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1、365A Study on Competitive Advantage for Mobile Phone Operators in Taiwan行動電話系統服務商競爭優勢之研究行動電話系統服務商競爭優勢之研究謝文雀 Wen-Chueh Hsieh 東吳大學國際貿易系游蓓怡 Pei-I Yu 國立高雄第一科技大學行銷與流通管理系胡同來 Tung-Lai Hu 國立台北科技大學工業工程與管理系ABSTRACTWith the liberalization of GSM telecommunication, cellular operators are facing more and more ch

2、allenge. Because of similar mobile voice and data services, its important to be differentiated by the competitive advantages resulted from marketing strategies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitive advantage of Taiwanese GSM operators at current stages and their survival in the fu

3、ture competition. In addition to reviewing secondary data, five licensed cellular operators are interviewed and ten propositions are constructed for further empirical study. The conclusions are: Firstly, the key factors to success for Taiwan Mobile communication industry are brand image, call qualit

4、y, innovated services, price and sales channel. Secondly, the nature of the telecommunication service is the continuous upgrade of technology. Finally, convergence of the technology such as fixed line communication, multimedia access, satellite, cable TV and so on also plays an important role in ope

5、rators decision. However, 3G (Third Generation) mobile licenses award is the immediate battle for GSM operators.Keywords: marketing strategy, cellular phone operator, competitive advantage 投稿受理時間: 92 年 10 月 15 日 審查通過時間: 93 年 1 月 8 日A Study on Competitive Advantage for Mobile Phone Operators in Taiwa

6、n 1366摘摘要要本研究探討當前台灣 GSM 行動電話系統服務商創造競爭優勢之行銷策略。對於行動電話系統服務商而言,由於各系統商所提供的服務同質性高,因此藉由行銷策略提供差異化服務,以提升競爭優勢是很重要的。本研究為一探索性研究,針對研究問題,除廣泛收集次級資進行分析之外,並實際與台灣地區系統服務商進行深度訪談,綜合文獻回顧及訪談結論,主要研究發現如下:(1)台灣行動電話系統服務商主要成功因素包括品牌形象、通訊品質、創新服務、價格及銷售通路。(2)電訊服務的本質是科技持續不斷的精進,科技將帶動此一產業發展。(3)科技的集中化如固網、多媒體、衛星及有線電視對於系統商的決策亦扮演十分重要的角色,

7、3G(第三代行動電話)執照的開放對於現有的 GSM 行動電話服務商亦帶來立即的競爭與挑戰。本研究經由分析研討後歸納六項命題,供後續實證研究深入探討。關鍵詞:行銷策略;行動電話系統服務商;競爭優勢I. INTRODUCTIONIn early 1980, there was a telecom- munication liberalization trend all over the world and the telecommunication service market gradually transformed from traditional mono- poly to open co

8、mpetition. Due to natural monopoly and the public utilities characteristics of telecommunications services, it was operated either by the government or by private sector under monopoly as control industry. After the 80s, with the fast development in communi- cation and electronic technologies, the p

9、roduction structure and demand pattern of telecom- munication services were changed and led the industry into a liberalizing process. In Taiwan, the government released the new regulation on Telecommunication service. This new regulation not only boosts the types and quality of telecommunication ser

10、vice but also stimulated the modernization of telecom- munication network and accelerated the arrival of digitized information era. In 1996, the Ministry of Transports and Communication (MOTC) opened up the cellular service by awarding eight licenses to private companies. In 1997, two of the license

11、s are for operation throughout all of Taiwan, while the remaining six are restricted to certain region. Far EasTon Telecom and Taiwan Cellular Corp were awarded with the GSM 1800 national licenses. K Telecom, Tuntex Telecom, MoBiTai Telecom, TransAsia Telecom and Far EasTone Telecom are awarded with

12、 GSM 1800 northern regional 2 臺北科技大學學報第三十七之一期367license, GSM 1800 southern regional license, GSM 900 central regional license, GSM 900 southern regional license and GSM 900 northern regional license accordingly. Tuntex Telecom was merged with K Telecom in 1998. Far EasTone acquired 5% of MoBiTai on

13、mid-2000. Japanese NTT DoCoMo acquired 20% of K Telecom in November 2000. Taiwan Cellular Corp acquired TransAsia Telecom on May 2001. A series of local and global consolidations are now taking place in Taiwans mobile industry. Compared with United States, England, Japan and Hong Kong, the liberaliz

14、ation was relatively slow in the Taiwan. Afterwards, Taiwanese government realized the global liberalization trend in the telecommunication fields. In 1987, the government announced the phone users could have their own phone terminals. Before that, all the phone users leased the terminal from the go

15、vernment. Taiwanese government opens Value Added Network Service (VANS) market in 1989. Until 1996, the government determines to speed up the privatization in the telecom market. There are four kinds of licenses release: paging, trunking radio, cellular phone and mobile data transmission. This is no

16、t the end of the governments privatization schedule. Taiwanese government will privatize the fixed line service, satellite communication service and third genera- tion mobile license (3G).The mobile licenses are believed as a “cash cow” for the business. The relationship among the operators is not only competitive but also complimentary. Because of the nature com- plimentary relationship in the mobile communi- cation area, the operators need to ally w



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