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1、I(2011 届)届)专科毕业设计专科毕业设计基于单片机数字秒表设计基于单片机数字秒表设计20112011 年年 6 6 月月学学 院(部):院(部): 电电气与信息工程学院气与信息工程学院 专专 业业: : 电电气自气自动动化化 学学 生姓生姓 名:名: 陈陈 沅沅 班班 级级: : 电电气气 0632 学号学号 00532006 指指导导教教师师姓名:姓名: 周周 玉玉 职职称称 副教授副教授 最最终评终评定成定成绩绩: : II摘 要近年来随着科技的飞速发展,单片机的应用正在不断的走向深入。本文阐述了基于单片机的数字电子秒表设计。本设计主要特点是计时精度达到 0.001s,解决了传统的由

2、于计时精度不够造成的误差和不公平性,是各种体育竞赛的必备设备之一。另外硬件部分设置了查看按键,可以对秒表上一次计时时间进行保存,供使用者查询。本设计的数字电子秒表系统采用 AT89C52 单片机为中心器件,利用其定时器/计数器定时和记数的原理,结合显示电路、LED 数码管以及外部中断电路来设计计时器。将软、硬件有机地结合起来,使得系统能够实现五位 LED 显示,显示时间为099.999 秒,计时精度为 0.001 秒,能正确地进行计时,同时能记录一次时间,并在下一次计时后对上一次计时时间进行查询。其中软件系统采用汇编语言编写程序,包括显示程序,定时中断服务,外部中断服务程序,延时程序等,并在

3、WAVE 中调试运行,硬件系统利用 PROTEUS 强大的功能来实现,简单切易于观察,在仿真中就可以观察到实际的工作状态。 关键字关键字:单片机;数字电子秒表;仿真 IIIAbstractWith the rapid development of science and technology in recent years, SCM applications are constant-depth manner. In this paper, based on single chip design of digital electronic stopwatch. The main charact

4、eristics of this design timing accuracy of 0.001s, to solve the traditional result of a lack accuracy due to timing errors and unfair, and is a variety of sports competitions, one of the essential equipment. In addition the hardware part of the set View button on the stopwatch can be the last time t

5、o save time for user queries.The design of the multi-function stopwatch system uses STC89C52 microcontroller as the central device, and use its timer / counter timing and the count principles, combined with display circuit, LED digital tube, as well as the external interrupt circuit to design a time

6、r. The software and hardware together organically, allowing the system to achieve two LED display shows the time from 0 to 99.999 seconds, Timing accuracy of 0.001 seconds, Be able to correctly time at the same time to record a time, and the next time after the last time the time to search.automatic

7、ally added a second in which software systems using assembly language programming, including the display program, timing, interrupt service, external interrupt service routine, delay procedures, key consumer shaking procedures, and WAVE in the commissioning, operation, hardware system uses to achiev

8、e PROTEUS powerful, simple and easy to observe the cut in the simulation can be observed on the actual working condition.Keyword:LED display;High-precision stopwatch;STC89C52目 录绪 论.1第 1 章 硬件设计.41.1 总体方案的设计.41.2 单片机的选择.51.3 显示电路的选择与设计.81.4 按键电路的选择与设计.111.5 时钟电路的选择与设计.121.6 复位电路的选择与设计.141.7 系统总电路的设计.16第 2 章 软件设计.192.1 程序设计思想.192.2 系统资源的分配.192.3 主程序设计.202.4 中断程序设计.21第 3 章 数字电子秒表的安装与调试.263.1 软件的仿真与调试.263.2 硬件的安装与调试.263.3 系统程序的烧录.273.4 数字电子秒表的精度调试.28结 论.29 致 谢.30 参考文献.31 附录 A 资料.



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