觉,so I can get up early and do my exercises.这样我可以早起锻炼身 体。A: Is something burning?什么东西烧焦了?B: Oh, my crackers!哦, 是我的饼干!A: Mm, I love burnt crackers.嗨, 我就爱吃烤焦的饼干。B: Curse this oven! Curse it!这讨厌的烤箱! 真是可恨!A: But I prefer burnt crackers.但我更喜欢吃烤焦的饼 干。B: Its the worst oven in th

5、e world.这烤箱真是全世界最差 的。A: Wonderful! A perfect cracker!太棒了! 这饼干正合我意。B: There are thirty of them. Oh, have another.一共烤了 30 个。 给, 再来一个。available1. I am available tomorrow to see you.我明天有时间, 可以见你。2. If Im not available when you phone, ask for my brother.你打电话来时如果我不 在, 可以叫我哥哥代接。3. Your secretary is really

6、pretty. Is she available?你的秘书很漂亮。 她有男朋友吗?4. Sorry, this is the only room available.不好意思, 只剩下这个房间了。5. Im afraid that dress is no longer available, Madam.女士, 对不起, 那条裙子已经卖完了6. Im sorry, sir. Those shoes are not available in you size.对不起, 先生。 这双鞋没有你要的尺码 。7. Is the new magazine available yet?最新的杂志到了吗?8.

7、Please inform me when the disc is available.这张碟有货时请通知我 。9. Do you have any tickets available请问 9 点 40 分飞往上海 的航班for the 9:40 fight to Shanghai?还有票吗?10. Do you know if there are any apartments available你知道这一带还能找到in this area?出租公寓吗?11. Do you have a job available for me?请问你们有没有空缺的 职位?12. This informati

8、on is easily available to这些资料很容易everyone at the local library.在本地的图书馆找到。13. Details of the competition are available from our head office.比赛的详细说明可以从 我们的总办事处那里得 到。14. We want to make our products available to a wider market我们想使我们的产品拥 有更为广阔的市场。15. The president is not available for comment总统无暇做出评论。1.

9、suitable适当的;相配的1)You should wear clothes suitable for the occasion.你应该穿适合这种场合 的服装。2)That kind of language isnt suitable for the classroom!那样的语言不适合在课 堂上说。2.reasonable合理的; 有道理的1) The price of the coat was very reasonable, so I bought it.这件外衣的价钱很公道 ,所以就买了。2)Come on. Be reasonable!拜托, 讲点道理!3. comfortabl

10、e舒适的1)Please make yourself comfortable.别客气。2) Be sure to wear comfortable shoes.一定要穿舒服的鞋,You will be doing a lot of walking.你要走很远的路。4. valuable贵重的; 有价值的Thank you for your valuable advice.谢谢你的宝贵建议。2) Youre a valuable asset company.你是我们公司的宝贵人 才。5enjoyable愉快的; 快乐的1) We had an enjoyable day at the beach

11、我们在海滩度过了愉快 的一天。2)Personally, I dont find opera music that enjoyable就我个人而言, 我觉得戏曲不好听。6changeable可变的; 易变的1)The weather in my hometown is very changeable in the springtime在我的家乡, 春季的天气往往多变。2)Her moods are extremely changeable.她的心情变化无常。You never know if she will be happy or sad你永远不可能知道她会 高兴还是悲伤。7acceptab

12、le可接受的; 合意的1)Wearing a shirt without a tie在这里, 赴宴时is acceptable dress for dinner her.可以穿衬衣不系领带。2) There is more than one acceptable answer to my question.我的问题不止一个标准 答案。8. predictable可预言的1)His failure on the college entrance examinations was他高考失败是预料中的 事,predictable because he was too lazy.因为他太懒了。2) S

13、ome people become bored when a relationship一些人在关系渐渐明确 后becomes predictable.就觉得无趣了。9. accountable应负责的; 有责任的1)He is accountable for the missing money.丢了钱, 他负有责任。2)Im going to hold you accountable for all you promises!我要你为你所有的承诺 负责。10. unforgettable忘不了的; 令人难忘的We had an unforgettable vacation. It was wo

14、nderful.我们度过了一个难忘的 假期。 真是太棒了!Im sure your trip to the Great Wall will be unforgettable!我相信你去长城的旅行 将非常难忘。Amys life storyAmy was born in Guangdong. She grew up in a small village.艾米出生在广东省, 她长在一个小村庄里。She began school when she six years old.她 6 岁开始上学。She went to elementary school, but she didnt go to hi

15、gh school.她上完了小学, 但她没有上中学。Her family was very poor,她家里很穷,and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old.她 13 岁就不得不出去打 工。She worked on an assembly line in a shoe factory.她在一家鞋厂的组装生 产线上工作。When Amy was seventeen years old,当艾米 17 岁的时候,her family moved to the United States.她家搬到美国。First they li

16、ved in Los Angeles,起初他们住在洛杉矶,and then they moved to San Francisco.后来他们又搬到了旧金 山。When Amy arrive in the United States, she wasnt very happy.艾米刚到美国的时候, 她很不开心。She missed her friends back in Guangdong,她想念她在广东的朋友 ,and she didnt speak one word of English.而且她一句英语也不会 说。She began to study English at night,她开始在晚上学英语,and she worked in a factory during the day.白天在工厂里上班。Amy studied very hard, and now she speaks English well.艾米学习很努力, 现在她英语说得非常好 。Shes still studying at night, but now



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