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1、八音盒英语中文混合版八音盒英语中文混合版鍏煶鐩?Music box 鍒汉缁欎綘鐨勪俊浠伙紝鍗冧竾涓嶈鏀惧純銆備笉鐒剁暀涓嬬殑鍙槸鍚庢倲锛?Others to trust you, dont give up. Otherwise leave only regret! 鈥斺旈璁?. 鈥斺旀潕缈涚劧 - li Xiao however 鍘嬫姂鐨勪箤浜戠缃湪杩欎釜鍩庡競涓婃柟銆備竴涓濅笣閾惰泧娓哥鍦杈广傗滆桨鈥濈殑涓澹板法鍝嶅悗銆傞洦婊撮摵澶洊鍦扮殑钀戒笅銆傘傘傘?Suppress the clouds above the city. A little bit measures floating in

2、 the sky. “Bang“ a loud noise. Raindrops falling with. 浜屽崄涓鏃讹紝鍖椾含绂诲悎鍥皬鍖哄唴锛屼竴閬撴墦鐫闆紴韬钃濊壊椋庤。鐨勮韩褰辨樉鐜颁簡鍑烘潵銆?Two 11:00, clutch, in Beijing a umbrellaed and dressed in a blue coat figure emerged. 瀛欏溅姝椂姝珯鍦獥鍙湜鍚戣繙澶勶紝姣忓綋姣忓勾杩欎釜鏃堕棿鏃朵粬鎬绘槸浼氱珯鍦獥鍙鍚戣繙鏂瑰嚌鏈涖傘傛繁榛戠殑鐪肩湼涓笉鐭湁鏄粈涔堟牱鐨勬儏鎰熷湪娴佸姩銆?Lilly d m.preparation is stood by

3、 the window looking into the distance, whenever at this time of the year he would stand at the window to gaze into the distance. In the deep, black eyes I do not know what kind of emotion in the flow. 鈥滅牥鐮扳濈殑鏁查棬澹颁紶鏉紝瀛欏溅杩欐墠鍥炶繃绁炴潵銆傛潵鍒伴棬杈癸紝鎷夊紑浜嗕滑锛岄殢鍗崇灣瀛旂寷鐨勪竴缂紝鑹箙寰井鍙规伅鈥滀笉鐢浜嗭紒鎴戞剰宸插喅锛佲?“Pop“ knock on the d

4、oor, lilly d m.preparation just came to my mind. Came to the door, pulled open, then the pupil fierce a shrink, long sighed slightly “needless to say, I have definitely!“ 鈥滃鍝湡鐨勪笉鍦闊充箰浜嗕箞锛屽綋骞村苟涓嶆槸浣犵殑閿欙紒鈥濃滃浜嗭紝鏄皝鐨勯敊鎴戜笉绠紝鐜板湪涓嶈鎵撴壈鎴戠殑鐢熸椿銆傗?“Eldest brother isnt really touch music, that is not your fault!“ “

5、Thats enough, who is to blame me, dont disturb my life now.“ 涓澹伴棬鍝嶅悗锛屽瓩褰啀娆洖鍒扮獥鍙紝鏈涚潃閭秷澶卞湪闆箷涓殑韬奖锛屽杻鍠冮亾鈥滅粓绌舵槸鎴戠殑閿欏憖锛佲?After a glottis ring, lilly d m.preparation again back to the window, looked at the disappeared in the rain in the figure, murmured “, after all, its my fault!“ 娣辫鑹茬殑鏌滃彴涓婏紝鏀剧潃涓涓潖浜嗙殑鍏煶鐩掋

6、傚瓩褰湜浜嗘湜鍏煶鐩掋傝嫤娑殑绗戜簡涓涓嬨?There is a dark brown on the counter, music box is broken. Lilly d m.preparation at the music box. Bitter smile. 鏈涘悜閭釜绱 揣鍏抽棴鐫鐨勬埧闂淬?Looked at the tightly closed room. 涓銆佺獊濡傚叾鏉殑灏忓瀛?A small girl, sudden 瀛欏溅鏉涓婏紝瀹朵腑鐨勭敓娲荤墿鍝佹湁鐐逛笉瓒充簡锛岄渶瑕佽鍏呬簡銆傛潵鍒拌秴甯傞棬鍙紝浜哄北浜烘捣銆傝繖涔熸槸姝父鐨勬儏鏅紝浣嗕粖澶殑鍘绘湁涓浜涗笉鍚屼簡

7、銆傝秴甯傜殑鍛洿鍥寸潃涓缇汉锛屽叾涓鏉傜潃璁澹板拰鎰仺澹般傚瓩褰笉绂佹湁浜涘濂囦笂鍓嶄竴鐬 備竴涓韩绌块箙榛勮壊闀胯锛屽鍙戞湁鐐规暎涔便傝劯涓婁篃甯潃鐏板皹锛屼絾閭弻澶 溂鐫涘嵈鏄崄鍒嗙殑鐏靛姩銆傛瀬涓虹劧鎯逛汉鎬滅埍銆?Lilly d m.preparation to the street, the home life items have a little insufficient, need to be added. Came to the gate of the supermarket, people mountain people sea. This is normal, but t

8、oday to have some different. Supermarket surrounded by a group of people, which mingled with the buzz and resentment. Lilly d m.preparation can not help some curious to look. A wearing a yellow gown, and her hair is a bit messy. Also with the dust on the face, but his big eyes, is very clever. Very

