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1、 专家授课 权威讲解 考试必过英语专四专项测试阅读能力Municipal sewage is of relatively recent origin as a pollutant. It was first brought to public attention in the 19th century by a London physician who showed that the citys cholera outbreak had been caused by just one contaminated well. Even though the contamination of dri

2、nking water by disease germs has been nearly eliminated in this country, hundreds of communities are still discharging raw sewage into streams and rivers.When we consider that this sewage contains effluents from toilets, hospitals, laundries,industrial plants, etc., then the potential of the polluta

3、nts as a health hazard is apparent.The problem of municipal sewage disposal is complicated by the fact that, years ago, mostcities combined their storm and waste disposal sewers. Many of these combined systems work well, but others cannot cope with sudden heavy rains. When such storms occur, water m

4、ixed with sewage may flood and disable treatment plants unless bypassed, untreated, into a stream. In either case, the people may have little protection for several days from these wastes that may contain disease germs.Even if adequately treated to eliminate the health hazard, sewage is aestheticall

5、y undesirable because of odors and colors produced. Detergents have posed a particular disposal problem. Although there is no indication that they are injurious to health, they can cause foaming, which can clog treatment plants and, at the least, spoil the scenic beauty of streams.Rural and suburban

6、 residents should be aware that septic tanks and cesspools are a potential source of pollution to ground water supplies. This is especially true in the suburban areas with a high population density and with no municipal sewage disposal and treatment system available. In some areas, sewage disposal i

7、s accomplished by cesspools. Soil research is furnishing guidelines for more effective and safer use of systems such as these.1. This passage is concerned primarily with the _ .A. problems of waste disposalB. dangers of drinking from wellsC. turbidity of polluted waterD. outbreak of cholera答案为2. The

8、 author mentions the London cholera epidemic to _ .A. prove that the city refused to deal with pollutionB. prove that medical science once knew little about pollutionC. introduce the idea of contaminated water suppliesD. recall a historical fact答案为3. In densely populated suburban areas, a danger exi

9、ts from _ .A. streams that do not flow directly to open bodies of waterB. cesspools and septic tanks that contaminate water suppliesC. storm and waste disposal sewers that have been combinedD. the undesirable odors of sewage答案为4. In developing the main point, the author makes use of _ .A. scientific

10、 argumentsB. convincing testimonyC. common sense observationsD. analogy答案为答案:1A此题为主旨题。线索词为“sewage“、“pollutant“、“sewage disposal“等,这些词贯穿文章始终,可见 A 项符合题意。B、C、D 三项皆为文中细节,不能反映主题。2C此题为细节题。答案在第一段。线索词为“London cholera“。此题考查作者专家授课 权威讲解 考试必过引用的目的。A 项与文中所述事实相反。B 项文中未涉及此话题。D 项“London cholera“是一个“historical fact“,却不是作者引用之目的。3B此题为细节题。答案在最后一段的主题句中。线索词为“suburban“、“source of pollution“和“ground water“。4C此题为篇章结构题。作者首先提出排污系统为污染源,然后通过观察、分析、归纳来阐述观点,而没用 A 项“科学论证“、B 项“令人信服的证据“或 D 项“类比“。



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