全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit1~7 笔记

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1、 1 / 21读写译(二)读写译(二)UnitUnit 1 1 笔记笔记 1.in the late 1960s 20 世纪 60 年代后 期in the early 1960s 早期 in the mid-1960s = in the middle of the 1960s 中期 2.culture n. 文化 cultural a. 文化的 cultured a. 有文化的,有教养的3.debut deibu: a. 第一次的 debut album 首张唱片 4.be in tune with the time 适合时代潮流be out of tune with 与格格不入 in tun

2、e 和调out of tune 跑调,走调change ones tune 改变态度 dance to ones tune 亦步亦趋 5.be an instant hit 轰动一时 make a hit 获得成功 6.seek-sought-sought7.code n. 密码,代码 post code 邮编; 规则;法典,法规 8.live by 靠生活 live on 靠生活;以为食 feed on;继 续活下去 go on living(on 的本义) live with = put up with 忍受,容忍 live through 度过 a hard time ;经受 live

3、out (比预期)多活了(几天) e.g. The patient lived out another 2 days .; 住在外面 live up to 实践,做到,不辜负 ones expectation 不辜负某人的期望 live high 过奢侈生活 Live and learn. 活到老,学到老。As I live, 表强调,的确 indeed , really9.survey (n. 重音在前 v. 重音在后) 调查;眺望,俯视 convey v. 传达,运送 conveyance n. 10. curriculum=course 课程 11. the way to do = th

4、e way of doing the method of doing the approach to doing (best)12. educator n. 教育工作者 educationist=educationalist 教育工作者,教育家13. rather than 而不是 instead of = not 而不愿 would rather than / prefer to rather than other than 除了 except不同于 different from e.g. My idea is quite other than yours.14. kindergarten

5、幼儿园 elementary school = primary school = grammar school = grade school 小学(4) middle school = high school = secondary school 中学(3) junior middle / high school 初中 senior middle / high school 高中 college / university / institute 大学15. not but 不是而是 not that but that = not because but because 16. antenna

6、n. 天线 article n. 物品,物 件 parental a. 父母的 注意读音 17. attach v. fasten or join attach sth to sth be attached to 附属,喜爱 e.g. Im greatly attached to my work .attach importance to 重视 an attached middle school 附属中学 attachment n.18. initial a. 首先的 of / at the beginning ; 首字母的n. 首字母v. 草签(协议) initiate v. 创始,发动 c

7、reate initiative n. 主动性 have the initiative 掌握主动 take the initiative in / by doing 带头做(do sth) on ones own initiative = actively 主动地 19. on occasion 有时 = now and then = occasionallyon the occasion of 在之际 e.g. on the occasion of (= at) sbs wedding / partyon one occasion = once 一次 on many occasions 很多

8、次2 / 21take the occasion to do 借此机会(官腔) 20. a wedding ring 结婚戒指 an engagement ring 订婚戒指 21. neglect n.v. 忽视 neglect to do neglect ones meals and sleep 废寝忘食 be neglectful of CF: neglect, ignore, omit neglect (心上)对职责,义务的忽视 neglect ones duties 玩忽职守 neglect traffic regulations 违反交规 ignore (眼上)故意不理会,置之不理

9、 ignorance n. ignorant a. pay attention of = take notice of 注意 omit 失误,疏忽,删除 22. 以 mit 结尾的动词变为名词变化形 式常类似 e.g. permit permission admit admission omit omission 23. not in the least = not at all = not a bit 一点也不 not a little = very 许多 24. relevant a. 有关的,相关 related be relevant to 反义 irrelevant relevanc

10、e(cy) n. have relevance to 25. case 案件 evidence u. proof c. 证据 26. investigate vt. vi. investigate into investigator n. 调查员 investigation n. on investigation 经过调查 under investigation 在调查中 make an investigation on / of / into 做关于的调查 No investigation , no right to speak . 没有调查就没有发言权。 27. throw / cast

11、light on 帮助理解领悟 see light (on sth) 领会,一下子明白 in light (the) of 根据,按照 according to viewin the light of(as) 把看作 28. except prep. 除了 exclude v. exception n. exception to 的例外 with the exception of 除之外 with many / few exceptions 有很多/很少例外 without exceptions 毫无例外make an exception of 把作为例外 make no exceptions

12、 一视同仁 29. obvious = apparent = evident a. 明显的 30. desirable a. 称心如意的 反义 undesirable desired a. 想要的 只作定语 +n. desirous a. 想要的 只作表语 be desirous of / to do 31. in the last / past + 时间段 是现在完成时的时间状语 32. grammar n. grammatical a. sales promotion 促销 well-being 健康,富足 33. accomplish v. 完成,达到accomplishment n.a

13、ccomplish ones object(ive) / goal / aim / end 达到目的accomplish ones mission 完成使命 complete v. 比 accomplish 更具体 completion n. finish v.n. 完成,结尾 from start to finish = from beginning to end 从头到尾 fight to finish 战斗到底 34. course n. 过程,进程 process, procedure in the course / process / procedure of 在的进程中 in du

14、e course : at the proper time ; eventually oncourse 沿航线 in the course of time 经过一段时间 in the course of nature 正常地 normally e.g. die It is a matter of course that 理所当然的是 treat as a matter of course 把当作理所当然 35. publish v. publication n. 出版 a press = a publishing house 出版社 36. critical a. 非常重要的,严重的;批评 的

15、 be critical of 对挑剔的 criticize v. criticism n. critic n. 批评家 critique n. 评论文章 37. may / might well do 可能,有充分理由3 / 21may / might as well do 不妨,还是 38. principal a.n. 主要的,校长 principle n. 原则 in principle 原则上 on principle 根据原则 on the principle of 根据原则 equal pay for equal work 同工同酬 39. rear v. 抚养 n. a. 后部,后面 in the rear of = at the back of 在后部(范围内)反义 in the front of at the rear of = behind 40. make up for = compensate for 赔偿 41. retrospect n. in retrospect 回想起来 v. retrospect to 回顾,回溯 a.= retrospective 42. absurd a. 荒唐的,愚蠢的,可笑的 absurdity n. 43. facility n.



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