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1、1必修必修 1 1 Unit-Unit2Unit-Unit2 语言点语言点Unit 1 语言点1.add (v.) a) add sth. up / add sth. together b) add A to Bc) add to sth.: to increase 增加 d) add up to: to amount to 加起来等于; 总计(达) 2. point (v.) (n.) 1) mark, score 分数 2) (时间、空间的)点,时刻,地点3) opinion, view 观点、看法、要点 point of view, viewpoint, to the point4) 指

2、向 point to at , point out(to sb.) 3. upset. 1)(adj.) be upset at 2)(v.t.) upset sb. 4. concern 1) v.t. (一般不用进行时) Anything that concerns Fiona interests the girl. 涉及,关系到concern oneself withinabout sth. 从事,参与2) n. do sth. with concern 关心地做 express ones concern over对表示关注3) be concerned about 担心,关心= be

3、worried about= be interested in 4) be concerned for 担心5) a very concerned look 关注的表情 5. set down 放下 = put down set down 记下 = write down= take down = put down 6. go grow crazy 发疯,发傻 grow be crazy about 热爱,痴迷 do sth. like crazy 拼命地 干 7. dare “敢,胆敢”1)情态动词 多用于否定、疑问句,没有第三人称(dares), 只有一般现在时和一 般过去时:dare (n

4、ot) do sth2) 实义动词 (dont / doesnt / didnt ) dare to do sth在否定句或疑问句中, (dont / doesnt / didnt ) dare (to) do sth 8. put away “把放起来,把关起来;把放好”put away your books clothes9. in order to do = so as to do eg. He worked hard in order / so as to pass the maths exam.We left early in order to/ so as to catch the

5、 first bus. = We left early in order that / so that we could catch the first bus. 10. get along/on with sb. 与某人相处和谐 get along/on with sth. 进展 eg. He could not get along with anybody. She is getting along with her studies better this term. 11.face to face 面对面【做状语】 face-to-face【做定语】 类似:heart to heart

6、should to shoulder back to backUnit 2 语言点 1.include: (v.t.) 包括 contain: 包含 included: (adj.) (放在名词后) including: (prep.)(用于名词前) contain: 侧重包含的内容或成分 include: 侧重作为整体的一部分或要素 hold: 侧重指能盛、能容纳 2.more than one : 不止一个 语义上是复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数2More than one reads this English newspaper in the class.Both of them ar

7、e much more than schoolmates. They are close friends.They are more than glad to help.To me , she is more like a sister than a teacher. 3. role: play an important role in在中起重要作用as在中扮演角色 play the leading role 起带头作用play the role of sb. 在(剧中)扮演(某人的)角色 4. because of (介词短语) : thanks to, as a result of , d

8、ue to后接名词、代词、 宾语从句 Mother was angry because of what the boy did at school yesterday.because (连词)后接原因状语从句 5. even if : (conj.) = even though 即使,尽管 as if : 好象6. actually: adv = in fact/as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上 He looks stupid, but actually he is clever. 7.base sth on/upon sth 以为基础 He based his hope

9、s on the good news we had yesterday.This movie is based on facts. 8. present: adj:The present government has done a lot to protect animals. Were you present at the meeting? be present at be absent fromn: at present= at the present time 目前,现在 (gift)礼物 Here is a present for you. 9.只能修饰可数名词的:a large/ g

10、reat/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few 只能修饰不可数名词的: a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little, a large sum of 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的: plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of 10. one another/each other 区别都表示“相互,彼此” ,在句中作动词或介词的宾语,但不能作 主语。表示两个人或事物之间的相互关系

11、用 each other 表示三个或三个以上的人或事物之间的 相互关系时, 用 each other 或 one another 都可以。Tom and Mary looked at each other. The students send cards to one another/each other every year.学生们每年都相互寄卡片。 11. in the 1600s-在十七世纪in the 1600sin the 1960s-. 世纪年代 12. recognize (v.t.) 1) Dogs recognize people by their smell . 认出2)I

12、 recognized you right to ask that question. 承认3) David Beckam is recognized as one of the best football player in Britain. 被认为是 13. mid western southern (adj.)3South China 华南 the southern part of China 中国的南部 The Middle East 中东Unit 3 语言点 1. stubbon (adj.)1) a man 一个顽固的人 2)We are sure of achieving the

13、 study aim by and persistent hard work. 靠顽强和持久的努力我们一定能达成学习目标。3) The lock is rather ; it needs oiling. 这把锁很难开,需要上点油。 2. taxi bus air fare3. one-way (adj.): a one-way fare ticket street 4. transport: 1) (n.) air road transport 空 陆运means of transport 运输方法2) (v. t.) transport from to 从运送到 5. dream 1) (v

14、.i.) about / of doing sth. / n. 2) (n.) Joeys of becoming an artist has come true.(She has realized her of becoming an artist.) 3) (adj.) a car / house 6. cycle 1) (n.) The four seasons of the year make a .My is broken, so I shall have to walk home. the sunspot 太阳黑子的周期2) (v.i.) The workers d off hom

15、e after 5:30. 7. persuade (v.t.) (强调成功劝服) sb to do sth sb into doing sth ( c.f. try to sb to do advise sb to do ) sb not to do sth sb out of doing sth. e.g. 1) Though the doctor advised his patient to give up smoking, yet he wasnt able to her to do so. 2) How can I you of my sincerity? 3) c.f. suggest sth / (sbs) doing 建议(that) (should) do advise sb to do sth 劝告doing sth (that) (should) do sth. 8. insist (v.)1) on upon 坚持,要求,一定要I must on your giving me an answer as soon as possible.He ed upon a second message


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