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1、Listening Speaking Book 3Unit 4Warm Up1. My family is a little unusual. Some people might even say were nuts. 2. My mother is extreme when it comes to neatness. She cant stand to see even a speck of dust in the house. 3. Mom is really strict with us when it comes to household chores. Every day, we h

2、ave to do a couple of hours of chores to keep things neat. 4. My father loves to barbecue. Hes definitely a fanatic. He cant live without his barbecue grill. 5. One time, I accidentally broke Dads grill. He completely freaked out. He was so upset, he couldnt even wait a day to buy another one. 6. My

3、 sister, Alicia, is a vegan. She not only avoids meat, but also any animal products, like milk and eggs. 7. Sometimes Alicia and Dad argue because they have opposite interests. Shes as devoted to her vegetarianism as he is to his barbecuing. 8. Some of my other relatives are a little strange, too. I

4、ve got an aunt who thinks she can see the future and a cousin who does four hours of bodybuilding exercises every day! 9. My family might be a little irritating to some people, but they dont bother me much. After all, theyre the only family Ive got.Listening Task1. My sister is a really strict vegan

5、. Its not for religious or health reasons. Its just shes just a little nuts. Every time she comes over for a family dinner we have to make a special dish just for her. And if, like, the fork weve used to serve some meat even touches her plate for a split second, she freaks out and has to get another

6、 plate. Recently, she started this new thing where she cant even eat any vegetables that are cooked. They have to be raw. And she put her cat on a vegan diet, too. The poor thing only eats vegetables. Every time I go over to her place, the cat looks at me with these sad eyes, like, “Meat please?” 2.

7、 My cousin Pat is a professional clown. He goes by the name Patty Cakes. He gets hired to do special events like kids birthday parties. The thing about Pat is that he just cant stop being a clown even when hes not working. Hell show up at his friends house and start making balloon hats for everyone.

8、 And then theres his pet duck, Phoebe. Pat uses Phoebe in his clown act, but sometimes he doesnt have time to take her home after work, so he just brings her along wherever hes going. Its just so strange to see Pat walk in somewhere with Phoebe following behind him wearing a diaper. 3. My Aunt Saman

9、tha collects dolls. Shes a real fanatic. Most people have hobbies, you know, like sports or music or movies, but Aunt Samantha spends all her money on dolls. She has one room in her apartment completely devoted to Barbie dolls. I mean, the whole room is wall-to-wall Barbies! Shes got over a thousand

10、 of them lined up on shelves from floor to ceiling. The dolls are all in perfect condition. She stores them in their boxes and never takes them out. Its kind of scary, actually. When you walk into that room, you just feel surrounded by them. Its like theyre all watching you or something. 4. My broth

11、er Andrew is really into TV and movies and, um . How can I put this nicely? He can get pretty extreme about it. Hes always pretending to be a character from a movie or TV show. Now, when he was twelve or thirteen, he used to watch the TV show Star Trek all the time, and hed go around talking exactly

12、 like Mr. Spock. Like if Id say, “Andrew, get out of my room. Im studying. Youre so irritating.” And hed say, “Irritating? Ah, yes, one of your earthling emotions.” Stuff like that, a line right out of Star Trek. Now, sometimes, its funny. Like now hes doing Harry Potter voices. But we worry about h

13、im a lot. I mean, does he even know who he is? Hes always acting like someone else.Real World ListeningLydia: OK, Greg, I got the wedding invitations back from the printers. Lets do this! Greg: OK, Im ready. Lydia: Got your list? Greg: Yeah, I just have a short list, though. Just my parents, and my

14、brother Tim, and his wife, and my sister Tanya, and Jamie, my friend from college, and thats about it. I cant think of anyone else that I really want to invite. Lydia: Greg, thats like, what, ten people? Are you joking? This is our wedding. Greg: Well, I guess we could invite my moms cousin Abigail.

15、 She lives nearby, but I dont know her very well, and shes kind of crazy. She has, like, fifteen cats. Lydia: Greg, if shes family, you should invite her. Greg: I guess. Lydia: So, including your moms cousin Abigail, youve now got a grand total of eleven guests. That just isnt enough to fill up a re

16、ception room. Greg: Well, how many people are you inviting? Lydia: Um, lets see. Heres my list. Ive got my brother and his wife. Greg: Right. Lydia: And her parents and relatives. Greg: Youre inviting your sister-in-laws relatives, too? Lydia: Greg, this is a family event. Cant leave anyone out. Greg: Cant leave anyone out? Lydia: And then theres my mothers two brothers and their famil


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