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1、航海英语航海英语 5050 篇篇( (含翻译含翻译) )阅读题Passage 01Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail wh

2、ether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly

3、 service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usu

4、ally operate as cruise ships for part of the year.001.The deep-sea liners _.A. carry mainly containerized cargoB. carry mainly conventional cargoC. offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehiclesD. sail across channels and narrow seas.002.The Liners _.A. always sail full B. sail regularl

5、y even not fullC. always sail in ballast D. will not sail if not full003.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners _.A. will be published weeklyB. will be published when they sail,whether full or not,from Europe to North America and to the Far EastC. will not be published even they sail fu

6、lly loadedD. is published prior to their departure004.It is implied in the passage that _.A. the number of passenger ships is smallB. all passenger ships will carry some cargo in near futureC. it is not necessary for liners to sail in regular timeD. container carriers should carry some passengers通道

7、01 商船被设计用来携带货物。有些还设计载客。它们可作为衬垫。这些都是雇用定期航线上一个固定的时间表。下面是他们的到达和离开的日期提前公布的名单,他们是否完整或不启航。内衬可以被归类为任何深海衬垫或短的海上客轮。前者主要是进行跨世界海洋集装箱货物;后来进行短航线集装箱或传统的货物。渡轮也列为强硬。这些乘客提供一个渠道,缩小和跨越海洋的车辆每天或每周服务。一些船只仍在受聘为客轮。他们不仅接载乘客,但也有一些从欧洲到北美和远东航线的货物。如今,乘客贸易非常小,通常作为客轮邮轮经营年度的一部分。 001.The 深海轮船_a_。 答:主要是集装箱货物进行 b.进的货物主要是传统的 三为旅客提供和车辆

8、每天或每周服务 四横渡渠道和窄的海洋。 002.The 内衬_b_。 答:总是充满乙帆航行,甚至经常不充分 三压载航行四始终不会帆如果不充分 003.A 列出的衬里_d_到达和离开日期。 a.将每周出版 B.将公布航行时,不论全职或不从欧洲,北美和远东 三将不会被发表,他们也满载航行 四是在出发前发表 004.It 是隐含在文章中_。 A 的客船数量少 B.所有客船将在不久的将来进行一些货物 三是没有必要的定期班轮航行时间 四货柜航商应进行一些乘客 Passage 02Nowadays,most merchant ships are built to carry cargoes. And th

9、ey mainly operate as tramps. These vessels do not sail on regular routes or keep to a fixed timetable,but are employed where there is cargo for them to carry. Tramps can be classed as deep-sea tramps or short-sea tramps. A number are classed as coasters. These ply on coastal routes and up rivers to

10、inland ports. The traditional tramp cargoes are dry bulk cargoes,but some are designed to carry general cargoes.A large number of merchant ships operate as specialized vessels. These are designed to carry a particular type of cargo. There are several types of specialized vessel. The most common are

11、oil tankers. They are owned by the major oil companies or by independent operators. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are chemical carriers and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers.005.The deep-sea tramps _.A. carry bulk and general cargo across the high seasB. are built t

12、o carry passengersC. are mainly coastersD. are specialized vessel006.The coasters _.A. always sail across the high seasB. commonly carry oil cargoC. are mainly tankersD. sail on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports007.The importance of LNG carriers _.A. is growingB. is not mentioned in passa

13、geC. is decreasingD. will be discussed further if necessary008.It is implied in the passage that _.A. the number of specialized vessels is not smallB. all oil tankers will carry some chemicals in near futureC. the tramps and specialized vessels are the basic type of merchant ships.D. container carri

14、ers should not be classed as tramps通道 02 目前,大多数商船在建造时,携带货物。他们主要经营的流浪汉。这些船不会定期航线上航行或保持一个固定的时间表,但有工作的地方有货,他们随身携带。流浪者可被归类为深海流浪汉或短的海上流浪。一个数字被归类为杯垫。这些航线和沿海向内陆港口,河流铺设。传统的流浪汉货物是干散货,但有些是为了进行普通货物。一支商船大量运作,专业化船舶。这些都是旨在进行特定类型的货物。有专门的船只几种类型。最常见的是油轮。他们所拥有的大型石油企业或独立经营者。两个日益重要的液体散货船其他类型的化学品船和液化天然气(LNG)的载体。 005.The

15、 深海流浪汉_。 答:携带体积和一般货物在公海 二是建立载客 三是主要杯垫 四是专门船只 006.The 杯垫_。 答:总是横渡公海 通常携带货油乙 三,主要油轮 四航行沿海航线和内陆港口,河流 007.The 重要性液化天然气运输船_。 答:越来越多 二是通过中没有提到 三是减少 四是如果有必要进一步讨论 008.It 是隐含在文章中_。 答:专门的船只数目不小 B.所有油轮在不久的将来会进行一些化学物质 C 的流浪汉和专门的船只是基本类型的商船。 四集装箱船不应该被归类为流浪汉 Passage 03Cargo ships can be divided into two basic type

16、s. One type carries dry cargo,the other carries liquid cargo; however,an OBO ship is designed to carry both. A traditional dry cargo ship is the multi-deck vessel. Her holds are divided horizontally by one or two tween decks,because these make stowage of individual packages easier. Dry bulk cargo is carried in bulk carriers. These do not have tween deck



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