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1、20122012 年浙江高考自选模块试题年浙江高考自选模块试题题号:题号:0101 科目:语文科目:语文 “中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10 分) 阅读下面的散文,然后回答问题。 吃野菜说吃野菜说 清清龚鼎孳龚鼎孳新雨后,绿芜如发,园蔬叶叶,青满畦径。启扉视之,知一年春事又将烂漫矣,家人间撷作羹,劣得一饱。野香拂拂,从匕箸间出,诚有如子瞻所谓饱霜雪之精、味含土膏者。独怜此物没蓬蒿中,与贫士为伍,寒窗一嚼,胜十日太牢,甚不可进于达官贵人、钟鸣鼎食、芍药撰、 朱砂羹之口。今中原嗷嗷,道殣相望,雁粪榆皮,所在仰以为命。甚且折骨解肢,与乌鸢争攫啄之利。吁,可 悲也!彼达官贵人日啖浓鲜,当翠袖,奉卮华茵

2、,度梦时亦曾念及野人藜藿不继无耶? 昔人曰:民不可有此色,士大夫不可无此味。知信哉! 【注】土膏:土地中的膏泽。太牢:古时祭祀用的猪、牛、羊,泛指美味佳肴。藜藿:野菜。 (1)结合全文,理解文中画线句子的含义。 (4 分) (2)赏析这篇散文的写作特色。 (6 分) 题号:题号:0202 科目:语文科目:语文 “中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10 分) 阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。 采采卷耳采采卷耳 朱巧玲 采采卷耳。不盈顷筐 嗟我怀人。置彼周行诗经周南卷耳用群山、河流和铁轨衡量我们之间的距离三千诗句,算不算长?我相信爱的辽阔一如采采卷耳覆盖每一寸肌肤细微的感觉你知道吗每当老虎从白雪里跃出我会

3、获得释放,像蒲公英散落四方用地理和祖国容纳我们之间的落差每一棵树木都是升起的太阳每一只小兽都是可爱的孩子走在天穹下什么在呼唤我的名字我相信爱的自由一如采采卷耳当我抬头,那些洁白的云朵聚拢而来挡住了倾斜的光线 (1)本诗以诗经周南卷耳为引子有什么作用?(4分) (2)从意象、手法、结构中选择一个方面,结合具体诗句进行赏析。 (6 分) 题号:题号:03 科目:数学科目:数学“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10 分)已知,设关于的不等式的解集为 A,aRx2324xaxx(1)若 a=1,求 A;(2) 若 A=R,求 a 的取值范围。解:解:当(1)时,原不等式化为,得3x 3224xx.3x 当时

4、,原不等式化为,得132xp424xx.30xp当时,原不等式化为,得1 2x f3224xx.2x 综上. 或|0Ax x2|x (2)当时,成立.2x |2|3| 024xaxx当时.2xf|2|3 |2|3|xaxxax 24xx得 或.得1xa1 3ax.2a 综上,a 的取值范围为.2a 题号:题号:04 科目:数学科目:数学 “矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(模块(10 分)分)在直角坐标系 xOy 中,设倾斜角为的直线 l:(t 为参数)与曲线 C:(2cos ,3sinxty2cos , sinx y 为参数)相交于不同两点 A,B.(1)若,求

5、线段 AB 中点 M 的坐标;3(2)若|PA|PB|=|OP|2,其中 P(2,) ,求直线 l 的斜率。3解:设直线 l 上的点 A,B 对应参数分别为 t1,t2,将曲线 C 的参数方程化为普通方程.2 214xy(1) 当时,设点 M 对应参数为 t0,3a直线 l 方程为(t 为参数)122 33.2xtyt 代入曲线 C 的普通方程.得2 214xy13t2+56t+48=0,12 028 213ttt 所以,点 M 的坐标为.123(,)1313(2)将代入曲线 C 的普通方程.得2cos .3sinxtyt2 214xy,222(cos4sin)(8 3sin4cos)120t

6、t因为,所以122212|.| | . |.| 7cos4sinPAPBt tOP.22127cos4sin得,25tan16由于,故32cos(2 3sincos)0 f5tan.4所以直线 l 的斜率为5 4题号:05 科目:英语 阅读理解阅读理解(分两节,共分两节,共 5 小题:每小题小题:每小题 2 分,共分,共 10 分分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 Some scientists believe that our brains may be hardwired(天生的)in ways that determine how happy we tend to be.Dr

7、.Richard Davidson and his colleagues at the University of Wisconsin have found an area in the front part of the brain that controls positive feelings,optimism,and happiness. ,Using functional MRI brain scans,they found that when mothers viewed photos of their babies. their brain activity increased g

8、reatly in this front brain region. For generally cheerful people,happiness is associated with a personality type that emphasizes independence, self-respect,ability,and close relationships._ people seek it through fancy vacations,expensive,jeaelry,or other material things,the excitement of these quic

9、k-fix satisfactions is generally short-lived.Sustained(持续的)contentment is more likely to result from healthy relationships and meaningful accomplishments. Many people who survived the 9/11 disaster but were close enough to experience the destruction first-hand were shocked at the beginning.but they

10、eventually got a clearer idea about what is truly important in their lives- family,friends and sustaining a purpose in life.Through hardship,people often become more aware of their own survival skills, emotionl strenght,and power to help others as well as to be helped.Nobodylife is free of misfortun

11、e,but through hardship we can become more aware of little things we often forget to appreciate,and sometimes gain new positive ways of thingking and understangdings for the future. Dr.Ronnie Janoff-Bulman and collesgues at the University of Masschusetts have studied the way extreme life events-both

12、positive and negative-may influence an individuals ability to enjoy sustained happiness and satisfaction.They tcompared the well-being of two groups: lettery winners and people who bad sudderly become disabled. Though the lottery winners experienced initial excitement following their new wealth ,in

13、the long run many were no happier than the accident victims, in part became normal ,everyday pleasures now paled next to the thrill of winning the “big one .”In contrast, many of the people who because disabled learned to adjust to their new disabilities , and were eventuslly better able to apprecia

14、te small pleasures and accomplishments ,as compared with those who became rich overning in the study.第一节 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D、和 E 中选出最适合填入短文空白出的选项,并将序号及相应答案写 在答题纸上,选项中有一项是对于选项。BKeeping positive attitude, like any other skill, can be learned. CResearch also shows that joyful individuals share certain cha

15、ractristics and habits D Surprisingly, a tragedy or loss can sometimes set individuals on a path to sustained happiness EHis group studied one of the most powerful positive sets emotions-a mothers feelings toward her newborn bady. FFortunately,even if there is some hardwiring that determines how happy we tend to be ,much of what determines our happiness is under own control 第二节根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。How did Dr.Ronnie JanoffBulman and his colleagues carry out their research?题号:题号:0606 科目:英语科目:英语填空(共 10 小



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