9、provoking fondly. 鈥滆皝瀹剁殑瀛瓙鍛锛岀湡鍙滐紝杩欎箞灏忎涪鍦闈傝繖褰撳闀跨殑娌暱蹇冭繕鏄埆鐨勶紒鈥?“Whose child ah, its pity that it is thrown out. So small that take charge of long not long heart or else!“ 鈥滄墦 110 鍚 紝鍙笉鑳借杩欏瀛愬湪椹矾涓婅繃澶滃憖鈥?“Call 110, cant let the child to spend the night in the street!“ 銆傘傘傘傘傘傘傘?. 涓鐗囩殑璁澹颁笉缁濅簬鑰炽傜湅杩欏皬濂冲鍙滅殑妯牱锛

10、屽瓩褰績澶翠竴鐑紝鍑哄閬撯滃皬濂冲濡傛灉涓嶅珜寮冨埌鎴戦偅閲屽幓浣忓惂锛佲濇璇濅竴鍑猴紝浼椾汉鐨勭洰鍏夌悍绾锋姇灏勮繃鏉傚瓩褰竴闃靛鐤笺備竴涓儢鑳栫殑韬澶 孩鑹茬殑琛锛屽皢濂归偅澶 倸瀛愬嫆鐨勭揣绱 殑锛屽儚涓涓绮藉瓙涓鑸殑涓勾濡囧璧颁簡杩囨潵銆?A much buzz. Look at the little girl poor appearance, lilly d m.preparation heart a hot, said “the little girl if dont abandon me there!“ Yet, all eyes are projected to come ov

11、er. Lilly d m.preparation of a headache. A fat, wearing a red shirt, will her belly le tightly, like a big zongzi middle-aged woman came along. 鈥滀綘鏄皝鍛锛佷綘鏄笉鏄汉璐瓙杩樹笉鐭亾锛屼綘灏辫甯蛋杩欎釜灏忓瀛紵璋佺煡閬撲綘浜哄搧鈥濊繖涓浜鸿璇濆緢涓嶅姘斻傗滀綘銆傘傗濆瓩褰瑕佸彂鐏備竴涓敎鐢滅殑澹伴煶浼犳潵銆傗滄垜鐩镐俊澶 摜鍝槸濂戒汉锛佲濋偅闈掓订鐢滅編鐨勫闊崇灛闂存祰鐏簡瀛欏溅蹇冧腑鐨勬掔伀銆傛鏃朵腑骞村濂崇殑鑴镐笂涔熷崄鍒嗕笉濂界湅銆備竴鎸墜锛屼

12、究璧颁簡銆傝繕涓嶆椂鐨勫榾鍜曢亾鈥滃偦涓锛屽埆琚汉鍗栦簡杩樺府浠栨暟閽憋紒鈥?“Who are you! Are you traffickers also dont know, you have to take the little girl? Who knows your character“ this woman speaks very rudely. “You.“ Lilly d m.preparation was about to get angry. A very sweet voice. “I believe that the elder brother is a good man

13、!“ The young sweet voice instantly douse the lilly d m.preparation of anger in my heart. The middle-aged womans face is not good-looking. A wave of his hand, and went away. Now and then muttered, “silly girl, dont be also help him to sell a few money!“ 鍛洿浜鸿鐘朵篃鏄紦缂撴暎寮銆傚瀛潵鍒板瓩褰韩杈癸紝鐢滅敎涓绗戙傗滃摜鍝彨浠涔堝憖!鎴戜互鍚庤繕

14、瑕佸摜鍝収椤惧摝锛佲濆瓩褰湅杩欏瀛笉绂佹湁浜涘鐥涚敋鑷冲悗鎮旇閭彞璇濅簡銆傗滃瓩褰濃滄垜鍙緷渚濃濄傘傘傘?People around you said is also slowly spread out. Girls come to lilly d m.preparation, a sweet smile. “Brother call what! I also later brother take care!“ Lilly d m.preparation of watching the girl couldnt help saying some headache even regret tha

15、t sentence. “Lilly d m.preparation“ “my name is yiyi“. 澶 涓婁竴澶 竴灏忎簩涓韩褰遍棯鐜帮紝灏忕殑韬奖杩樹竴鐩撮泙璺冪潃銆?The street two form, one large and one small small figure has also been exciting. 鈥滀緷渚濓紝浣犵殑鐖舵瘝鍛紵鈥濆瓩褰獊鐒堕棶閬撱傛畩涓嶇煡渚濅緷鍚埌杩欎簩涓瘝鏃跺鐪肩潧娓愭笎鍙樼孩銆傗滀粬銆傘備粬浠湪鎴?宀佹椂渚垮嚭杞姝讳簡锛屾妸鎴戠暀鍦濡堝锛屼絾濮戝鎶婃垜璧跺嚭鏉簡銆傗濆瓩褰篃椤夸簡椤匡紝鈥滄槸瀛効涔堬紵鐪熸槸鏈夌紭鍟婏紒鈥濋殢鍗宠嚜鍢茬殑绗戜簡绗戙備緷渚濈湅瑙佷簡瀛欏溅鍢磋鐨勭瑧锛屼笉绂佸鍝捣鏉傚瓩褰毐浜嗙毐鐪夈傝交鎷嶄簡渚濅緷鐨勫皬鑴戣銆傝閬撯滃摜鍝篃鏄鍎垮憖锛屾墍浠墠浼氳交绗戠殑銆傗濅緷渚濈敤灏忔墜琚摝浜嗕咯涓嬬溂鐫涖傗滅湡鐨勪箞锛熲濃滅湡鐨勶紒鈥濄傘?“Said, your parents?“ Lilly d m.preparation suddenl



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