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1、一、知识复习、方法回顾一、知识复习、方法回顾在所剩的几天里面面俱到将所练习题再过一遍是不现实的,这时应对自己英语学科做一个冷静的分析,做到查疑补漏保重点。1 确定取舍,适量训练,保持做题感觉(1)听力:高考听力测试中的重点问题A.具体细节1)Who cleaned the room2)Why did he come late3)What will he do tomorrow4)When does the office open5)Where did the woman stay last year6)Which does she prefer, tea or coffee7)How much

2、 did she pay for the book8)How often does he write to his motherB.判断主题1)What are they talking about2)What are the two speakers interested in3)Which of the following topics are they talking about4)What is the best title of the talkC.推理判断1)What does the man think of it 2)How does the woman find it3)Ho

3、w do they like it4)Do they agree with each other5)What do we learn from the womans words6)When did this conversation take place7)Where do they have the conversation8)What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman9)Why did the man do that10)What is the reason for his absence11)How mu

4、ch a pound are the apples 12)When does the plane take off13)Whats the time now听力之难估计体现在:语速加快,文化背景知识更为宽泛,综合推断性题目有所增加。比如:Text: Ive been practicing driving in my driveway all week.Question: Where has the man practicing for his road test in the past week?A. At a driving school. B. On streets around the

5、town. C. At home. (C) 对于 in my driveway 的理解成为解题的关键。Driveway 是指街区与自家车道相连接的路道。这是一个涉及英语国家国情知识的问题,对此不了解便会选错答案。为对付以上问题,有必要坚持每天听一套题,(听的过程中读两遍的文段,如果有条件,争取只听一遍。)语速不能低于近年高考速度,听完后要对做错的、听得含糊的段落、文字加以研究,即研究录音稿,进一步熟悉英语口语特征,掌握 Id like to, but/I am afraid,/If only/Oh,/Well,/等实际要表达的意思,摸索不同腔调、语气、停顿等所透露出来的信息如:“愤怒”、“欣赏

6、”、“自豪”、“犹豫”、“抱怨”“责备”等,分析自己最听不明白的常常是哪种语气、哪种音调、哪种发音,强化印象,以便在下次听力做题时加以留心。至于听力技巧,这里推荐几种方法:A语法关系预测法通过语法关系来预测说话的内容。人们讲话时所用的句型形式虽然各异,有肯定、否定、疑句、长句、短句、简单句、并列句、复合句、主动态、被动态等,但相对来讲,下列四种类型的句子在口语中出现频率比较高。1)比较句。比较句一般用来比较或对比两种相同或不同的可比的东西或人,听到句子的前半部,学生完全能够根据句子的结构预测出后半句的内容。如:Jack is much taller than I d imagined.This

7、 typewriter works better than the newer one .2)条件句。常有明显话语标记的表示条件的词,如:if, even if, unless, only if, in case, whether or not, in the event (that), provided (that),后半句出现的就是以这些词为条件的内容。如:If you want to get well, youd better take your medicine every day.Had we started out earlier, we wouldnt have missed t

8、he train .3)叙述一连串事件的句子。在表示一系列事情时,往往有一个表示时间先后次序的词,如:She didnt go to bed until after shes finished her homeW0rk.Before her marriage, Edith lived in New York.4)因果句,如:The sharply increased sales were produced by a vigorous advertising campaign.All Of them rushed out of their houses when the earth quake

9、started.B. 关键词预测法根据关键词进行预测。即根据主题去预测段落中可能出现的关键词。例如:一段发生在法庭上的对话,那么其中必然会出现诸如:witness,judge,jury,criminal,guilty,sentence 等这样的关键词。若其中有生词,我们应根据这一语境、句子的大意以及上下文猜测出生词的大概意思来。例如:我们不难猜出“A witness saw the who1e process of the robbery”这句话中 witness 的词义即“证人”。C.谈话者的身份及其关系预测法在一般情况下,如果知道谈话者的身份,以及他们之间的关系,就可以预测出他们谈话的内容

