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1、医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇-医疗、医院、医生医疗、医院、医生1、医生 doctor medical worker physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 doctor in charge 主治医生 intern 实习医生 resident doctor 住院医生 2、医院 hospital The specialized hospital 专科医院 The general hospital 普通医院 The community hospital 社区医院 The public hospital 公立医院 The private hospital 私

2、立医院 clinc 门诊 ward 病房 medical team 医疗队 3 医疗手段 drug therapy 药物治疗 medical treatment 医疗 medical instruments 医疗器械 diagnose (v) 诊断 (n) diagnosis prevent (v) 预防 sterilize (v) 消毒 administrate a drug 给药 prevent and treat disease (v) 预防和治疗疾病 TCM 中医 chemotherapy 化疗 (11) medical service 医疗服务 (12) complain of (v

3、) 主述(13) health checkup 健康普查(14) diagnosing and treating 诊断和治疗(15) consult the doctor(v) 咨询4、医疗体制 (1)healthcare system 医疗体制 (2)medical disputes 医疗纠纷 (3)medical accident 医疗事故 (4)the relationship between doctors and patients 医患关系 (5)medical insurance system 医疗保险体系 (6)medical aid fund 医疗救助基金 5、医德(1)med

4、ical ethics 医德 (2)patient-oriented 以病人为核心 (3)humanistic 人道主义的 (4)compassionate 富于同情性的 (5)considerate 体贴周到的 (6)resolute 果断的 (7)service quality 服务质量 (8)to give top priority to the lives and health of people 6、病人 (1)patient (2)the sick (3)the invalid (4) sufferer opflp医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇-必知疾病名

5、称必知疾病名称1、 患病的表达方式 suffer from (v ) (2) contract (v) (3) people with some disease 患病人群 (4) the people susceptible to some disease 易感某种疾病的人 2、必知疾病名称 heart disease 心脏病 hypertension 高血压 kidney problem 肾病 stroke 休克 the blood pressure 血压 diabetes 糖尿病 obesity 肥胖 terminal illness 绝症 incurable illness 不治之症 c

6、ancer 癌症 tumor 肿瘤 cancer of early stage 癌症晚期 emergency case 急症 servious illness 重症 the difficult and complicated cases 疑难病 short breath 短气 syndrome 综合症 complications 并发症 process 病程 bone loss 骨质疏松short-sighted (adj)近视 3、其他相关词汇 outbreak and spending break out (v) 疾病的爆发 spread (v) 疾病的扩散 the incidence o

7、f common diseases 常见病发生率 taboo 禁忌 speed up blood circulation 加速血液循环improve the cardiac functions 改进心功能side effects 副反应 complain of 主述 4、传染病专题(1) 感染源 virus 病毒 bacteria 细菌 pest 害虫 channel and media 传染途径及媒介 (2)传染疾病 some disease epidemic 传染性疾病 plague 鼠疫 influenza (简)flu 流感 infection contagion 传染病 infect

8、ious diseases 传染病 AIDS 艾滋病 SARS (3) 传染 epidemic (a) 流行的,传染的 block the chanel disseminate 传播 cross infection 交叉感染 5、疾病名称 illness sickness disease ailment suffering 6、疾病的转归 (1)疾病的恢复recover recovery recuperate resume recruitreinstate (2) 疾病的恶化 deteriorateaggravate exasperate make worse worsen 医学考博英语写作必

9、记分类词汇医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇-药物药物1、药物名称 medicine drug remedy medicinal herbs power tablet pill 2、相关词汇 drug therapy 药物治疗 side effects 副反应 drug abuse 药物滥用 drugstore 药房 over the counter 非处方药 drug allergy 药物过敏 drug poisoning 药物中毒prescription 处方expenses for medicine 药费 charges for medicine drug rebate 药品回扣 3、药物用法

10、 开药 prescribe some medicine for some diseases L S write out a proscription 服药 take a medicine治的疾病 a remedy for some diseases医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇-心理疾病心理疾病1、心理学专业词汇 subhealth 亚健康psychological benefits 心理健康 psychological problem 心理问题 psychological consultation 心理咨询 psychological obstacles 心理障碍

11、mental obstacles 心理障碍 psychological massage 心理按摩 psychology 心理学/心理 psychotherapy 心理治疗psychological expert 心理专家 2、相关词汇 questionnaire 3、情绪词汇 overcome disappoint disappointed shy flushfrustration failure fail willpower optimism optimistical be sensitive to nervous tensional sad agony pessimism pessimis

12、tic confident confidencec stress pressure depress depressed depression depressive strain 4、疲劳相关词汇fatigue tire (v) weariness (n) tired(a) exhausted(a) fatigued (a) weary (a) 医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇-肥胖与营养肥胖与营养1、营养物质nutrient 营养素 protein 蛋白质 fat 脂肪glucose 葡萄糖 vitamin 维生素 sugar 糖类 heat calories quan

13、tity of heat 热量 carbohydrate 碳水化合物soft drink beverage 软饮料 2、营养与饮食a well-balanced diet nutrition 营养 nutritional 营养的 nutritious 有营养的nutritionist 营养学家 malnutrition 营养失调 metabolism 物质代谢 fat free food the prepared food 熟食 grain 谷物 food shortages 食品短缺 lack of food breakfast lunch supper 一日三餐 imbalance (n)

14、 unbalance (a) 失衡 3、营养失衡相关疾病 stroke obesity hypertensiondiabetes 4 、治疗措施 diet drug 减肥药 lose weight 减肥 医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇-生活习惯、健康及运动生活习惯、健康及运动 1、生活习惯 life-style 生活习惯a disorder of body and mind a physical and mental disorder crazy tempo of life 快节奏的生活 high tempo of lifebe accustomed to sthth

15、e exercise habit 2、运动与休息ample sleep 充足的睡眠 relax oneself take sportsphysical exercises sport activities do sports sports ground (简) gym 体育场馆 entertainment be more/less physically fit sustain the exercise habit constitution 体质 3、范文 (1) Common reasons for not exercising are no willpower, poor facilities, boredom , fatigue , no part



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