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1、Huntsman won the patent“war”at first-instance 化工染料行业爆发跨国专利战 亨斯迈公司一审胜诉SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu met USPTO Acting Director Teresa Rea at Beijing on September 9. Tian said that the cooperation between the two sides is crucial to the development of innovation of two countries and the world. He hopes t

2、hat under the leadership of Rea, such cooperation would be enhanced to a new level. (by Yang Shen/Liu Peng) 9 月 9 日袁中国国家知识产权局局长田力普渊右冤在京会见了来访的美国专利商标局代理局长特瑞萨 窑 瑞遥田力普 表示袁中美两局之间的合作至关重要袁肩负着推动两国创新以及全球创新发展的重任遥 他希望美国专利商标局在特 瑞萨 窑 瑞的领导下袁进一步深化双方的合作遥本报记者杨 申柳 鹏摄影报道ChineseAcademyofSocial Sciences in Beijing relea

3、sed the“ G20 National Innova- tionCompetitivenessDevelopment Report(2011- 2013)“BeigeBook on 3rd. It shows Chinese national innovation competitiveness improves fast,rankedeighthamongG20 countries and becomes the only de- veloping countries into the top 10. (G20 National Innovation Competi鄄 tivenessR

4、eport:ChinaRanked Eighth, by Daily Economic) 中国社会科学研究院近日在北 京发布了叶20 国集团渊G20冤国家创新 竞争力发展报告渊2011-2013冤曳冶黄皮 书遥 该黄皮书显示袁中国国家创新竞 争力快速提高袁 在 G20 国家中名列 第八袁成为进入前十名的唯一的发展 中国家遥渊叶G20 国家创新竞争力报告 显示院中国排名第八曳袁每日经济冤Comment:Therankingisshowingthat China has made significant results by implementing the strategy of sci- en

5、tific and technological innovation, which effectively improved the na- tionalinnovationcompetitiveness. Moreover, China has accomplished much in intellectual property strate- gy, which has helped implementing ofinnovation- drivendevelopment strategy, promoting the construction of an innovative count

6、ry.点评院20 国集团国家创新竞争力的排 名袁显示了中国实施科技创新战略已 经取得了显著成效遥 不仅如此袁中国 在运用知识产权战略上也取得很大 成就袁有力地促进了创新驱动发展战 略的实施和创新型国家的建设遥Formonthsnow,Apple has lostgroundintheChinese tablet and smart phone mar- ket to competitors such as Samsung and Lenovo. And now local manu- facturers that make accessories for the iPad and iPhone

7、 are starting to inch away from Apple.(In China, a slow shift away from Apples i鄄 Phone, iPad, by The Christian Sci鄄 ence Monitor) 几个月来袁在与三星尧联想等强 大对手的竞争中袁苹果公司在中国平 板电脑和智能手机市场频频失地遥如 今袁 为 iPad 和 iPhone 生产配件的本 土制造商们也开始渐渐拉开与苹果 公司的距离遥 渊叶中国缓慢疏远苹果 iPhone 和 iPad曳袁基督教科学箴言报冤Comment:In the Chinese market, Apple

8、 product is no longer the only fash- ionable star followed by consumers. While Samsung and Lenovo leading the market, many local brands are rising. Taking Xiaomi Company as an example, its market value has reached 10 billion dollars,and it hasattractedformerGoogleAn- droidCEO.Byprovidinglow pricesan

9、dhighqualityhardware, Chinese local brands become more and more competitive.点评院在中国市场袁苹果手机已不再是 消费者追捧的唯一对象遥 在三星尧联 想依然领跑的同时袁众多本土品牌百 家争鸣遥 例如小米公司袁其市值已达 上百亿美元袁并吸引到谷歌安卓前总 裁加盟遥依靠低廉的价格与良好的硬 件配置袁中国本土品牌正变得越来越 有竞争力遥责任编辑柳鹏耘曾藻糟怎贼蚤增藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则Liu PengCHINAREPORTINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY社址院北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土

10、城路 远 号邮编院员园园园愿愿电邮院糟蚤责灶藻憎泽岳增蚤责援泽蚤灶葬援糟燥皂编辑中心院82803936采访中心院82803956办公室院82803009发行部院愿圆园猿源猿愿缘广告部院愿圆园猿源猿缘愿印刷院解放军报印刷厂圆园13 年 9 月 11 日星期三出版中文主编院吴辉英文审校院崔卫国英文审校院柳鹏September 11袁 圆园13孕怎遭造蚤泽澡藻凿 燥灶 Wednesday悦澡蚤灶藻泽藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则原蚤灶原悦澡蚤藻枣押 宰怎 匀怎蚤耘灶早造蚤泽澡 砸藻增蚤泽藻则押 Cui Weiguo耘灶早造蚤泽澡 砸藻增蚤泽藻则押 蕴iu Peng英文翻译孟逸君TranslatorMeng Yij

11、unOnAugust30,the4th meetingofthe12thNa- tionalPeople爷sCongress Standing Committee passed the a- mendmenttothetrademarklaw, whichwillcomeintoforceon May1st,2014.Therevised Trademark Lawadded thatsound could be registered as a trademark and a trademark application could be submited by way of data mes-

12、 sage, and raised the compensation ceilingfortrademarkinfringement to3millionyuan.Moreover, well- knowntrademarksshallnot be used in promotions or advertis- ing. All these mean a more con- venientregistrationandafairer market. The draft changed clauses re- garding the examination time limit for trad

13、emark registration to make it more efficient, and improved the oppsition system. The new law al- so offersprotectionfor well- knownedtrademarks,strength- enedtheprotectionofthetrade- mark right, and regulating the reg- istration and use of trademark. The new law added that trademark a- gencies are n

14、ot allowed to accept entrustment if they know or should know that their clients are conduct- ing a malicious registration or in- fringing on the trademark rights of others. ProfessorTaoXinliang,dean oftheIntellectualProperty(IP) InstituteofShanghaiUniversity, said to the CIP news journalist that it

15、took lots of time and effort toformulatethenewlaw,which changes clauses regarding problems in the market such as the complexregistrationprocedures,long examinationperiodaswellas frequentmaliciousregistration.Well- targeted,practicaland forward- looking, the new law sets a milestone for China爷s IP le

16、gislativework. Thetrademarklawwas formulatedin1982,andwas revisedtwicein1993and2001 respectively. (by Jiang Boping) 本报讯8 月 30 日袁十二届全 国人大常委会第四次会议审议通 过了中国商标法修正案袁新修改的 商标法自 2014 年 5 月 1 日起施行遥 其中袁新修改的商标法规定申请人 可以把声音作为商标申请注册袁可 以通过数据电文方式提交注册申 请袁 驰名商标不能用于广告宣传袁 并将法定赔偿额上限提至 300 万 元等成为亮点遥 这次对商标法的修改内容主要 包括以下六个方面院 一是增加关于 商标审查时限的规定曰 二是完善商 标注册异议制度曰 三是厘清驰名商 标保护制度曰 四是加强商标专用权 保护曰 五是规范商标申请和使用行 为袁禁止抢注他人商标袁维护公平竞 争的市场秩序曰 六是规范商标代理 活动遥 上海大学知识产权学院院长陶 鑫良教授在接受本报记者采访时 说袁商标法修正案是野十年磨一剑袁 辛苦不寻常冶遥 当前实务中存在着商 标注册程序比较繁琐尧 商标确权时 间过长


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