sumernetem 阅读理解11

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《sumernetem 阅读理解11》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《sumernetem 阅读理解11(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SumerNETEMSumerNETEM 阅读理解阅读理解 1111SumerNETEM 阅读理解 考点词汇 1800 (11)4634 阅标签:教育 (2010-07-25 22:00)he line, choosing to avoid both the right and the left. 他在政治上是骑墙的,既不左也不右。pornography pC:5nCrEfi n. 色情;色情业【认知】 “porn”的含义为“妓女” 。prolonged prE5lRNd v. 延长,拉长,拖延【例句】 This delicate mechanism has been shot by prol

2、onged misuse. 这个精密机械装置由于长期滥用而毁坏了。questioned 5kwestFEnd v. 1.问;询问,审问;盘问 2.怀疑,对表示疑问;对提出异议;就提出问题【例句】An unalterable and unquestioned law of the musical world required that the German text of French operas sung by Swedish artists should be translated into Italian for the clearer understanding of English

3、speaking audiences. 音乐世界不可更改和确定无疑的一条要求,瑞典艺术家演唱的法国歌剧的德语版本应当译成意大利语,以使英语听众更明白。quickest kwikist a. 1.最快的,最迅速的;最急速的;最短暂的,最匆匆的 2.最性急的,最不耐烦的 3.最聪敏的【例句】Do you wish to find out a mans weak points? Note the failings he has the quickest eye for in others. 你想弄清一个人的弱点么?注意他一眼就看出来的别人的缺点。raced reist v. 1.( with, ag

4、ainst)参加比赛 2.疾走,迅跑;全速进行【例句】The propeller wildly as the stern rose. 艉部抬起,螺旋桨离水飞转。rampant 5rAmpEnt a. 1.(植物)蔓生的,芜蔓的 2. 狂暴的,无约束的,不受管束的;猖獗的,猖獗流传的【例句】 Ignorance about industry is . 对工业的无知到了极点。 【认知】词根“ramp”的含义为“爬;攀登” 。rationally 5rAFEnli ad. 1.理性地,理智地;明事理地 2.基于理性地,合理地 3.神智健全地【例句】You cant think rationally

5、on an empty stomach, and a whole lot of people cant do it on a full one either.饿着肚子无法作理性的思考,而有一大批人吃饱了还是做不到。sentimental 7senti5mentl a. 感伤性的, 感情脆弱的【例句】He was many things at once: thick-skinned, good-hearted, sentimental, sly, brutal, naive. 他这个人同时具有许多特性:脸皮厚、心肠好、多愁善感、狡猾、残忍、天真。skeptical 5skeptikEl a.(

6、of)表示怀疑的【例句】to hold a skeptical attitude 持有一种怀疑的态度sovereignty 5sCvrnti n. 君主, 主权, 主权国家【例句】to safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity 捍卫国家主权和领土完整。 【认知】词的核心意义与“super (超)+ reign(统治) ”具有关联性。strategies 5strAtidViz n. 1.战略;战略学 2.策略,计谋;行动计划;对策【例句】Worry more about implementation than strategy

7、its harder to do. 更多地为贯彻落实而非战略本身操心 这样做更难。thrifty 5Wrifti a. 节约的【例句】It is to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow. 节俭就是今天为明天的需要做准备。triumphant trai5QmfEnt a. 胜利的, 成功的, 狂欢的, 洋洋得意的【例句】 The evacuation of all their forces was glowingly represented as a triumphant success. 他们的全军大撤退被堂而皇之地描绘为一次伟大的胜利。 【认知】

8、本词的核心意义与“hymn” (酒神节的狂欢队)具有关联性。uncontrollable QnkEn5trEJlEb(E)l a. 无法控制的【例句】The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter. 观众禁不住爆发出阵阵大笑。unendurable 5Qnin5djuErEbl a. 无法忍受的, 不能忍耐的,不能持久的【例句】unendurable life routines 无法忍受的生活日程unfavorable 5Qn5feivErEbl a. 不宜的, 不顺利的, 相反的, 令人不快的【例句】unfavorable

