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1、第八章第八章 篮球裁判员专业英语简介篮球裁判员专业英语简介第一节第一节 组织竞赛(组织竞赛(organize the contest) 1. International Basketball Federation(FIBA) 国际篮球联合会2.Asian Basketball Confederation (ABC) 亚洲篮球联合会3. Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) 中国篮球协会4. China University Basketball Association (CUBA) 中国大学生篮球协会5. organizing commission 组织委员

2、会6. competition Commission 竞赛委员会7. reception commission 接待委员会8. inforlnation commission 新闻委员会9. board of appeal 仲裁委员会10. referee s committee 裁判委员会11. technical commission 技术委员会12. championship 锦标赛13 invitational tournament 邀请赛14. friendly match 友谊赛15. consolation match 安慰赛16. exhibition competition

3、表演赛17. league basketball matches 篮球联赛18. contest 竞赛19. preliminary contest 预赛20. semi - final 半决赛21. final contest 决赛22. host country 主办国23. participator 参加者24. regulation 规程25. programme 秩序册26. schedule of play 比赛日程27. method of play 比赛方法28. game played 比赛场数29. wins 胜场数30. losses 负场数31 .single roun

4、d- robin 单循环32. double round - robin 双循环33, group round - robin 小组循环34. elimination system 淘汰制35. draw lots 抽签36. first round 第一轮37. opening ceremony 开幕式38. closing ceremony 闭幕式39. prize - giving ceremony 发奖式40. cup 奖杯41. prize 奖品42. tournament result 成绩册43. total point 总分44. point 积分45. final score

5、 最后比分46. tie score 比分相等47. wining team 优胜队48. losing team 负队49. decision of the game 比赛胜负50. goal average 得失分率51. final standing 最终名次52. announcement of result 成绩公布53. bulletin 公报54. champion 冠军55. runner - up 亚军56. third place 第三名57. gold medal 金牌58. silver medal 银牌59. bronze medal 铜牌60. home - and

6、 - away game 主客场比赛61. regular season 常规赛62. playoff 季后赛63. drug test 兴奋剂检测64. physical test 身体素质测验第二节第二节 场地和器材(场地和器材(court and equipment) 1. basketball 篮球2. boundary line 界线3. inside edge of the boundary line 界线的内沿4. lane place line 分位线5. mid court 中场6.half court 半场7. semi - circle 半圈8. mid point 中点

7、9. centre circle 中圈l0. pressure release ring 抗压篮圈11. loop 环圈12. bonder of the backboard 篮板边沿13. used ball 用过的球14. new ball 新球15. substitute bench 替补队员席16. own basket 本方球篮17. opponent s basket 对方球篮18. lighted gadget 发光装置19. light unit 灯光设置第三节第三节 裁判人员(裁判人员(official)1. official 裁判人员2. referee 主裁判员(裁判员)

8、3. umpire 副裁判员4. the referee calling the decision 做出宣判的裁判员5. the other referee 另一裁判员6. tile active referee 执行裁判员7. the free referee 配合裁判员8. international referee (FIBA referee) 国际裁判员9. national referee 国家裁判员10. referee of first category (class A ) 级裁判员11. referee of seemed category (class B) 二级裁判员12

9、. referee of third category (class C) 三级裁判员13. chief referee 裁判长第四节第四节 球队(球队(team )1. team 球队2. home team 主队3. guest team 客队4. attacking team 进攻5. defending team 防守队6. trainer 训练员7. starting line - up 首发阵容8. member 成员9. list of player 队员名单10. captain 队长11. player 队员12. basketballer 篮球运动员13. fight fo

10、rward 右前锋14. left forward 左前峰15. fight guard 右后卫16. left guard 左后卫17. centre pivot 中锋18. leading player 主力队员19. team - mate 同队队员20. opponent 对方队员21. offensive player 进攻队员22. defensive player 防守队员23. guarded player 被防守着的队员24. unguarded player 无人防守的队员25. the player with the ball 有球队员26. tbe player wit

11、hout the ball 无球队员27. a player who controls the ball 控制球队员28. a player who does not control the ball 未控制球队员29. shooter 投篮队员30. a player in the act of shooting 做投篮动作的队员31. free - thrower 罚球队员32. jumper 跳球队员33. not - jumper 非跳球队员34. dribbler 运球队员35. the player raking the throw - in 掷界外球队员36. screener

12、掩护队员37. the pivot player 策应队员38. the player who is in the air 腾空队员39. injured player 受伤队员40. offending player 犯规队员41. chief of mission 团长42. team leader 领队43. masseur 男按摩师44. masseuse 女按摩师第五节第五节 裁判员工作方式与方法(裁判员工作方式与方法(way and method for referee )1. rule 规则2. provision 规定3. article 条文4. penalty 罚则5. c

13、omment 注解6. principle 原则7. standard 标准8. duty 职责9, right 权利l0. power 权力11. the mechanic of officiating 裁判法12. referee s manual 裁判员手册13. mechanics and officiating technique 裁判方法和技巧14.division of area 区域分工15. co operation 合作16, communication 联系联络17. inspect 检查18. approve 核准19. choose 选择20. observation

14、 观察21. path 途径22. position 位置23. distance 距离24. angle 角度25. direction 方向26. vision 视野27. move 移动28. judgment 判断29. decision 宣判30. penalize 处罚31. misjudge 错判32. indicate 表明33. designate 指定34. official s signal 裁判手势35. procedure for substitution 替换程序36. procedure to follow in case of protest 抗议程序37. s

15、ignal 信号38. forfeit 弃权39. warning 警告40.wait a minute 等一会儿41 .do not shout 不要呼喊42. time and place for decision 宣判的时间和地点43. calling of the foul 宣判犯规44. calling of the violation 宣判违例45. location of player and official 队员和裁判员的位置46. official disagree 裁判员意见不同47. approve the score 批准记录48. confirm the time

16、that remain to be played 确定比赛剩余时间49. blowing the whistle 鸣哨50. administering penalty 执行罚则51. take place 发生、举行52. reprimand 惩戒、谴责53. signature 签名54. please raise hand 请举手55. bad toss 抛球不好56. exchange the baskets 互换篮球57. held ball 争球58.duty and power- of the captain 队长的职责和权力59.time- out in case of injury 遇伤害事故中断比赛60. player leave the court 队员离场61.throw-in at the mid-court 中场掷界外球62. free throw is successfu



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