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1、【写作话题】 现在很多中学生喜欢阅读小说,对此有人赞成,有人反对,阅读下表内容写一篇短文 介绍这些观点,并谈谈自己的看法。赞成者认为丰富生活,消除紧张,调节情绪; 净化心灵,促进成长; 增加知识,开阔视野。反对者认为浪费时间,影响学习; 一些内容不健康,影响学生成长。你的观点1. 2. 字数:120-150 【学生习作】 Now, many middle school students are fond of reading novels, about which different people have different opinions. Some people think that

2、reading novels can enrich our life, let off our pressure and improve our mood. Whats more, reading novels can make our heart clean and direct us to grow up normally. In the meanwhile, reading novels can add to our knowledge and broaden our horizons. However, other people dont think so. They hold the

3、 view that reading novels is a waste of time and has a bad effect on students study. Whats worse, some novels are unhealthy in content, and reading them will do harm to the healthy growth of students. In my opinion, reading novels has its strengths and weaknesses. We can certainly read novels, but w

4、e must read right novels at the right time. 【习作点评】 根据写作要求作者从赞成者观点、反对者观点和自己观点三个角度介绍人们对中学生 读小说现象的不同认识,文章叙述合理,思路清晰,脉络分明,层次感较强。文章表达现 阶段中学生中存在的读小说现象,因此用一般现在时表达文意准确贴切。. about which different people have different opinions. They hold the view that. .has its strengths and weaknesses. We can.but we must.等句型体

5、现现象评论文句型特点,有较强的推广价值。Now, Whats more, In the meanwhile, However, What is worse, In my opinion 等过渡性词汇体 现现象评论文过渡性词汇特点,有效增强了文章的连贯性、逻辑性和说理性。定语从句、 宾语从句、同位语从句和并列句的运用增强了文章的表达效果,提升了文章的档次。 【写作指导】 1. 正确把握时态,提高语言准确性 一般说来,现象评论文多针对现阶段存在的社会现象进行评论,因此常用一般现在时表达 文意。可用 Some students/people think. Other students/people

6、think. 等句式。 2. 熟悉语言规律,增强文章得体性 众所周知,任何体裁的文章都有自己独特的语言特点,现象评论文也不例外,不少语言是 规律性出现的,如介绍现象时可用 Recently we have held a heated discussion on whether we should.;介绍不同观点前可用 Different people have different opinions.来引起下文。表达其 中一部分人的观点时可用 Some people think that.或 Some people hold the view that. 表达 另一部分人的观点时可用 Howev

7、er, some people dont think so. 表达自己的观点时可用 In my opinion, .has its advantages and disadvantages. 或 From my point of view.句型。表达结论时可用 We can.but we should.或 We can.but we cant.句型。 3. 贴切使用过渡性词汇,提高文章连贯性 现象评论文的过渡性词汇有很强的规律性,表达赞成性观点可用 and, besides, whats more 等过渡性词汇;表达反对性观点可用 what is worse, to make matters

8、worse, however, But on the other hand 等过渡性词汇; 进行总结时可用 in a word, all in all 等过渡性词汇。 【巩固练习】 当前社会上兴起“学英语热潮” ,从而出现了轻视、冷落母语的现象,导致英语水平没 有提高而汉语水平却下降。请你根据这一现象写一篇 120150 词的英语短文,并发表自己 的看法。参考范文: At present, more and more people take much interest in learning English. In their opinion, being good at English ha

9、s many benefits. But they forget one thing: learning Chinese at the same time. They think there is no need to pay much attention to Chinese our mother tongue. Therefore, they are not willing to spend much time and energy learning it. As a result, they can neither make progress in their English nor C

10、hinese. I think we should have a right attitude towards English learning. In this age of globalization, there is no doubt that English is a tool that we use to learn about foreign cultures and to communicate with foreigners. So it is necessary to master it. However, that doesnt mean we neednt study Chinese. On the contrary, we should put emphasis on Chinese and strengthen its function in learning English.



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