9、 climate 不宜的气候【认知】本词的词根“fav”含义为“to protect; to show kindness to” (好意;以朋友相待) 。universally ju:nI5v:sElI ad. 普遍地,全体地,到处【例句】Music is a universally understood language.音乐是一种普天下可以听懂的语言。 【认知】本词的核心意义与“uni (one) + vers (to turn)”具有关联性;核心含义为“all together” 。unwillingly 5Qn5wiliNli ad. 不愿意地, 不情愿地【例句】Love is a w

10、illing tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly. 爱情是温柔的专制,因为恋人甘受折磨。accidentally 7Aksi5dentli ad. 偶然地, 意外地【例句】I accidentally dripped paint from the brush. 我不担心让画笔滴下颜料。 【认知】前缀为“a” ;“cid”意为“to fall(降落) ” 。accommodate E5kCmEdeit v. 1.(使)适应,使符合一致 2.调和(分歧等) 3.给提供(方便) ,通融;对予以照顾性考虑【例句】The pi

11、stol grip was made larger to his unusually big hand. 手枪的枪柄做得较大,以适合他那特大的手。【认知】前缀为“a-” ;“commod”意为“to make fit”或“having the proper measure” 。词根“mod”含义为“措施,测量;方式” (强调方便,精确性) 。activists 5Aktivists n. 激进主义分子,行动主义分子【例句】He is a natural activist.他天生是个激进主义分子。acute E5kju:t a. 1.尖的,锐的 2.剧烈的,严重的,激烈的 3. 医(疾病)急性的

12、;治疗急性病的【例句】 His distrust of reporters was particularly on this story. 他在这份报上对记者的怀疑特别厉害。 【认知】前缀为“a-” ;词根“acu”为“acer”的变体意为“to sharpen” (被削尖的;针,尖) 。如“cute”与其同源。additionally E5diFEnli ad. 加之, 又【认知】词根“add”的核心含义为“放(做) ” 。admittedly Ed5mItIdlI ad. 公认地, 诚然, 无可否认地【例句】to prove to be admittedly true 结果是无可否认的真实

13、advisable Ed5vaizEbl a. 可取的,适当的,明智的【例句】I am not in favour of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each others character before marriage, which I think is never . 我不赞成订婚的时期太长。它使双方有机会在婚前摸清各自的人品,我认为这绝对不可取。appearance E5piErEns n. 1.出现,显露 2.露面;来到;出版 3.外观,外貌;外表 4.s表面迹象【例句】Peop

14、le are always taken in by appearances and by the outcome of events. 人们总是被表面的现象和事情的结局所蒙骗。applicable 5AplikEbl a.( to)1.可应用的;可实施的 2.适当的,合适的【例句】This salve is too dry to be easily . 这药膏太干了,不容易敷上。arrogant 5ArEEnt a. 傲慢的,自大的【例句】 It is your insistence that compelled me to do as you asked. 是你傲慢地坚持已见使我不得不按你的

15、要求做。【认知】前缀为“a-” ;词根“rogat”含义为“to ask” (问,建议)。如“interrogate”于其同源。assassination E7sAsi5neiFEn n. 刺杀,暗杀【例句】piece together a picture of an assassination attempt 构想一次行刺企图的前前后后。assumptions E5sQmpFEnz n. 1.假定,臆断 2.自负;傲慢 3.担任;(义务等的)承担责任【例句】However cooperative the relation between husband and wife, there is

16、usually the tacit assumption that the household is basically the wifes responsibility. 无论夫妻关系如何合作,这种不言自明的假定通常还是存在,即家庭基本上是妻子的责任。awkward 5C:kwEd a. 1.(动作、形态等)不雅观的;难看的;粗笨的 2.笨拙的;制作粗劣的;(文章、讲话等)累赘的 3.使用不便的;难操纵的 4.难处理的;难对付的【例句】No manners are finer than even the most manifestations of good will to others. 向别人表达良好的意愿是最高雅的风度,即使表达得极其笨拙也不例外。 【认知


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