10、。从而大大降低难度。反过来,如果我们知道他们所谈的内容,也可推断出他们之间的关系。一般讲,谈话的主题在很多情况下都带有说话者的职业特点:1)如果谈话者双方是师生关系,他们很可能涉及有关学习、课程和学术方面的事情。医生与病人则很可能谈医院及身体保健等问题,而很少谈到动物园之类的问题。2)如果是警察与司机在公路边的对话,我们完全可以根据讲话的内容知道讲话者是谁。如:Its not an excuse, but I am a little late for work. (driver)This license has expired. (police)另外,根据说话人带有明显职业特点的语言,也可判断

11、出说话者的身份或从事的工作等,如:Im afraid youre going to have this filling replaced.(牙科医生)The problem is not in the TV.Its in the wiring.(电视修理工)D. 功能词预测法根据功能词进行预测。在人们的谈话中,有相当一部分词语是用来表示转折、过渡、开头、结束,传递说话人的心理态度:指示、概括、总结、逻辑、顺序、因果关系诸多信号。如:in a word, that is to say, for example, its certain I probably等,这些功能词在很大程度上为听话人的预测

12、指明方向,提供帮助。例如:Tomorrow Im hoping to go to the beach, but(可预测相反信息)/because(可预测原因)and(可预测附加信息)考试时做题方法老师想必都指导过,我在此稍加重复:平心静气,排除杂念,不要因企图听懂每一句话,听清每一个词而焦躁不安,不因上题听不清而影响做下题。预览题目,对问题指向做到心中有数,同时分析第 6 段往后听力题目间的联系,预猜可能涉及到话题。适当记录关键词,尤其是数字,如年龄、年月、价钱等。听力结束时不随意改答案,并及时将答案涂到答题卡上,不要等到 75 道选择题都做完了统一涂,那样更容易出错。(2)单选:首先要纠正一

13、种观点:现在的高考淡化语法,强调知识的灵活运用,强调能力,把时间化在 15 分单选上不值得。注意:单选并不就是语法(还有句法、词汇、固定表达等),做单选、过单选并不只为单选。单选所涉及到的知识(如:词汇辨析、固定搭配、一致、省略、特定句型等)以及分析问题的思路、方法与能力题相通,与完形填空、短文改错、书面表达关系就更密切,离开了单选这样的基础,能力是一句空话,很难设想一个单选错 8、9 道的同学完型填空只错 2、3 道,短文改错能得 7、8分。当然,今后几天的复习过程中,还是把时间分配好,重视单选的复习,同时确保能力题训练到位。每天可以做 10 道单选,因为只看题印象不会深刻,只有在练的过程中

14、才能发觉知识的漏洞、思维的缺陷以及所过习题是否真的理解并掌握了。高考单选多次考过的句式:1)Tom got up,dressed himself and went out.(两个或三个以上动词的并列)2)Mary said pointing to the notice(非谓语)3)The first textbooks written for teaching English came out in the 16th century. 4)He is considered to have invented the computer.5)Why not try going by boat6)Th

15、e lights happened to go out.7)He could hardly keep his eyes open.(情态动词) 8)I can hardly imagine Peter sailing across it. 9) You mustnt play with the fire. You may hurt yourself.10)Could I borrow your bookOf course you can.11)If we had driven in turn, you wouldnt have got so tired.(虚拟语气/ 情态动词)12)I did

16、nt know you were in London.(时态)13)The women got paid by the hour.(语态)14) The fire broke out in the factory yesterday.15)We wish each other the best of luck.(复合宾语)16)Look through the book and tell me what you think of it(双宾语).前 16 个是关于动词的17)The book is of great value.18)She is a newcomer to chemistry(介词).19)He dropped the coffee cup.(名词修饰名词)20)None of us



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